ILB Alston Orji


Sooner signee
Oct 10, 2014
A few years back was coaching against this guy in a track meet (triple jump) It was funny to listen to the coach call out the order of the athletes. I had an athlete with last name Booty, so it was Orji on deck and Booty in the hole. It wasn't til after the event that the coach who was calling out the names realizes what she was saying. Anyway hope the kid picks OU he is a gifted athlete.
My ex-wife had a friend and sorority sister at OU named Anita Dick. I'd tell you I was lying if I hadn't met her myself. Yeah, she was one of those people that always had to pay to make sure her phone number was unlisted.
She was daughter of Juanita Dick and grand-daughter of Bonita Dick. I guess they were doing one of those catchy family name things and didn't know when to give up when they ran out of "-ita" names.