OU women getting absolutely hosed in Seattle


Sooner starter
Oct 20, 2002
Plano, TX
Down only five at the end of the first quarter, but three players already have two fouls apiece, while Washington doesn't get one called when they knock the Sooners on the floor. It's sad to watch.
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Down 54-47 with some terrific shooting, but not being allowed to play any defense. Even Pam Ward, noted OU hater doing the PBP did a double take when Carter jumped up, grabbed a long rebound, got undercut and was called for being "on her back." Carter was carrying the team until she picked up her third foul in the second quarter. That while while four teammates, including both centers were watching with two fouls. Washington can play with flow and lots of contact that's not seen. I'm pretty pissed off, and quit watching. Surprised we're that close.

Pierre-Louis played three minutes, picked up two quick ones while being shoved around by a 300 pound girl on the post for UDub, and has not scored.
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The tenor of the game was decided by the first officiating call. Vivi took a step towards the basket, and Osahor stepped in front of her, with only her leg and hip, both of which were still in motion when Vivi encountered her. They called a charge on an obvious blocking foul. It never stopped.

We had beaten Washington two years in a row. In both years, they had Osahor and Plum. Two years ago, Plum scored 45 in Norman, but we won 90-80. Last year, Plum only scored thirty as we won by three in Seattle. So, we have beaten them at their best, but not with these officials to take us out of our game.

It also hurt that Maddie was still a bit hobbled. Last year, she was able to prevent Plum from being effective with drives all that much. This year, she was a step slow due to the knee.
Close to the worst homer officiating I've ever seen. Maybe the worst not involving Duke. We had players knocked on the floor with no call, then at the other end, get called for a touch.

SBI, these shouldn't be Pac 12 officials in the NCAA's. But there is a little discussed fact that is a big time factor in women's bb officiating.

Sybarite is dead on about the first call on Pierre-Loise. This 300 pound post for them,wouldn't go down if hit by some fullbacks, but threw her head back after Creating the little contact and got the call. She knocked OUr players on the floor a half dozen times, and it was never called. It was bad.

OU was bad too. But came to play and shot it well, but breathing was a foul on one end.
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How did Sheri handle herself ?
I think Sherri was Sherri. I did see something about a confrontation concerning the fans. It didn't relate to Sherri, but she seemed to be taking up for them. I didn't get what it was about.
How did Sheri handle herself ?

When Gioya Carter jumped up to grab a long rebound, then got undercut by a Husky defender who knocked her legs out from under her, and Carter got called for being on her back, Coale was rightly amazed and indignant. It was the kind of call, that if high school basketball official made it in a top game, he'd get to do a lot of JV games. But Sherri is used to it.

In women's college athletics, maybe basketball over anything else, a coach who is obviously straight, attractive and Christian is outside of the preferences of the politics of those in the sport at many levels, and especially officiating. As I said, she's used to it.
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She's a classy, very attractive coach but I'm afraid she will never get us to the one title that has alluded us...hope I'm wrong
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Enlightening to know that Coales' losses are because of non-Christian unattractive lesbian officials and not the result of a superior opponent.
Enlightening to know that Coales' losses are because of non-Christian unattractive lesbian officials and not the result of a superior opponent.

I didn't say that. But I officiated two decades of high school basketball. Lesbian coaches took care of lesbian officials, and vice versa. It's not with the same power from coaches at the college level, because they have little input into the process. But the practice is common and unfortunate.

It's not unlike the old days early in integration, when an all black high school team would play an all white team with two white guys with guts over their belt calling the game. It wasn't always fair. It some places, it wasn't usually fair.

I didn't say that her losses were because of that, though of course you took it to an extreme. But Sherri is in a minority as a woman coaching college athletics. And that sometimes impacts how games get called. You can deny it, but it happens. And given the NCAA's very left wing views of the world, especially as it's related to women's athletics, it's not likely to change anytime soon.
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In women's college athletics, maybe basketball over anything else, a coach who is obviously outside of the preferences of the politics of those in the sport at many levels, and especially officiating.

Seems like an outrageous statement at face value, but in reality, it probably isn't.

"Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman was huge,” Wiggins said. “I would say 98 percent of the women in the WNBA are gay women. It was a conformist type of place. There was a whole different set of rules they [the other players] could apply.”
No offense or disrespect, but I have seen a lot of women's
basketball and softball coaches and women's basketball
and softball refs I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley.
Whoa! As an atheist, my views are quite different from those of Sherri. As a liberal, I have no concern about the sexuality of players. How in the world did this enter into the discussion?
I strongly suspect that this has more to do with economics and conference politics than sexuality. We had several schools leave the Big Twelve over their concerns about Texas, and I don't think it concerned the sexuality of Texans. It was about influence and power. I'm pretty sure that Geno has the respect of officials, and I somehow doubt that he is lesbian. I think this discussion took a dive off the sanity boards, and there is no indication that anyone knows how to swim in the depths of whatever this is about.
I didn't say that. But I officiated two decades of high school basketball. Lesbian coaches took care of lesbian officials, and vice versa. It's not with the same power from coaches at the college level, because they have little input into the process. But the practice is common and unfortunate.

