Very compelling story and a completely different type of show/documentary than what is mostly shown on TV these days. Highly recommend it. It's on Netflix.
I just view it as another TV show. My point is it is very entertaining and also thought provoking. Better TV than Golden Globes ala award shows, Debates and Talent shows.
Debates and rebates are tough on he who masturbates. Right fitty?
I suppose...uh, OK.
Just messing with you man. You can take it, unlike many wusses on here. Why has this board gotten so pussified?
I've seen the thread over on the pay board. It must be a pretty interesting show considering how the discussion in that thread is going. Lol With any show on TV though, I would be concerned over what info the show is NOT telling you and conveniently leaving out???
"I was gonna masturbate the other night, but my hand told me it had a headache....." --- Gabe Kaplan imitating Rodney DangerfieldClassic Rodney Dangerfield..."The first time I had sex I was terrified. Scared to death...I was all alone!".
The Netflix series was quite an eye opener. The series was the topic of Dr Phil yesterday and the 2nd part is today. Nancy Grace made a fool of herself on her taped interview. She got mad and did her fake crying for the girl who was murdered. Their was evidence not in the show that makes him sound likely to be the murderer. I'm thinking like Dr Phil the nephew Brennan was interviewed improperly because he's mentally challenged and the Detective's leading questions. Guilt is very likely but they didn't get a fair trial. You should watch it if you have Netflix.