Heading down Internet discussions about organized religion is always a slippery slope.

The result will always be a paper door anyone can cast stones at.
Martin Luther by all reports was very committed and a firm believer in the Catholic faith. He was excited to attend the annual Catholic religion convention in Rome for his first time, and he was vilely disenfranchised by the reality he saw in Rome. Parties, fornication, indulgence. That's what sparked his movement towards creating the Protestment religion. Sounds applaudable?
Martin Luther ended up being one of the craziest warmongerers in the Catholic-Protestant wars. He ordered executions of women and children. He began naming Catholics sub-human - dogs.
Then there was "Constantine the Great." Basically, the champion of Christiantiy and the only reason it exists likely. He was emporer when the Christians were being fed to the lions. On the war field, he had a "vision" and saw a cross in the sky and decided not to persecute the Christians anymore. Did he become a Christian? No. He put Christmas over top a "pagan" religious holiday.
Then his second wife gave birth to their first son, but he had a first son from a previous marriage. His new wife hated that her son wasn't going to be king someday and convinced Constantine that his first born was after the throne. He murdered his first born son for this. Then he found out she was lying and murdered his wife. Then he found out his religious advisor was in on these types of things and murdered him.
At the time, there were two Christian beliefs - the Aryans (one God) and the Holy Trinity. Aryanism was the popular belief, and his advisor was an Aryan. Out of hate towards that advisor, even after his death, Constantine vowed to eliminate Aryanism and promote the Holy Trinity. He ordered a convention of the top Christian religious leaders in North Africa and to come away with one Christian belief - Is it the Nicene Creed or the Aryan Crreed? He basically strong armed the leaders and told them which one to pick. There was only a single Christian leader that wouldn't be intimidated by Constantine and voted for the Aryan Creed. Constantine killed that man. The vote was now unanimous for the Nicene Creed - of the Holy Trinity.
Getting sucked into organized religion is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't have Faith in something or something beyond me, but believing in other humans to have your best interests is silly talk to me.
Hell, the original 10 commandments were written at a time when women were property of men. The "honor thy neighbor's property" included women. Catholics love their crucifix's but there was this pesky original commandment about no false images of God. They replaced it with the "no cheating on your wife" commandment, but that was just redundant to the property commandment by the thinking of that time.
Everything is shady.