It's not unlike the old days early in integration, when an all black high school team would play an all white team with two white guys with guts over their belt calling the game. It wasn't always fair. It some places, it wasn't usually fair.

I didn't say that her losses were because of that, though of course you took it to an extreme. But Sherri is in a minority as a woman coaching college athletics. And that sometimes impacts how games get called. You can deny it, but it happens. And given the NCAA's very left wing views of the world, especially as it's related to women's athletics, it's not likely to change anytime soon.
I think the women's game is a bit of a "good ole girl" network, including both sexual "preferences".....and I agree with you, Plaino, that the officiating in the women's game is flawed, but not for the same reasons as you have.
I believe Pat Summitt's feud with Auriemma years ago was not really because of alleged recruiting violations involving Maya Moore, but more because Auriemma....a man....was "trespassing" into the ranks of women's basketball, and was kicking ass doing it and stealing Pat's thunder.
Summitt brought up Maya Moore being taken on a tour of the ESPN facilities while visiting UConn during her recruitment. That tour at the time was FREE to the public.
All Summitt would say is "He knows what he did" when she ended the Tennessee-UConn series because, as great a coach as she was, she believed she was bigger than the game itself. Ending the rivalry with UConn was a clear case of "biting your nose to spite your face" on Summitt's part and Tennessee hasn't been the same since.
Now, UConn schedules very tough non-conference games before the AAC season starts (FSU, ND, So. Car.,Texas, Baylor, Ohio State, Maryland and most years, Stanford)....and as far as ever playing Tennessee again, all Auriemma has said is "We've moved on. That ship has sailed".
Whoa! As an atheist, my views are quite different from those of Sherri. As a liberal, I have no concern about the sexuality of players. How in the world did this enter into the discussion?
I strongly suspect that this has more to do with economics and conference politics than sexuality. We had several schools leave the Big Twelve over their concerns about Texas, and I don't think it concerned the sexuality of Texans. It was about influence and power. I'm pretty sure that Geno has the respect of officials, and I somehow doubt that he is lesbian. I think this discussion took a dive off the sanity boards, and there is no indication that anyone knows how to swim in the depths of whatever this is about.

I often hold Plaino's opinions in high regard. In many ways he knows his stuff, is passionate and genuinely loves sports more than maybe anybody I know. But has a tendency, especially lately, to interject his Christian faith into situations where it has little to no regard to the topic at hand.

I try to tune the preaching out and focus on the sports in his opinion.
I think the women's game is a bit of a "good ole girl" network, including both sexual "preferences".....and I agree with you, Plaino, that the officiating in the women's game is flawed, but not for the same reasons as you have.
I believe Pat Summitt's feud with Auriemma years ago was not really because of alleged recruiting violations involving Maya Moore, but more because Auriemma....a man....was "trespassing" into the ranks of women's basketball, and was kicking ass doing it and stealing Pat's thunder.
Summitt brought up Maya Moore being taken on a tour of the ESPN facilities while visiting UConn during her recruitment. That tour at the time was FREE to the public.
All Summitt would say is "He knows what he did" when she ended the Tennessee-UConn series because, as great a coach as she was, she believed she was bigger than the game itself. Ending the rivalry with UConn was a clear case of "biting your nose to spite your face" on Summitt's part and Tennessee hasn't been the same since.
Now, UConn schedules very tough non-conference games before the AAC season starts (FSU, ND, So. Car.,Texas, Baylor, Ohio State, Maryland and most years, Stanford)....and as far as ever playing Tennessee again, all Auriemma has said is "We've moved on. That ship has sailed".
I doubt many UTenn fans would agree with you. But then you know more about Coach Summit than they do.
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While Pat may have had some cause (or not) for her perceived feud, it is also very probably that she was under the influence of her yet undetected illness at the time. I thought her demeanor did change a bit during the last few years.
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And yet UTenn women's basketball fans pretty much all think they it was because ESPN was providing recruiting inducements to UConn prospects. And we know that ESPN treats UConn like the home team for all of the tournament.

They can be up 70 points, and a close game at the same time, will get nothing but an occasional mention while homer announcers anoint UConn's staff, players and scorekeeper for how great they all are. I'd have said manager, but then all the Geno lovers would call me a homer.

ESPN sucks, but they are a powerful force in all sports, but ESPecially when they choose to put their clout behind a particular program. OU has incredible gymnastics on both sides, but I've never seen the men or women on ESPN that I recall. Last weekend was a perfect opportunity, but you had to pay some private gymnasitics specialty to watch the Big XII championship online.

