How's your faith?

Bible thumpers.

Years ago I was in Louisiana when Jimmy Swaggart got caught playing with the ladies of the night. He shed fountains of tears. He made the statement that he "only watched" and didn't participate beyond voyeurism. McDonalds introduced a Jimmy Swaggart burger shortly afterwards. You pay for the burger and watch some else eat it.
I majored in Journalism. My senior year I worked for classroom credit for one of the state’s religious conventions. I won’t mention which one. I worked in the PR department scripting articles for local newspapers that promoted state convention officers and evangelists whenever they were going be in the area. I also wrote articles for the convention magazine and the script for the weekly radio broadcast. As such, I got to see the inner workings within the convention and hear things that go on within the daily routine including watching evangelists record their messages. I’ve never paid any attention to evangelists or TV religious programming since. I was raised in a very religious environment and brought up to respect the same people that negatively influenced my lifelong attitude about religious organizations.

Bama don't base your whole attitude on the Joel O'steens of the world. Its big business and money for most of those people. Most of them take advantage of the emotionally needy and they will be accountable someday as we all will
I based my attitude on the religious organization that churches of that particular faith followed and were members. My faith is the Bible, not a brick and mortar. Not an individual or tv personality. I’m not saying all clergy are not to be trusted but it’s never surprising to learn when some aren’t. Don’t trust words, trust actions. That’s all I’m saying.
I agree
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Heading down Internet discussions about organized religion is always a slippery slope. :)
The result will always be a paper door anyone can cast stones at.

Martin Luther by all reports was very committed and a firm believer in the Catholic faith. He was excited to attend the annual Catholic religion convention in Rome for his first time, and he was vilely disenfranchised by the reality he saw in Rome. Parties, fornication, indulgence. That's what sparked his movement towards creating the Protestment religion. Sounds applaudable?

Martin Luther ended up being one of the craziest warmongerers in the Catholic-Protestant wars. He ordered executions of women and children. He began naming Catholics sub-human - dogs.

Then there was "Constantine the Great." Basically, the champion of Christiantiy and the only reason it exists likely. He was emporer when the Christians were being fed to the lions. On the war field, he had a "vision" and saw a cross in the sky and decided not to persecute the Christians anymore. Did he become a Christian? No. He put Christmas over top a "pagan" religious holiday.

Then his second wife gave birth to their first son, but he had a first son from a previous marriage. His new wife hated that her son wasn't going to be king someday and convinced Constantine that his first born was after the throne. He murdered his first born son for this. Then he found out she was lying and murdered his wife. Then he found out his religious advisor was in on these types of things and murdered him.

At the time, there were two Christian beliefs - the Aryans (one God) and the Holy Trinity. Aryanism was the popular belief, and his advisor was an Aryan. Out of hate towards that advisor, even after his death, Constantine vowed to eliminate Aryanism and promote the Holy Trinity. He ordered a convention of the top Christian religious leaders in North Africa and to come away with one Christian belief - Is it the Nicene Creed or the Aryan Crreed? He basically strong armed the leaders and told them which one to pick. There was only a single Christian leader that wouldn't be intimidated by Constantine and voted for the Aryan Creed. Constantine killed that man. The vote was now unanimous for the Nicene Creed - of the Holy Trinity.

Getting sucked into organized religion is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't have Faith in something or something beyond me, but believing in other humans to have your best interests is silly talk to me.

Hell, the original 10 commandments were written at a time when women were property of men. The "honor thy neighbor's property" included women. Catholics love their crucifix's but there was this pesky original commandment about no false images of God. They replaced it with the "no cheating on your wife" commandment, but that was just redundant to the property commandment by the thinking of that time.

Everything is shady.
Heading down Internet discussions about organized religion is always a slippery slope. :)
The result will always be a paper door anyone can cast stones at.

Martin Luther by all reports was very committed and a firm believer in the Catholic faith. He was excited to attend the annual Catholic religion convention in Rome for his first time, and he was vilely disenfranchised by the reality he saw in Rome. Parties, fornication, indulgence. That's what sparked his movement towards creating the Protestment religion. Sounds applaudable?

Martin Luther ended up being one of the craziest warmongerers in the Catholic-Protestant wars. He ordered executions of women and children. He began naming Catholics sub-human - dogs.

