Potential new transfer rules for FB and Bball


Sooner starter
Gold Member
Oct 15, 2017
Speculation is running rampant that the NCAA is considering removing the "sit out a year" penalty for transfers in the sports of football and basketball, for the first transfer only (graduate transfers would still have their free transfer as well). While there are plenty of potential pro's an con's to discuss, there's one Con that seems to be glaring to me and they better address it in the rules:

What would stop the likes of Alabama from "unofficially" recruiting all the top talent from lesser level schools, essentially gutting those lesser programs while keeping their own shelves fully stocked? This could quickly become a "rich get richer" scenario. The added benefit for Alabama would be getting proven college-level talent, vs. the riskier HS recruits. Hell, they could even stop recruiting HS talent and divert it all to recruiting transfers.

To stop this potential, I would hope the NCAA caps the # of incoming transfers a school could take to 2 or so.

There's also a rumor that the NCAA is considering a minimum GPA to be eligible for transfer. Seems arbitrary and unnecessary.
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