Brace yourselves Sooners. Looks like the video of Joe Mixon punching the female student is about to released to the public.
From a legal stand point, I'm curious as to how a government's court, be it local, state, or federal can remove the ownership title of an item that is privately owned. In this case the video. Then claim the video to be used for public consumption. Strange. Perhaps, the owner of the video has wanted to share the video publicly all along, only to be stopped by Mixon's attorneys. So they (the owner) sued & finally won the right to do with the video as they wish.
I don't blame OU admin, Stoops or the such for this tragic event. They dealt with this straight up, kick the kid off the team for a full year. Having curfews on incoming freshmen over this one strange unique case is not the way to handle this going forward. From Frshmen to Senoirs, they are all team and should all have equal discipline. There have been hundreds, thousands of freshmen that have never face clocked a female before this. And I'm thinking that OU will have hundreds more come through without ever having issues like this repeat.
OU will survive, as will Mixon. Through the eyes of quite a few, the video might just exonerate Mixon in that he was provoked. I hope he keeps his head down... again and uses this to once again focus his energies and has a huge year for OU.