Then there was "Constantine the Great." Basically, the champion of Christiantiy and the only reason it exists likely. He was emporer when the Christians were being fed to the lions. On the war field, he had a "vision" and saw a cross in the sky and decided not to persecute the Christians anymore. Did he become a Christian? No. He put Christmas over top a "pagan" religious holiday.

Then his second wife gave birth to their first son, but he had a first son from a previous marriage. His new wife hated that her son wasn't going to be king someday and convinced Constantine that his first born was after the throne. He murdered his first born son for this. Then he found out she was lying and murdered his wife. Then he found out his religious advisor was in on these types of things and murdered him.

At the time, there were two Christian beliefs - the Aryans (one God) and the Holy Trinity. Aryanism was the popular belief, and his advisor was an Aryan. Out of hate towards that advisor, even after his death, Constantine vowed to eliminate Aryanism and promote the Holy Trinity. He ordered a convention of the top Christian religious leaders in North Africa and to come away with one Christian belief - Is it the Nicene Creed or the Aryan Crreed? He basically strong armed the leaders and told them which one to pick. There was only a single Christian leader that wouldn't be intimidated by Constantine and voted for the Aryan Creed. Constantine killed that man. The vote was now unanimous for the Nicene Creed - of the Holy Trinity.

Getting sucked into organized religion is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't have Faith in something or something beyond me, but believing in other humans to have your best interests is silly talk to me.

Hell, the original 10 commandments were written at a time when women were property of men. The "honor thy neighbor's property" included women. Catholics love their crucifix's but there was this pesky original commandment about no false images of God. They replaced it with the "no cheating on your wife" commandment, but that was just redundant to the property commandment by the thinking of that time.

Everything is shady.
If I put my thoughts on religion into words I'm certain it would have been very near this with considerable more distain. Excellent post JCon.
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Heading down Internet discussions about organized religion is always a slippery slope. :)
The result will always be a paper door anyone can cast stones at.

Martin Luther by all reports was very committed and a firm believer in the Catholic faith. He was excited to attend the annual Catholic religion convention in Rome for his first time, and he was vilely disenfranchised by the reality he saw in Rome. Parties, fornication, indulgence. That's what sparked his movement towards creating the Protestment religion. Sounds applaudable?

Martin Luther ended up being one of the craziest warmongerers in the Catholic-Protestant wars. He ordered executions of women and children. He began naming Catholics sub-human - dogs.

Then there was "Constantine the Great." Basically, the champion of Christiantiy and the only reason it exists likely. He was emporer when the Christians were being fed to the lions. On the war field, he had a "vision" and saw a cross in the sky and decided not to persecute the Christians anymore. Did he become a Christian? No. He put Christmas over top a "pagan" religious holiday.

Then his second wife gave birth to their first son, but he had a first son from a previous marriage. His new wife hated that her son wasn't going to be king someday and convinced Constantine that his first born was after the throne. He murdered his first born son for this. Then he found out she was lying and murdered his wife. Then he found out his religious advisor was in on these types of things and murdered him.

At the time, there were two Christian beliefs - the Aryans (one God) and the Holy Trinity. Aryanism was the popular belief, and his advisor was an Aryan. Out of hate towards that advisor, even after his death, Constantine vowed to eliminate Aryanism and promote the Holy Trinity. He ordered a convention of the top Christian religious leaders in North Africa and to come away with one Christian belief - Is it the Nicene Creed or the Aryan Crreed? He basically strong armed the leaders and told them which one to pick. There was only a single Christian leader that wouldn't be intimidated by Constantine and voted for the Aryan Creed. Constantine killed that man. The vote was now unanimous for the Nicene Creed - of the Holy Trinity.

Getting sucked into organized religion is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't have Faith in something or something beyond me, but believing in other humans to have your best interests is silly talk to me.

Hell, the original 10 commandments were written at a time when women were property of men. The "honor thy neighbor's property" included women. Catholics love their crucifix's but there was this pesky original commandment about no false images of God. They replaced it with the "no cheating on your wife" commandment, but that was just redundant to the property commandment by the thinking of that time.

Everything is shady.
Great post.
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With all due respect, JCon is full of crap.

This notion that the truths of Christianity were decided by voting and murder centuries three or four or five hundred years later is simply not true. There are certainly some people that have tarnished the gospel message by their behavior. Falwell Jr among them. I have a particular dislike for the cousin of Jerry Lee Lewis.

