I did not think I could dislike Miami anymore than I already do....


Sooner starter
Sep 20, 2001
Portland Ct.
Last night's FSU 20-19 win over Miami featured Miami's wonderful fans showering the field with beer following a spearing charge and ejection of a Miami player. I hope the officials returned home safely afterwards.
Miami scored late in the game only to have the extra point blocked. FSU was able to gain two first downs to end the game. Justice was served hot and steamy.
It's a turnoff for me to see a football program with such a record of success since 1980 being such a mother lode for lousy fans and lousy sportsmanship throughout the years.
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I hate Miami more than Texas. I went to a game at the old Orange Bowl in the mid 80s. I was hit over the head with a beer bottle trying to leave the stadium and we lost. If it had not been for a Miami alum I might not have made it out of the area without a severe beatdown. Worse game I ever attended. I later heard that cars with OU markings were trashed.
Miami doesn't have fans, it has scum bags attending it's games. Jimmy Johnson embraced that hoodlum attitude. Miami is on my hate list at #3 behind Notre Dame and USC. Last night reminded me why.

I liked it when Miami beat up on texASS in the Cotton Bowl years ago. Mostly because of the texASS fans that always talked crap. Not that I ever liked Miami. I put them at #1 on my most disliked team list, because of their thuggish demeanor and style of play. I get the idea of hurting your opponent. Clean hits that knock one silly are a lot different than intentionally going out to injure another player. They are just thugs, plain and simple...
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Not accurate to compare UH and Miami. The U is a private university located in one of the most prosperous enclaves in the country ( Coral Gables ). UH is a public university located in a predominantly african-American neighborhood. The reason the Miami fans are so obnoxious is that their students and alums, for the most part, are a bunch of wealthy northeasterners who think they are entitled and better than everyone opinion.
Last night's FSU 20-19 win over Miami featured Miami's wonderful fans showering the field with beer following a spearing charge and ejection of a Miami player. I hope the officials returned home safely afterwards.
Miami scored late in the game only to have the extra point blocked. FSU was able to gain two first downs to end the game. Justice was served hot and steamy.
It's a turnoff for me to see a football program with such a record of success since 1980 being such a mother lode for lousy fans and lousy sportsmanship throughout the years.

When I heard some idiot talking head talking about how much better it is for college football, for Miami to be great again, I really wanted to puke. Pretty much Karma for them to miss an xp in the last two minutes to lose by a point. Can't tell you how happy that made me.

Apparently they haven't learned in Miami how bad an idea it is to sell beer bottles in the stadium.
Not accurate to compare UH and Miami. The U is a private university located in one of the most prosperous enclaves in the country ( Coral Gables ). UH is a public university located in a predominantly african-American neighborhood. The reason the Miami fans are so obnoxious is that their students and alums, for the most part, are a bunch of wealthy northeasterners who think they are entitled and better than everyone opinion.

Sorry, but those weren't students throwing bottles on the field after they decided that targeting doesn't apply to their players. THose were Miami thug residents, not Coral Gables residents. THat was dangerous and then some.
I made no reference to the actions in the crowd. My comment was to the general idea that somehow Miami and UH were similar. I did not watch the game but I am well aware of the reputation of the Miami fan base.
Not accurate to compare UH and Miami. The U is a private university located in one of the most prosperous enclaves in the country ( Coral Gables ). UH is a public university located in a predominantly african-American neighborhood. The reason the Miami fans are so obnoxious is that their students and alums, for the most part, are a bunch of wealthy northeasterners who think they are entitled and better than everyone opinion.
Not accurate to say that Miami's fan behavior is due to "Northeasterners" either....and that word is capitalized, as is "African-American".
My beef is not where these fans come from. My beef is with the current generation of fans who have no concept of sportsmanship or civility. Every team in the country has them, but Miami is the poster child for such jerks.
"Double like". Especially the 2nd and 3rd sentences.

Not accurate to say that Miami's fan behavior is due to "Northeasterners" either....and that word is capitalized, as is "African-American".
My beef is not where these fans come from. My beef is with the current generation of fans who have no concept of sportsmanship or civility. Every team in the country has them, but Miami is the poster child for such jerks.
Thanks for the lesson in spelling and punctuation. When I'm sending a message on my cell phone I rarely pay attention to correctness and I certainly don't spend my time calling others out for such mistakes. Unless there's a rule on this forum that all posts should be in MLA format I think I'll continue to punch out my comments regardless of the lurking spelling and punctuation police. All I said was that the majority of Miami students are from a certain part of the country and that UH is located in a certain area of the city of Houston. And If Miami is the poster child of bad fan bases then I dare say you've never been to a game in Boulder or Baton Rouge or Lubbock. There are thugs in every fan base and this is nothing new. CU has had this rep going back to Switzer's time and before at a time when Miami was considering dropping football.
I would say that a very small portion of the U fans ever attended the U of M. The students and alums are by and large a pretty good bunch of people (the ones I have met) that have never attended a football game.
Comparing the 3rd Ward Historic District to Coral Gables is laughable no matter how you spell it. I would agree that many of the unruly 'Cane fans are probably not UM.
I have....on OU's first conference game visit. Could not have been treated more graciously. Spent a lot of time at the tailgate. Stayed in Washington, Pa. I have no issues whatsoever with WVU fans.
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