"NFL's favorability is plummeting"....


Sooner starter
Sep 20, 2001
Portland Ct.
according to Fox News poll.
Since 2013, the league's favorable rating has dropped 18 points and now 46% of the voters have a positive view and 41% view it negatively.
Personally, I find NFL football unwatchable.
The lengthy, TV-loves-it, all-about-me routines after every TD, sack, interception or other big play has turned me away. To make matters worst, such behavior has spilled over into college and high school ball.
The post-play showboating resembles "professional" wrestling, which is a bogus sport.
The NFL, the networks and even the coaches regard these adolescent "how-great-I-art" routines as part of the game....or as "spontaneous fun".....while the football gurus try to dazzle us with terms like tackling "in space" or having a "vertical presence".
The sport has become a test of our better senses.
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With anti-trust laws in their favor, and government subsidizing their buildings, the NFL has a long way to go before they are financially hurt. Sponsors haven't left them. And from what I'm hearing, the Cubs first ever World Series TV ratings barely rivaled the NFL last year.
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With anti-trust laws in their favor, and government subsidizing their buildings, the NFL has a long way to go before they are financially hurt. Sponsors haven't left them. And from what I'm hearing, the Cubs first ever World Series TV ratings barely rivaled the NFL last year.
All of which doesn’t keep the NFL from being a boring bunch of BS.
according to Fox News poll.
Since 2013, the league's favorable rating has dropped 18 points and now 46% of the voters have a positive view and 41% view it negatively.
Personally, I find NFL football unwatchable.
The lengthy, TV-loves-it, all-about-me routines after every TD, sack, interception or other big play has turned me away. To make matters worst, such behavior has spilled over into college and high school ball.
The post-play showboating resembles "professional" wrestling, which is a bogus sport.
The NFL, the networks and even the coaches regard these adolescent "how-great-I-art" routines as part of the game....or as "spontaneous fun".....while the football gurus try to dazzle us with terms like tackling "in space" or having a "vertical presence".
The sport has become a test of our better senses.

But, but, CT. Where would we be without the expert poster analyst who have learned all they know from watching and listening to football broadcast over the past 20 years? :cool:
I had to stop reading at "Fox News." ;)

Fox is just like CNN and MSNBC....slanted. But Fox claims to be fair and balanced (LMAO) while the others don’t even suggest such. What a crock of BS viewers have to pick from. Worst network news and commentary in the history of television, and it isn’t even close. Simply a gaggle of assholes and bimbos broadcasting their slanted yellow journalism. A big part of what is wrong in America today.
I tend to favor Fox a bit more than the others. Mainly because... for example, MCNBC & CNN do absolutely nothing but blast Trump. Anything and everything. They've become nothing but anti-Trump channels. Fox on the other hand will play to their base but many of the anchors will blast Trump as well. But bottom line none of them are worthy of my full time loyalty.
As far as covering sports, Fox does well.
And if you can't watch or read Fox, does that mean you absorb the other networks' BS ?

See what WNAS and Oklabama said. Fox is as no more or less credible as CNN or MSNBC. I take what they all say with a HUGE grain of salt and consider the source when they are reporting their "news." There are other sources out there that are not as slanted or opinion-driven like the three I mentioned.
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See what WNAS and Oklabama said. Fox is as no more or less credible as CNN or MSNBC. I take what they all say with a HUGE grain of salt and consider the source when they are reporting their "news." There are other sources out there that are not as slanted or opinion-driven like the three I mentioned.