My dad's dad was in the Assemblies for at least his adult life. He was a very simple man who documented his life as a bookkeeper by profession, down to recording every nickel he gave one of his kids during the depression. I think every time I walked into their house during the last 25 years of his life, Jim and Tammie Faye were on the tube. But he wasn't impressed. He told me late in his life, showing me his "books" that there was only one of these TV guys he could trust. That was Swaggert. He'd been faithfully giving $5 to Jimmy for years. As soon as the first accusation of Swaggert with the hooker was made public, grandpa's health began to deteriorate. He died in a couple of years.

I've never been a fan of the tv guys. And I'm not a charismatic. But guys, there is no greater truth in life than the truth of the Gospel, and the scriptures. I'll have any discussion privately here with anybody who wants to have it. They frown on that on the boards. My degree is in Ethical and Religious Studies. I'm aware of most of the false beliefs about the origins of Christianity. But there is no more documented event in history than the resurrection of Christ, after his death on a Roman cross. There can be all kinds of disagreements about some of the nonessential specifics. But I will stake my life, and eternity on that truth. And do.

I'm just a sinner saved by grace.
With all due respect, JCon is full of crap.

This notion that the truths of Christianity were decided by voting and murder centuries three or four or five hundred years later is simply not true. There are certainly some people that have tarnished the gospel message by their behavior. Falwell Jr among them. I have a particular dislike for the cousin of Jerry Lee Lewis.

My dad's dad was in the Assemblies for at least his adult life. He was a very simple man who documented his life as a bookkeeper by profession, down to recording every nickel he gave one of his kids during the depression. I think every time I walked into their house during the last 25 years of his life, Jim and Tammie Faye were on the tube. But he wasn't impressed. He told me late in his life, showing me his "books" that there was only one of these TV guys he could trust. That was Swaggert. He'd been faithfully giving $5 to Jimmy for years. As soon as the first accusation of Swaggert with the hooker was made public, grandpa's health began to deteriorate. He died in a couple of years.

I've never been a fan of the tv guys. And I'm not a charismatic. But guys, there is no greater truth in life than the truth of the Gospel, and the scriptures. I'll have any discussion privately here with anybody who wants to have it. They frown on that on the boards. My degree is in Ethical and Religious Studies. I'm aware of most of the false beliefs about the origins of Christianity. But there is no more documented event in history than the resurrection of Christ, after his death on a Roman cross. There can be all kinds of disagreements about some of the nonessential specifics. But I will stake my life, and eternity on that truth. And do.

I'm just a sinner saved by grace.

With all due respect, Jcon has been a well respected member of this board for a long time and not one bit of his post crapped on your precious faith.

With regards to your opinion, reality, including history, doesn't fall on your side. I'm not the anti-theist I once was because frankly this country has bigger social fish to fry, but my non belief still compels me enough to address such a crock who couldn't handle another's opinion.
With all due respect, Jcon has been a well respected member of this board for a long time and not one bit of his post crapped on your precious faith.

With regards to your opinion, reality, including history, doesn't fall on your side. I'm not the anti-theist I once was because frankly this country has bigger social fish to fry, but my non belief still compels me enough to address such a crock who couldn't handle another's opinion.

I say we all move on because no minds will be changed on here. Lets not use this post as yet another reason to bash religion or Christians because of the actions of a few.
Agreed, and certainly not the point of my post.
I understood DallasSooner73s response. I took no offense from it.

If anyone was willing to keep their minds open have and truly read what I wrote, they would have understood I said what you did in a much more verbose way.
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Whatever works in making someone a better person I'm all for.
But I've found too many folks lean on religion to justify their political beliefs and their prejudices....while being too often judgemental and hypocritical. Thus, religion becomes one more tool in dividing people from each other as our media and politicians do every damn day.
I'm also of the belief that if there were no politicians, there would be no racism.
Statesmanship (thinking of future generations instead of the next election) is a dying principle ( as is sportsmanship) and the neurotic PC police takes issue with the word as it includes "man" in its spelling.
Politics today is just an out-of-control power grab and has taken us away from what the founding fathers envisioned.
Heading down Internet discussions about organized religion is always a slippery slope. :)
The result will always be a paper door anyone can cast stones at.

