Mixon and the Teen Brain


Sooner commitment
Gold Member
May 4, 2010
This question for all the self righteous and sanctimonious people who are so quick to condemn Joe Mixon and criticize Bob Stoops for keeping him in the program. When you were a teenager did your Mom or Dad ever ask you what the hell you were thinking or what in the hell did you think you were doing? The point is 18 year old Joe Mixon wasn't thinking.

It is not uncommon at all for teens, because of their immature brains, to act irrationally and impulsively in emotional situations. They don't process and evaluate a situation in terms of what consequences might I incur if I take this action. Research by neuroscientist has shown that teens rely on a part of the brain called amygdala which leads to impulsivity and risk taking behavior. The frontal cortex, the region which controls rational thinking and planning does not take over until early adulthood. I think in some people it never takes over, but that is another discussion.

Mixon was pushed, slapped, and allegedly called the "N" word. And his reaction to an emotionally charged situation was that of an impulsive, irrational teenager. What he did was WRONG. However, considering his age and the circumstances involved, it was certainly understandable. Had he been kicked out of the program, he could have transferred to another school and red shirted. He would have been able to practice but not play in games. I don't think some people realize that suspending Mixon at OU meant he could not participate in any football activities, including attending games at the stadium. To discard Mixon would have been the easy thing for Stoops to do. It was a tough decision to keep him but it was in my opinion the right decision. And I guarantee you that I would feel the same way if he were player at another school.

So all you saintly people who can say with absolute certainty that at 18 years of age that you, under identical circumstances, would not have reacted as Joe Mixon did, Go ahead and judge away.
We make these kids celebrities before they ever graduate high school. Recruiting sites fuel fanaticism of these kids (not saying that is bad), they get bombarded by fans on social media, and they are larger than life as soon as they hit campus. Then we sit back and wonder why they seem entitled. We wonder why a coach would keep someone like Mixon in the program. Well, if I'm being honest, we as fans sometimes help break them, so I reckon a guy like Bob should be focused on fixing them.

I have no idea what Mixon's childhood was like. I don't know if he was the victim of racism. I hear I'm supposed to have white guilt because I don't share the same life experiences as a black person. I get that. I don't understand why kids become gang bangers, I don't get why they grow up without dads, and I don't get some of the very poor choices they make. But I don't have to get it. I just have to understand that I don't get it and that I should do everything in my personal power to help and ensure I'm not part of their problem.

With all of that said, does none of this apply to Joe Mixon because he's a football player? Has that become his only identity? Does all of the other stuff that went into 18 years of Mixon suddenly not count?

I'd get the continued outrage if Mixon hit her without any provocation. But as the video clearly shows, that isn't the case. Two people were involved, they both made mistakes, and they've paid for those mistakes. I think it's completely disgusting that the media has chased this video for 3 years just so they can write the OH MY GOD hit pieces they were largely deprived of in 2014. Mixon and Molitor get a rehash of their shit rations. Why? For clicks and views. Neither one of them deserve this shit and that's why their attorneys fought the release. Outstanding job media. Really outstanding.
Actually, the real story is or will become "was Mixon given a break because of his talent". If he had been a walk-on, 3* RS Jr. that had never seen the field and wasn't likely to ever play, or one of the equipment managers......would Bob, Joe and Boren made the same decision? We will never know.
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No, and that's the point. He wasn't. I agree with everything you posted, but Joe Mixon will leave soon and Bob will have this hanging over his head probably forever. No one can dispute that. That's not good.
No, and that's the point. He wasn't. I agree with everything you posted, but Joe Mixon will leave soon and Bob will have this hanging over his head probably forever. No one can dispute that. That's not good.
What is hanging over his head? The fact that he gave Mixon another chance? It's not like Bob told us Mixon kissed her on the cheek and then the video shows otherwise. The media is simply rehashing the same hit piece bullshit they put out in 2014 except now with a video to click on.

It's been 3 years since OU's decision. Mixon appears to have played by the rules and Stoops hasn't eaten puppies on TV. I don't care what some "journalist" thinks and I'll bet Joe C and Boren aren't sweating it either.

My stance might be subject to change if they start deducting money from my bank account for continuing to support the college I attended.
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Both Mixon and Molitor screwed up. Both of them know it and both regret what happened.
He allegedly made a homophobic slur to Molitor's friend and she allegedly retaliated with a racial slur, a shove and a slap to Mixon.
The division (blame game) that has erupted on this board has really taken our eyes off the ball to what is at stake RIGHT NOW.
Because of both person's mistake, it is Oklahoma University that will endure the longest repercussion.
Mixon will have a pro career. The NFL will come calling, maybe not on draft day, but eventually.
Molitor can finish her degree and go on with her life....although it might serve her well not to live in Oklahoma anymore.
OU and Stoops' program has a turbulent time ahead. OU must figure out a way to resolve matters so things like this are never repeated. I still maintain my stance from right after this event happened of implementing a zero tolerance policy and letting players know what it means....or should represent their team and university.
My apologies @Oklabama. I completely dismissed your view opinion because I don't understand it. You're a great poster here and that's completely lame of me to do. I'd like a do over to discuss this with you.

