of all our old rivals, nebbie looked the worst until last night. that's when the cow-pie called miami football fell full splat in beautiful shreveport louisiana. the annual consolation prize/penalty that is the independence bowl featured local fave LaTech v former big-boy-on-the-block Miami, who was trying to complete another dismal season. despite coming in a pathetic 6-6 the canes were actually favored against the home turf, 9-3 boys from LT. well the UM defense played off their feet but the offense, despite throwing 3 different qb's into the mix, failed to get in the red zone and lost 14-0. not only do you finish with a losing record (grr) but you get shut out (Grrr) in the ugh independence bowl (barf) at the hands of perennial doormat La Tech (GRRRRR). we would be losing our collective big red minds. but think about it...that's nebraska, texas, fsu and miami out of the rankings, with former power usc reaping a recruiting class that rates last in the pac12. penthouse to outhouse can be a fast fall