Schoonerman, glad to hear from you again. I’ve missed your postings. What other sources are you referring to? Are they on cable or are you talking about social media? I very interested. I’m a free thinker and would listen to any one that doesn’t have a strong one sided agenda but really don’t that’s possible today. Thanks.
Personally I haven't watched the NFL in years.Tom Landry,Chuck Noll,Bud Grant would all be appalled at what the game has become.The way the players act like now is akin to children not men.I know this sounds like a "Get off my lawn"rant but it is starting to show up in all demographics and I refuse to watch for several reasons.The NFL thinks they are Teflon but they might want to re-think that.Some of the people they have promoting the game are not who I would want to be the face of MY league.
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Fox is just like CNN and MSNBC....slanted. But Fox claims to be fair and balanced (LMAO) while the others don’t even suggest such. What a crock of BS viewers have to pick from. Worst network news and commentary in the history of television, and it isn’t even close. Simply a gaggle of assholes and bimbos broadcasting their slanted yellow journalism. A big part of what is wrong in America today.
One of the better posts I have read here.
A network (Fox) that played such a big part of pimping the Iraqi "war" and the resulting Middle East quagmire that will last forever and attacking the patriotism of those who opposed it....while blindly supporting one of America's worst presidents....turned me away from all the media.
Now idiots like Maddow, Mathews and O'Donnell from the left and Limbaugh, Hannity and Couture from the right are "interpreting" the news and dividing us further apart, while distracting us from issues that matter.
This political climate is not good for moderates, free thinkers or Libertarians who can't buy into the BS of the right or the left.
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I like Fox. Only ones not spewing fake news and liberal agendas. For your info the majority of America agrees so that puts you in the minority. That’s why we voted for Trump. President Trump will go down as a greater president then the last two.

God bless the USA!
One of the better posts I have read here.
A network (Fox) that played such a big part of pimping the Iraqi "war" and the resulting Middle East quagmire that will last forever and attacking the patriotism of those who opposed it....while blindly supporting one of America's worst presidents....turned me away from all the media.
Now idiots like Maddow, Mathews and O'Donnell from the left and Limbaugh, Hannity and Couture from the right are "interpreting" the news and dividing us further apart, while distracting us from issues that matter.
This political climate is not good for moderates, free thinkers or Libertarians who can't buy into the BS of the right or the left.

Unfortunately for many who seek “informative” news that ABC, CBS and NBC simply don’t provide due to time restraints, cable news, and I use that term loosely, is the only place to go to get and see what’s happening in the background. Too bad there isn’t a choice that simply provides the event without the clearly opinionated, slanted and typically unsubstantiated facts aimed at serving a liberal or conservative agenda. CT, your post spoke to my concerns and disappoints toward Trump. I hate to think what the 2020 election will give our nation. I fear another “no choice” election.
I like Fox. Only ones not spewing fake news and liberal agendas. For your info the majority of America agrees so that puts you in the minority. That’s why we voted for Trump. President Trump will go down as a greater president then the last two.

God bless the USA!
Agree somewhat.
But Hillary's defeat was on her, not because Trump was viewed as a great statesman and because he represented being an outsider. And I woke up the morning after the election very happy to see her defeated, but with reservations about the future.
Hillary represented too much of what politics is about these days. She deserves to be politically finished. Unfortunately, her minions in the media, Hollywood and Congress have made it their sole resolve to sabotage any and every move made by Trump, rather serving Americans. This will be hard, maybe impossible, to overcome by Trump.
Trump may not represent either party, but if he accomplishes conservative measures such as limited government, fiscal responsibility and non-intervention in the affairs of other countries, that's good enough for me.
As for providing "fake news", all networks are guilty. News is no longer's interpreted.
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Personally I haven't watched the NFL in years.Tom Landry,Chuck Noll,Bud Grant would all be appalled at what the game has become.The way the players act like now is akin to children not men.I know this sounds like a "Get off my lawn"rant but it is starting to show up in all demographics and I refuse to watch for several reasons.The NFL thinks they are Teflon but they might want to re-think that.Some of the people they have promoting the game are not who I would want to be the face of MY league.