ESPN promoted UConn women's hoops because they're both in Connecticut. THey promoted the thugs of Big East men's basketball for decades, because they could. They don't cover events. They try to, and succeed in influencing who wins and who loses. They choose whom to give great PR and whom to embarrass as often as possible.

Geno is a good coach. But without the ESPN women's juggernaut, they don't have as many titles. And Pat Summit got tired of the disadvantages. This didn't happen because she was losing mental power.
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I think you are off base there. ESPN has a contract with the SEC, and they are all about SEC.

Geno gets attention because he is good. I loved watching Wooden's teams, no matter how many titles they won. They won with the Alcindor team. But, they also won with Patterson at the post. He could use any style. Geno is similar. I love watching the fundamentals and execution of UConn. I don't envy them. I despise Baylor, and I would rather lose than be like Baylor. But, I would love to play like UConn and be competitive. They are something to emulate, as far as basketball is concerned. UConn doesn't win because they cheat. They win because they play outstanding fundamental basketball. They can lose Dell-Donne and still win four titles.

ESPN is crap. I still think they owe us a softball title.
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I doubt many UTenn fans would agree with you. But then you know more about Coach Summit than they do.
No Tennessee fan would agree with me, without question.
And what I know about Summitt, aside from that she was a great coach....and how to spell her name that she never specifically came forth with what she thought UConn/Auriemma did that was wrong and she ended the best rivalry in women's basketball (at that time) from existence.

ESPN has its faults.....aside from giving "Caitlyn" Jenner an award for "courage" (somehow "courage" has been redefined since the days of Normandy and Iwo Jima)...but its coverage of UConn basketball is understandable given UConn's incredible success, as much as its proximity to Bristol, Ct. No doubt it doesn't hurt UConn to be an hour away from ESPN, but Summitt's claim that it is an unfair advantage is weak, especially given her own success and legacy and Knoxville's great surroundings.
Personally, I don't require ESPN telling me how great a program Auriemma has after 22 seasons of watching his teams play. And it's okay with me if people hate UConn (or OU), but saying that UConn's success is due to ESPN is as wrong as it is unfair.
Connecticut, like all of New England, has its fan base tied much more into professional sports than college far....and the most popular college sport her is basketball. (Attempts by UConn's football program to achieve relevance have failed and not too many here care one way or the other, as long as they have their Patriots-Giants-Jets).
Auriemma took a program with no trademark, in a little town in a little state, in a sport that only a few other teams nationwide had any following and made it what it is today. His greatness has a coach created the monster, not ESPN.
Word has it that after Sampson left OU in 2006, it contacted Auriemma. That would have been interesting.....and disastrous for UConn's women's basketball.
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All of the ESPN haters have to remember that probably a majority of their viewers are casual sports fans, not die-hards like the kind that would populate an internet message forum.

Probably the largest demographic of their viewers on an hour-to-hour basis is the adult male that hates suffering through everything else available on TV, so they just leave a guaranteed sports something on while they go about their day. Viewers like this find more pleasure out of watching really good quality rather than a dogfight between Alcorn St and the Institute of Technical Teachings at Trinidad and Tobago.

Personally, I prefer watching UConn women romp some helpless gaggle of chicks because they put out a product that is closer to men's style of play. That's just like I prefer NBA over men's college ball, because the quality of play is exorbitantly better; night and day. Yeah, pro sports may not have much moral authority, questionable effort and even more questionable officiating, but those athletes make college athletes look like kindergartners trying to play freeze tag. It's like art. If you have no vested interest in a product, you're going to much rather watch the superior product.

And of course every ESPN journalist is dipping their feet in opinions. Name a current generation broadcaster that is on top of the game by just talking sports. The closest that comes to mind is Joe Buck, and even he's not infallible.
Opinions are where the real money is.
Good post, JCon.
My TV viewing is confined to old movies, baseball, college football, UConn women's basketball, documentaries and weather forecasts. In my old age of 68, I have decided to "circle the wagons" and discard all that is BS to me.....and that's not just about what I watch on TV.
I discount the news networks as journalism and I group all the networks, including "Faux News", into the same category as CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC. It's all propaganda intended to divide us across racial, gender, religious, economic and nationality lines. Sadly, it's working well. We are hardly a "united" States.
Think about it: Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulture, Rush Limbaugh....among others....are telling us what's going on from the Right.
Rachel Maddow, Laurence O'Donnell, Chris Mathews, Chris Hayes and Erin Burnett....among the same from the Left.
None of these ego maniacal idiots are credible to me.
Political discussions on the networks are akin to having intelligent, analytical discussions about professional wrestling, dwarf throwing and tractor pulls. We now have a game show host as president, who ran against a very dirty and corrupt career politician to win the election last November. The "choice" of the century.
No Tennessee fan would agree with me, without question.
And what I know about Summitt, aside from that she was a great coach....and how to spell her name that she never specifically came forth with what she thought UConn/Auriemma did that was wrong and she ended the best rivalry in women's basketball (at that time) from existence.

