I suppose Plaino...

You're right. That didn't break my heart. But I'm not watching my NCAA basketball right now, or really any tv basketball. This whole NCAA insistence on enforcing their left wing political view on those of us who think the you ought to have a bathroom for those with male equipment and another for those with female equipment, is a matter of decency. And taking away events to punish those who disagree with them, meaning those who think centuries of civilization is more reliable than a select few with extreme views. So I'm avoiding the NCAA tournament on the men's side watching only the OU women on the other side. I've watched a lot less sports this year, except for OU.

I avoided the NFL because of their toleration of those who'd disrespect the flag, and the NBA over the same foolishness, and Mark imposing his poliitical views on all Mav's fans. It's not a big protest. I let them have their say. I just make my economic decision. And for the first time since Super Bowl 17, I didn't watch the SB start to finish. Really stayed out of it, till the fourth, except for an occasional score check.

So I watched maybe three real minutes of the Duke loss, or less, but was surprised to see the score, because I did see Frank's halftime interview when they shot 20% in the first half and trailed by seven. I suspect that if Coach K hadn't missed some time during the year, his team would have been better prepared. But I also think that playing three or four in the conference tournament, hurts your team. You're better off going home after round two, most of the time, unless you need to win the tournament to get in the NCAA's.

All this political stuff in the NCAA and the NBA and the NFL is part of why I'm mad at the world. Not all of it, but close to half.

Aren't you glad you asked?
pretty much nailed it for me too V

I think we've come to the point of insanity regarding sports, at every level. I think it's crazy how much coaches are paid, how much parents spend on their kids on traveling squads, clinics, etc.., how much it costs to go to a game, buy a hot dog and a coke, blah blah blah. But I also understand that it is a market driven economy. As long as we keep "buying in", the market will go up. I'm not buying in any longer. Outside of a few college football games (including every Sooner game on free TV), about the only sport I watch anymore is MMA.

Plus, I'm sick and tired of the socio-political comments made by dumb announcers and dumb jocks. I don't give a crap about their opinions and that's not why I watch... but it's certainly why I switch them off. I ended my ESPN subscription right after the bowl season, and I doubt I will turn it back on even when college football rolls back around. Until they quit with the non-sports commentary, they're not getting my money.. And it's pretty obvious by their layoffs and declining subscriptions that I'm not the only asshole that feels that way.
I think we've come to the point of insanity regarding sports, at every level. I think it's crazy how much coaches are paid, how much parents spend on their kids on traveling squads, clinics, etc.., how much it costs to go to a game, buy a hot dog and a coke, blah blah blah. But I also understand that it is a market driven economy. As long as we keep "buying in", the market will go up. I'm not buying in any longer. Outside of a few college football games (including every Sooner game on free TV), about the only sport I watch anymore is MMA.

Plus, I'm sick and tired of the socio-political comments made by dumb announcers and dumb jocks. I don't give a crap about their opinions and that's not why I watch... but it's certainly why I switch them off. I ended my ESPN subscription right after the bowl season, and I doubt I will turn it back on even when college football rolls back around. Until they quit with the non-sports commentary, they're not getting my money.. And it's pretty obvious by their layoffs and declining subscriptions that I'm not the only asshole that feels that way.

Super post!
I'm of the opinion that the professional sports could just die and the mainstream wouldn't miss them. And, I'm getting there very quickly with the NCAA. Anytime a sports organization, college or pro or high school, decides to enforce social issues on the folks who pay the tickets deserve to lose their patrons/fans.

I know folks like me don't count for much. However, I don't go where I know the left wing social engineers are in charge. I suspect that the majority of Americans don't support this nonsense. I also suspect that this majority won't likely go to the bother of boycotting the left wing companies.

I've always tried to live by the idea that what others do in private is their business and let them live they way they want as long as they don't try to force it on the rest of us.
It's the Sooners and Dallas Cowboys in the NFL. No NBA and very little MLB except when the Cardinals are in the playoffs. Love the hunting and fishing shows, don't see anyone doing political statements.
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