I’m feel the same way. But it’s really just that I’m not interested anymore. After decades of never missing NFL Sunday's and MNF, which gave me company all those Monday nights that I traveled, I became less interested as a result of the player’s strike in the ‘80’s coupled with everything that has gone on since then with pompous owners, coaches and never satisfied millionaire players. I realize my age is a contributing factor. I just don’t have the patience for all the BS.
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Unfortunately for many who seek “informative” news that ABC, CBS and NBC simply don’t provide due to time restraints, cable news, and I use that term loosely, is the only place to go to get and see what’s happening in the background. Too bad there isn’t a choice that simply provides the event without the clearly opinionated, slanted and typically unsubstantiated facts aimed at serving a liberal or conservative agenda. CT, your post spoke to my concerns and disappoints toward Trump. I hate to think what the 2020 election will give our nation. I fear another “no choice” election.
I'm much more of a conservative, but since Reagan, I do not feel the GOP represents true conservatism. Under Bush-2 the size of government increased and yet another reckless, costly and undeclared war (like that of Vietnam) was initiated as the neocons took over the Republican Party. And under Bush-2 and Obama, the national debt tripled.
The older I get, the more my desire is to "circle the wagons" and live in recluse....while all the insanity in the world runs amuck.
I'm much more of a conservative, but since Reagan, I do not feel the GOP represents true conservatism. Under Bush-2 the size of government increased and yet another reckless, costly and undeclared war (like that of Vietnam) was initiated as the neocons took over the Republican Party. And under Bush-2 and Obama, the national debt tripled.
The older I get, the more my desire is to "circle the wagons" and live in recluse....while all the insanity in the world runs amuck.

I’ve been a registered conversative for life yet have not always voted for the GOP candidate and never voted you can probably guess who I voted for when I went against the GOP. I didn’t vote for either candidate this last election. My non vote didn’t matter because Oklahoma will ALWAYS carry the Republican candidate regardless who is on the ticket. Like you, I’m inclined to just turn away. Trump’s election was a surprise, but I was hopeful that he would prove me wrong and was relieved that Hillary lost. Actually, thrilled! Yet now Trump has proven beyond a doubt to be a liar and a f***ing jerk, and unworthy to be the leader of our country. I don’t understand how anyone can overlook this guy’s insecurities that may lead to recklessness and inabilities in accomplishing the goods things for the country that his promised. I am now a registered Independent. It does not matter because it will be zero impact except I feel better.
I’ve been a registered conversative for life yet have not always voted for the GOP candidate and never voted you can probably guess who I voted for when I went against the GOP. I didn’t vote for either candidate this last election. My non vote didn’t matter because Oklahoma will ALWAYS carry the Republican candidate regardless who is on the ticket. Like you, I’m inclined to just turn away. Trump’s election was a surprise, but I was hopeful that he would prove me wrong and was relieved that Hillary lost. Actually, thrilled! Yet now Trump has proven beyond a doubt to be a liar and a f***ing jerk, and unworthy to be the leader of our country. I don’t understand how anyone can overlook this guy’s insecurities that may lead to recklessness and inabilities in accomplishing the goods things for the country that his promised. I am now a registered Independent. It does not matter because it will be zero impact except I feel better.
Our views seem identical.
I did not vote last November either for the first time in my life, given the "choices". Plus, Connecticut will always be a "blue" state just as Oklahoma and Texas will always be "red" states. And I do not believe that voting for "the lesser of two evils" is what responsible voting should entail.
As for Trump, because of the stench of Hillary, he won. The people who seemingly worship her don't get it and even with Trump's issues, she deserved (and needed) to lose the election. She is not a good person.
Ron Paul, when he ran, won every debate hands down but was ignored by all the media: Fox News because he was not a neocon and the liberal media because he represented both a conservative and Libertarian doctrine, both of which violate the nanny state views of liberals. On one occasion, Fox listed where each candidate finished in one of the debates and while listing every candidate, left the number two spot and Ron Paul out. WTF ?? How can Fox be considered "fair and balanced"?
My reservations of Trump aside, this is a president who may not have any success given the hatred of him, unlike any president in history. He's been painted into a corner by both his own doing and the hysterics of the Left.
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I like Fox. Only ones not spewing fake news and liberal agendas. For your info the majority of America agrees so that puts you in the minority. That’s why we voted for Trump. President Trump will go down as a greater president then the last two.

God bless the USA!

I will say that FOX was the ONLY main stream media from network to print that did not buy into the whole Russian-Trump collusion crap that has been proven to be not true. In fact, it's been now proven that the complete opposite was in play. Yet, none of these networks and major print medias are reporting the news Russian connections. So yes... it's all agenda driven.