Martin Luther by all reports was very committed and a firm believer in the Catholic faith. He was excited to attend the annual Catholic religion convention in Rome for his first time, and he was vilely disenfranchised by the reality he saw in Rome. Parties, fornication, indulgence. That's what sparked his movement towards creating the Protestment religion. Sounds applaudable?

Martin Luther ended up being one of the craziest warmongerers in the Catholic-Protestant wars. He ordered executions of women and children. He began naming Catholics sub-human - dogs.

Then there was "Constantine the Great." Basically, the champion of Christiantiy and the only reason it exists likely. He was emporer when the Christians were being fed to the lions. On the war field, he had a "vision" and saw a cross in the sky and decided not to persecute the Christians anymore. Did he become a Christian? No. He put Christmas over top a "pagan" religious holiday.

Then his second wife gave birth to their first son, but he had a first son from a previous marriage. His new wife hated that her son wasn't going to be king someday and convinced Constantine that his first born was after the throne. He murdered his first born son for this. Then he found out she was lying and murdered his wife. Then he found out his religious advisor was in on these types of things and murdered him.

At the time, there were two Christian beliefs - the Aryans (one God) and the Holy Trinity. Aryanism was the popular belief, and his advisor was an Aryan. Out of hate towards that advisor, even after his death, Constantine vowed to eliminate Aryanism and promote the Holy Trinity. He ordered a convention of the top Christian religious leaders in North Africa and to come away with one Christian belief - Is it the Nicene Creed or the Aryan Crreed? He basically strong armed the leaders and told them which one to pick. There was only a single Christian leader that wouldn't be intimidated by Constantine and voted for the Aryan Creed. Constantine killed that man. The vote was now unanimous for the Nicene Creed - of the Holy Trinity.

Getting sucked into organized religion is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't have Faith in something or something beyond me, but believing in other humans to have your best interests is silly talk to me.

Hell, the original 10 commandments were written at a time when women were property of men. The "honor thy neighbor's property" included women. Catholics love their crucifix's but there was this pesky original commandment about no false images of God. They replaced it with the "no cheating on your wife" commandment, but that was just redundant to the property commandment by the thinking of that time.

Everything is shady.
Good post, JCon. I broke my own board rule. Religion threads are off limits. Well, I deleted my posts hoping to limit the number of board members from reading them. I forgot about the comments that included my posts. Duh, what a dumb ass I am. But a lot of you already knew that. LOL
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With all due respect, Jcon has been a well respected member of this board for a long time and not one bit of his post crapped on your precious faith.

With regards to your opinion, reality, including history, doesn't fall on your side. I'm not the anti-theist I once was because frankly this country has bigger social fish to fry, but my non belief still compels me enough to address such a crock who couldn't handle another's opinion.
A very poor choice of words on my part. My apologies to the board and especially to JCon. I'm sorry.

Actually, a fair look at history is on the side of the scriptures. Hundreds of times over the years, secular scientists and historians have told us that the bible was wrong about various things. Then time passed, and we discovered the bible was right, all along. Perhaps the greatest evidence of this was that there was a beginning to everything. That is now believed universally in science. It didn't used to be.

But this is an apology, and I'll keep my mouth shut. Seek the truth humbly, fairly and unselfishly, and don't be surprised that God shows it to you. It takes more faith to believe than that there was nothing, and then it exploded, than to believe that God created you, and loves you.

God's blessings.
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What get's me is the enormous amount of individuals who blindly entrust these fools and their faith as well their institutions, on a world wide scale. This shit is worldwide! These leaders are either adulterers, pimps, or homosexual. Now I'm referring more towards the televangelists and the catholic church. Jr's defense, (after caught pimpin his wife!), was that he had "built a multi-billion dollar enterprise" Are you kidding me? A man of the cloth pimped his wife! A man of the cloth prefers penis. A man of the cloth is a young boy deviant(catholicism) RAMPANT! I'm not a religious man by any means, but I grew up in a church house out in the sticks and I gotta tell ya, everything that preacher hollered and fussed over 40 years ago is sounding true today. This aint something to argue over. You either know what's right or you don't. Sorry for the rant. 😁
What get's me is the enormous amount of individuals who blindly entrust these fools and their faith as well their institutions, on a world wide scale. This shit is worldwide! These leaders are either adulterers, pimps, or homosexual. Now I'm referring more towards the televangelists and the catholic church. Jr's defense, (after caught pimpin his wife!), was that he had "built a multi-billion dollar enterprise" Are you kidding me? A man of the cloth pimped his wife! A man of the cloth prefers penis. A man of the cloth is a young boy deviant(catholicism) RAMPANT! I'm not a religious man by any means, but I grew up in a church house out in the sticks and I gotta tell ya, everything that preacher hollered and fussed over 40 years ago is sounding true today. This aint something to argue over. You either know what's right or you don't. Sorry for the rant. 😁

