Nila Kasitati combine numbers


OU scholarship offer
Dec 16, 2013
12 Reps of 225lbs on the bench press - Best Reps for comparison OL (34)
1st 40 yard dash time 5.30 sec - Best time at combine for comparison OL (4.98)
Could help explain some of the challenges we had in the OL this year with creating holes against more physical teams
He must have an injury or something that isn't being reported in the media going into his rep test. Maybe he is getting shoulder or elbow issues when pushing heavy weight?? I just can't imagine a 300lb lineman that can only get 12 reps of 225. I need to see if there is something about it on the pay board.
Awful. OU lineman never seem to do great on bench, focus is elsewhere, but 12 is just bad.

Hell Im an old man and can do 20

So you bench like 360-380 max? Impressive, but I'm going to need to see a video. Hold up a sooner hat in your right hand and today's wallstreet journal in your prove it's you. Thanks in advance.
Awful. OU lineman never seem to do great on bench, focus is elsewhere, but 12 is just bad.

So you bench like 360-380 max? Impressive, but I'm going to need to see a video. Hold up a sooner hat in your right hand and today's wallstreet journal in your prove it's you. Thanks in advance.
405 while in college, now more like 365.
405 while in college, now more like 365.