And CT.... FOX only filled a void when they came on board. It is why their ratings soared. American voters wanted a different viewpoint and FOX filled it. They did not create it. As such, the entire network news industry was turned upside down and lined up the Maddows to compete. She, like Hannity only exist be cause there are people that want her/him to feed them crap.
He's been painted into a corner by both his own doing and the hysterics of the Left.

In my opinion, he's been painted in the corner by those that he beat. Both parties. Look, the so called Republican Party owns both houses and the Whitehouse but they will NOT align with him because he kicked their asses. Trump has beaten each and every foe and/or organization that has confronted him. From 17 wannabe Republican Presidents & Hillary to the NFL & now he's even punked Eminem.

History will show that during Trump's first term, he had NO political party supporting him.
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I had to stop reading at "Fox News." ;)

Schoonerman, welcome back!

I know that while we almost always agree on sports issues, our political views are generally divergent. In that light, I would ask you the news sources you use? Frankly, I'm skeptical of all of them even though I'm conservative on most political topics. I watch CNN, Fox, and even MSNBC. My thought process is, since they're all biased, the truth has to fall somewhere in between. While I usually disagree (often infuriatingly so) with the political statements of CNN, MSNBC, and even ESPN, I figure that if my opinions can't withstand the scrutiny of opposing viewpoints perhaps I need to reexamine them.

In the immortal words of Evelyn Beatrice Hall--paraphrasing Voltaire--although "I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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The last eight years saw black America poverty go up, black on black crime at all time records and black home ownership down. My sources are the U. S. Census Bureau, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Obama gave us Trump and CNN gave us Fox News. WhyNotaSooner gets it.
Clearly, Fox was spawned from the excessively liberal mainstream media and filled a void that never have had to be filled had broadcast journalism not turned into liberal propaganda.
But now, is one form of extremism really an option over another form ?
I admit that Fox News has more of a slant to what I prefer, especially in view of the fact that it allows some libertarians a platform....Stossel, Kennedy, etc. I just dislike the types like Hannity, O'Brien and Limbaugh. Patrick Buchanan is my preference.
Limbaugh is not nor never has been on Fox. But his success on radio was the blueprint for the founders of Fox News. I remember Limbaugh back as early as 1989 I believe. He had a huge following even then. Hell his following was so big, so large by 2003 that ESPN brought him on board as an analyst just to capture his following. Of course they couldn't handle his type of FREE SPEECH.

See how I brought this full circle. Rush gets fired by employer & w/ Kapernick it's his 1st amendment right. ;)
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Limbaugh is not nor never has been on Fox. But his success on radio was the blueprint for the founders of FOX TV. I remember Limbaugh back as early as 1989 I believe. He had a huge following even then. Hell his following was so big, so large by 2003 that ESPN brought him on board as an analyst just to capture his following. Of course they couldn't handle his type of FREE SPEECH.

See how I brought this full circle. Rush gets fired by employer & w/ Kapernick it's his 1st amendment right. ;)

Nice touch, WNAS. And this thread should get back on track. I’m guilty.
Limbaugh is not nor never has been on Fox. But his success on radio was the blueprint for the founders of FOX TV. I remember Limbaugh back as early as 1989 I believe. He had a huge following even then. Hell his following was so big, so large by 2003 that ESPN brought him on board as an analyst just to capture his following. Of course they couldn't handle his type of FREE SPEECH.

See how I brought this full circle. Rush gets fired by employer & w/ Kapernick it's his 1st amendment right. ;)
Why then does Fox occasionally show clips of Limbaugh speaking on his radio show ?
Why then does Fox occasionally show clips of Limbaugh speaking on his radio show ?

I suspect because what he says still means something in the world of conservatism. They show video shots of many on the left as well but generally to incriminate them.
I rest my case. Limbaugh IS and HAS BEEN on Fox.

OK it's rested for all I care CT but Rush has never had his own show/program or has been a regular as a paid spokesperson of any show on FOX. He is one of hundreds of thousands that have been shown & interviewed.
OK it's rested for all I care CT but Rush has never had his own show/program or has been a regular as a paid spokesperson of any show on FOX. He is one of hundreds of thousands that have been shown & interviewed.
Agree....never said that he had his spot on Fox.