Its not just certain preachers that has these issues. It happens in pretty much every profession. Sin is sin
Equating homosexuals to “pimps” and “adulterers” (or lowlifes in general) isn’t right. The gays I’ve worked with and had as neighbors or known elsewhere have been good people.
Some people need to come out of their little worlds.
Equating homosexuals to “pimps” and “adulterers” (or lowlifes in general) isn’t right. The gays I’ve worked with and had as neighbors or known elsewhere have been good people.
Some people need to come out of their little worlds.
Welp, no one's gonna hold your gayness against you ct. Keep on your good posts brother/sister.😉

This world's been screwed up by gays. Imo

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What get's me is the enormous amount of individuals who blindly entrust these fools and their faith as well their institutions, on a world wide scale. This shit is worldwide! These leaders are either adulterers, pimps, or homosexual. Now I'm referring more towards the televangelists and the catholic church. Jr's defense, (after caught pimpin his wife!), was that he had "built a multi-billion dollar enterprise" Are you kidding me? A man of the cloth pimped his wife! A man of the cloth prefers penis. A man of the cloth is a young boy deviant(catholicism) RAMPANT! I'm not a religious man by any means, but I grew up in a church house out in the sticks and I gotta tell ya, everything that preacher hollered and fussed over 40 years ago is sounding true today. This aint something to argue over. You either know what's right or you don't. Sorry for the rant. 😁
Could not agree more. I have deep distain for organized religion. The Catholics, Protestants, Baptist, Methodist or whomever are self appointed healers of faith. Snake oil salesmen. Was the Bible not written about 70 years after the death of Christ? Add 70 years of man's inability to trace the truth and gospels written by men with very limited education. We speak of biblical matters being proven historically correct but who is to validate history of 2000 years ago? Documented? The Catholic church refashioned the bible to suite their agenda? I spent my early working years in the desert of Saudi Arabia with far more time than I wanted to read. I studied Islam and the Kuran. It is just as much jaded as Christianity. Once man/human element enters the validation of religious study it is instantly invalidated. I am not a religious person. In fact, I voice opposition to religion as we know it today. Our faith is in our heart and head. We don't need some bible thumping drunks to tell us we are not doing it right. I am a true believer of doing and being good in everything we do. Even when it feels wrong.

Take a trip to Enniskillen, Northern Ireland and tell me more about the virtues of organized religion.

I grew up in a town of 400 with 11 churches. When I refer to preachers as drunks I speak from experience. Most of us lost our virginity to a preachers wife.
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Predictable response.
You stepped into the arena so lace up your gloves. Is homosexuality not considered a crime against nature and a sin in biblical terms? Same as adulterer and pimp? Are you trying to divide religious doctrine? Explain the biological correctness concerning homosexuality. We all know the social landslide of all things gay these days.
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Dallas, I am intrigued and curious with your opinion and position here on religion. I hope we have an opportunity to meeting one day. I like serious discussions on things I am opposed. You are the first I've engaged in conversation with degree in Religious Studies.
Heading down Internet discussions about organized religion is always a slippery slope. :)
The result will always be a paper door anyone can cast stones at.

Martin Luther by all reports was very committed and a firm believer in the Catholic faith. He was excited to attend the annual Catholic religion convention in Rome for his first time, and he was vilely disenfranchised by the reality he saw in Rome. Parties, fornication, indulgence. That's what sparked his movement towards creating the Protestment religion. Sounds applaudable?

Martin Luther ended up being one of the craziest warmongerers in the Catholic-Protestant wars. He ordered executions of women and children. He began naming Catholics sub-human - dogs.

Then there was "Constantine the Great." Basically, the champion of Christiantiy and the only reason it exists likely. He was emporer when the Christians were being fed to the lions. On the war field, he had a "vision" and saw a cross in the sky and decided not to persecute the Christians anymore. Did he become a Christian? No. He put Christmas over top a "pagan" religious holiday.