ESPN has its faults.....aside from giving "Caitlyn" Jenner an award for "courage" (somehow "courage" has been redefined since the days of Normandy and Iwo Jima)...but its coverage of UConn basketball is understandable given UConn's incredible success, as much as its proximity to Bristol, Ct. No doubt it doesn't hurt UConn to be an hour away from ESPN, but Summitt's claim that it is an unfair advantage is weak, especially given her own success and legacy and Knoxville's great surroundings.
Personally, I don't require ESPN telling me how great a program Auriemma has after 22 seasons of watching his teams play. And it's okay with me if people hate UConn (or OU), but saying that UConn's success is due to ESPN is as wrong as it is unfair.
Connecticut, like all of New England, has its fan base tied much more into professional sports than college far....and the most popular college sport her is basketball. (Attempts by UConn's football program to achieve relevance have failed and not too many here care one way or the other, as long as they have their Patriots-Giants-Jets).
Auriemma took a program with no trademark, in a little town in a little state, in a sport that only a few other teams nationwide had any following and made it what it is today. His greatness has a coach created the monster, not ESPN.
Word has it that after Sampson left OU in 2006, it contacted Auriemma. That would have been interesting.....and disastrous for UConn's women's basketball.
The level of support that a program has is often exhibited by simple things. In today's world, a good part is message boards. The difference in message boards between various schools is a strong indicator.

The most negative message boards associated with OU (other than political) are basketball boards. Even when OU is in a Final Four run, as they men were last year, at least a third of the posts tend to be criticisms, usually by the same posters over and over. This year, they are in their element, complete negativity in an "I told you so" mode. Similarly, even when OU went to two straight Final Fours, the women's board had a handful of consistent critics who just seemed to hate Sherri or one or two players. The constant complaints that Courtney Paris was fat permeated the basketball boards. If Sherri had control of the team, Courtney wouldn't have been fat, and we would have won titles. The negativity associated with the basketball boards is unlike that which you usually see on college message boards, which usually tend to attack opponents.

The Summit tends to be the most rabid supporters of any of the message boards, The posters aren't so much fans as frenzied fanatics as though piranha at feeding time. They support all things Tennessee and hate the enemy, at least as long as Pat Summit was alive. They are supportive. Negative comments are typically met with a ban, especially if not an established member of the fanatics.

The best of the various college message boards is The Boneyard, the board of Connecticut. It is supportive of men's and women's basketball and tends to be very knowledgeable about the team. They seem to welcome posters from other schools as long as they aren't there to start a war. The boards are very active, as active as an OU football board, and very informed, more like an OU football board.

There are other college message boards concerning basketball, and most are positive about their team. Traffic tends to be lower than that of football boards. But, it is interesting that the intelligence of the posts tends to correlate with the success of the team.

When I want to see an intelligent discussion of an issue involving basketball, I tend to go to The Boneyard. There is some good stuff on OU basketball boards, but there is also a lot of very non-supportive crap.
The most negative message boards associated with OU (other than political) are basketball boards. Even when OU is in a Final Four run, as they men were last year, at least a third of the posts tend to be criticisms, usually by the same posters over and over.

I think that's more the thought process of a football fan vs a basketball fan. In college basketball, it's easy to find someone to hate on any specific team and a reason they can't succeed. College b-ball can be dominated by a single player. He can be surrounded by mediocrity and still elevate his team to the highest levels. If you're strictly a football fan, you may not get that. When you watch college b-ball, you'll be confused how a team can have so much optimism considering the number of glaring holes on the team. You might not understand that one elite player can just take the game by the balls and make it his own.

Basketball fans know that you're not looking for stars at every position. You're looking for the right guys that can complement your one star.

Football is very different. Holes can and will be exploited. You have to have a complete team with skilled players at every position. A star QB is hampered by hard-handed receivers and pummeled by lack of protection. An elite DE can't get to a QB that only needs 0.25s to throw into a porous secondary. An AA linebacker can't stop a runner that is let through without pause by weak DTs.

So as a football fan, you're continually evaluating every position. Every weakness is a problem. If you watch basketball with this mindset, you're always going to be disappointed. Sure some basketball teams look complete when you have a superstar making the others look great, but once you remove those stars, how come those great role players always turn into league scrubs? It happens every year. The NBA championship team always has 2 or 3 league-minimum players that look like stars in the making, and they always get offered big contracts in the off-season to go to a new team, and then they always go back to looking like league-minimum players. Every. freaking. year.
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