I think the following moves would be natural fits:
DU from MLB to DE (we lack pass rushers and he can naturally hold 260 pretty easily)
Stutsman from WLB to MLB (This allows Kanak to play a more natural position)
Kanak from MLB or Cheetah to WLB (His speed is perfect for weakside)
Key from Safety to Cheetah (He's a physical in the box safety with speed and coverage skills, could easily add 5-10 lbs and get to 220 if needed)
DU from MLB to DE (we lack pass rushers and he can naturally hold 260 pretty easily)
Stutsman from WLB to MLB (This allows Kanak to play a more natural position)
Kanak from MLB or Cheetah to WLB (His speed is perfect for weakside)
Key from Safety to Cheetah (He's a physical in the box safety with speed and coverage skills, could easily add 5-10 lbs and get to 220 if needed)