Rock and hard place. If all of the African American players are buying into the leadership of a non football related activist group, then he has a major major problem.
I know it was a different time, but I coached a little with a guy who played at Wyoming in the late 60s when the African American players did something similar his senior year. Their coach dismissed them from the team and it changed his senior year, the coach's career and Wyoming football for a long time.
I've attached an article about it. But one of the black athletes that had left the program was a stud player who ended up playing for the Dallas Cowboys, and was a head coach in the same league we were coaching in. This was 30 years later and the guy was still angry at those guys who in his view, wrecked his senior year.
And let's be realistic. Wyoming could still field a team missing what came to be known as Wyoming 14. Mizzou couldn't possibly do that. By the same token, the university has a very difficult task ahead. If they let a group with a pretty extreme agenda, dictate to them who they have to fire or hire, then a precedent is set that is a big big future problem.
I know NOTHING, zero about the specifics that are being complained about here. I don't know what the justification is or not. But whoever you are, dictating to the university what they MUST do, or have players on scholarship across the athletic spectrum refuse to play, wrecking whole teams in the process, is in my view wrong.
A very difficult week ahead, and month ahead for Mizzou. It could have long term ramifications.
I'd encourage anyone to read the attached article. Wyoming football really never recovered. Rash decisions are not a good idea.