Why are you fans so hell bent on hoping the tape will never be shown? Would you really be praying so hard to shield criticism from a guy that severely hurt your daughter? Just a yes or no.
Bonghorn Crazy, you are missing something here. Joe Mixon isn't the one fighting the release of the tape. It is the female Molitor that is fighting the release of the tape.
She, Molitor's lawyers filed in the California court and in both cases here in Oklahoma to stop the tape from being released. Molitor has also claimed she did nothing to create the confrontation between herself and Mixon. So, if she is this All-American girl she wants to portray, then why is she fighting the release of the tape that will show her as the innocent thing that has nothing to hide.
There is more to this than has ever been released. I believe there is more than one tape of this incident out there. I think there is likely a tape that shows part of the altercation between Molitor and Mixon. And, I think there is a tape out there that shows the whole incident. What was first reported on this is that she was drunk/drugged up and staggering and accosted Mixon. At some point in the altercation, she called him the "N" word and slapped him hard and Mixon retaliated in kind.
You have to ask yourself this question. If the tape shows her to be the innocent All American girl why does she want the tapes to be buried, burned and never made public?
We also know that the Cleveland County DA didn't charge Mixon with felony assault. He said that he didn't want to charge Mixon with felony assault because he would have had to file the same charges against her. So, he did the misdemeanor charge and gave Mixon the chance to plead with no admitting guilt.
So, Molitor's case has been denied by the Oklahoma Federal Judge who heard her lawsuit against Mixon. Immediately following that decision Mixon made a public apology. So, it is likely that was the settlement of the case and Molitor will just go away.
It is her lawyers now who are fighting the release of the tape.
My opinion is that she and her lawyers are fighting the release of the tape as they want her to be able to remain the innocent victim and the All American girl image that she has portrayed during this whole deal.
If you are willing to be honest you, nor any one else can come to any other conclusion as to why they are fighting the release of the case, except to protect her image as she has portrayed it..