Bought this ticket, plus the one right next to it, from a Tennessee season ticket holder who had them posted on Craigslist in Knoxville. I have them in hand. I'm in Austin. If you're anywhere near here I'd be happy to meet you in person. I initially thought these tickets might be in the student section, so I listed them as a pair, both here and on StubHub. I have since been told by the guy from whom I purchased them that they are not in the student section and that they've been in his family since 1953. With that in mind, I've now decided to use one of the tickets and sell the other. I have removed them from StubHub for now. The ticket is under the overhang and thus "in the dry," which is a big deal there. I think I'm being conservative by saying 35 yard line. The section goes from the 32 yard line to the 50 yard line.