1. I did like Norman.
2. I rather like Austin. Good barbeque in the area. I've always enjoyed it.
3. Lubbock is pretty good for steak and ribs. Kind of laid back with few of the bad attitudes of Texans.
4. There is good steak at the stockyards. Some good German food near downtown. Sleepy for a big town, and it is a town instead of a city..
5. OK---throw Ames, Stillwater, Lawrence, Manhattan into a hopper. Some nice features about each. But,each seems to have an aura of a future ghost town.
9. Morgantown has some beautiful scenery which they had to mess up by putting a town there. It wasn't worth cutting down the trees.
10. I still think Koresh built a compound to keep the people of Waco out. I would.