What do you think the consequences to the program will be with the video being public? Do you think the backlash is more damaging now than it was in 2014? Serious questions as I'm trying to understand your perspective. I'm a hardcore media hater so I'm very biased against most of them.
Medic, I appreciate your views as well so thank you. What's happened has happened so what I think about who was at fault or why it happened at all is just a waste of energy, IMO. I wish it had never happened but it did and I'm not affected personally so I'm not going to talk anymore about it. Joe just needs to be wiser in the future then this too will past sooner rather than later. My primary concern is for OU and I hate the negative attention that is bound to come our way. It really does affect every OU fan. No one wants anyone talking trash about our team, coach or administrators. Yes, I do think there is a very good chance that the backlash will be worse than 2014. And I think the bulk of the media action will be toward Bob Stoops. That is my concern. Will it cost us a recruit? I don't think so. In fact, I will be surprised if that were to happen. I just believe Bob's integrity will be questioned by the media, opposing fans and honestly by some Sooners. Students and even football fans. I just hate that. That's all I meant to convey. I don't wish anything bad for anyone associated in any way with the University of Oklahoma. And that includes all our great posters on this board.
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Medic, I appreciate your views as well so thank you. What's happened has happened so what I think about who was at fault or why it happened at all is just a waste of energy, IMO. I wish it had never happened but it did and I'm not affected personally so I'm not going to talk anymore about it. Joe just needs to be wiser in the future then this too will past sooner rather than later. My primary concern is for OU and I hate the negative attention that is bound to come our way. It really does affect every OU fan. No one wants anyone talking trash about our team, coach or administrators. Yes, I do think there is a very good chance that the backlash will be worse than 2014. And I think the bulk of the media action will be toward Bob Stoops. That is my concern. Will it cost us a recruit? I don't think so. In fact, I will be surprised if that were to happen. I just believe Bob's integrity will be questioned by the media, opposing fans and honestly by some Sooners. Students and even football fans. I just hate that. That's all I meant to convey. I don't wish anything bad for anyone associated in any way with the University of Oklahoma. And that includes all our great posters on this board.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts sir. I should have extended an ear first, so I do appreciate you taking the time to respond. I can't disagree with anything you posted.
This question for all the self righteous and sanctimonious people who are so quick to condemn Joe Mixon and criticize Bob Stoops for keeping him in the program. When you were a teenager did your Mom or Dad ever ask you what the hell you were thinking or what in the hell did you think you were doing? The point is 18 year old Joe Mixon wasn't thinking.

It is not uncommon at all for teens, because of their immature brains, to act irrationally and impulsively in emotional situations. They don't process and evaluate a situation in terms of what consequences might I incur if I take this action. Research by neuroscientist has shown that teens rely on a part of the brain called amygdala which leads to impulsivity and risk taking behavior. The frontal cortex, the region which controls rational thinking and planning does not take over until early adulthood. I think in some people it never takes over, but that is another discussion.

Mixon was pushed, slapped, and allegedly called the "N" word. And his reaction to an emotionally charged situation was that of an impulsive, irrational teenager. What he did was WRONG. However, considering his age and the circumstances involved, it was certainly understandable. Had he been kicked out of the program, he could have transferred to another school and red shirted. He would have been able to practice but not play in games. I don't think some people realize that suspending Mixon at OU meant he could not participate in any football activities, including attending games at the stadium. To discard Mixon would have been the easy thing for Stoops to do. It was a tough decision to keep him but it was in my opinion the right decision. And I guarantee you that I would feel the same way if he were player at another school.

So all you saintly people who can say with absolute certainty that at 18 years of age that you, under identical circumstances, would not have reacted as Joe Mixon did, Go ahead and judge away.
18 year old reaction. the kid did not beat her down and stomp on her. He is basically swatting her off or away and the rest is physics. Don't mess with big folks...
My apologies @Oklabama. I completely dismissed your view opinion because I don't understand it. You're a great poster here and that's completely lame of me to do. I'd like a do over to discuss this with you.

What do you think the consequences to the program will be with the video being public? Do you think the backlash is more damaging now than it was in 2014? Serious questions as I'm trying to understand your perspective. I'm a hardcore media hater so I'm very biased against most of them.
Individual incident handled in court and Joe Mixon was punished. Nuff said.
Basically it's just rival Schools stiring the pot for the most part. The stupid Media is gaining ground on the story just to get readers. This will not effect OU or it's fans in anyway shape or form.
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Actually, the real story is or will become "was Mixon given a break because of his talent". If he had been a walk-on, 3* RS Jr. that had never seen the field and wasn't likely to ever play, or one of the equipment managers......would Bob, Joe and Boren made the same decision? We will never know.

It might become the story, but not by me. So Mixon, because he's talented should not be given a break? Molitor slapped him, pushed, called him a "N" not even knowing him as he was new to campus. For all she knew, he was a walk on.
This is going to blow away .... AGAIN. The only way it doesn't is if Mixon has another blow up somewhere. A few of us just need to chill out a bit. This is not going to tarnish OU & Bob Stoops in the long run. Short term it's news. Something to write about & discuss. The trolls have hit the board, the media is talking etc. I do think that the story is already on the backside of it's cycle. Again.

As far as recruits... I don't think we will lose any recruits, in fact, we mat gain a few over this. The players know what happened. They also saw their HC stand tall for his player and rallied the admin to do the same. I do believe that if any negative recruiting happens over this, it may backfire.
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