Then his second wife gave birth to their first son, but he had a first son from a previous marriage. His new wife hated that her son wasn't going to be king someday and convinced Constantine that his first born was after the throne. He murdered his first born son for this. Then he found out she was lying and murdered his wife. Then he found out his religious advisor was in on these types of things and murdered him.

At the time, there were two Christian beliefs - the Aryans (one God) and the Holy Trinity. Aryanism was the popular belief, and his advisor was an Aryan. Out of hate towards that advisor, even after his death, Constantine vowed to eliminate Aryanism and promote the Holy Trinity. He ordered a convention of the top Christian religious leaders in North Africa and to come away with one Christian belief - Is it the Nicene Creed or the Aryan Crreed? He basically strong armed the leaders and told them which one to pick. There was only a single Christian leader that wouldn't be intimidated by Constantine and voted for the Aryan Creed. Constantine killed that man. The vote was now unanimous for the Nicene Creed - of the Holy Trinity.

Getting sucked into organized religion is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't have Faith in something or something beyond me, but believing in other humans to have your best interests is silly talk to me.

Hell, the original 10 commandments were written at a time when women were property of men. The "honor thy neighbor's property" included women. Catholics love their crucifix's but there was this pesky original commandment about no false images of God. They replaced it with the "no cheating on your wife" commandment, but that was just redundant to the property commandment by the thinking of that time.

Everything is shady.
Impressive post.
Equating homosexuals to “pimps” and “adulterers” (or lowlifes in general) isn’t right. The gays I’ve worked with and had as neighbors or known elsewhere have been good people.
Some people need to come out of their little worlds.
Of course not all homosexuals are pimps or adulterers, but people should be allowed to disagree with that lifestyle choice without being accused of being close minded.
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You stepped into the arena so lace up your gloves. Is homosexuality not considered a crime against nature and a sin in biblical terms? Same as adulterer and pimp? Are you trying to divide religious doctrine? Explain the biological correctness concerning homosexuality. We all know the social landslide of all things gay these days.
I don't concern myself judging people who are different from me and this attitude of mine isn't from any religious belief.
Saying it's a crime against nature and a sin in biblical terms is only an opinion, based on something written over 2,000 years go. To say that it is can lead to persecution and we have seen enough of this throughout history.
The "gay lifestyle" I personally want no part of and I am bothered by those who openly "come out" with being gay, mainly because it's irrelevant to me, it's none of my business (and should be for all of us) and because it represents another way of dividing people needlessly and dangerously. And I don't think someone's sexual orientation makes them better people who are somehow more "noble" than the rest of us.
I won't live the rest of my life looking for people to hate.
Religion, politicians and the media (especially the social media) promote division every day and this has gained increasingly dangerous traction in recent years. Too many of us are drinking this Kool-Aid. There's a siege mentality on the rise among us based on fear. I choose not to buy into it.
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Dallas, I am intrigued and curious with your opinion and position here on religion. I hope we have an opportunity to meeting one day. I like serious discussions on things I am opposed. You are the first I've engaged in conversation with degree in Religious Studies.
Anytime, anywhere. This will really make me seem crazy, but I'm very close to believing in young earth. The scientific information and evidence for it is abundant, but it is suppressed. The whole basis for physics undermines the big bang, and even in secular circles confidence in big bang in waning. That is way such non scientific ideas are gaining steam in such ridiculous notions as multiple universes are gaining momentum, even though by definition, there can be no evidence for it.

Physics is based on the truth that energy and mass are constant. They can be traded out, but the total is constant. That defies the idea that there used to be nothing, and then it exploded. Huh? And the precision of the known universe, is so finely tuned, that one less molecule, and it couldn't be sustained for ever a century, much less billions and billions of years.

There is no good explanation for how water in abundance is available on earth. A hundred more scientific truths that are outside the claims that we know how it all came about. There is no evidence for dark energy or dark matter. But the "faith" of atheist scientist call it essential to their view. It takes more faith to believe in not God, than to believe in God. An the evidences for God are compelling. An unbiased view will get one there.

I gotta go to work.
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A very poor choice of words on my part. My apologies to the board and especially to JCon. I'm sorry.

Actually, a fair look at history is on the side of the scriptures. Hundreds of times over the years, secular scientists and historians have told us that the bible was wrong about various things. Then time passed, and we discovered the bible was right, all along. Perhaps the greatest evidence of this was that there was a beginning to everything. That is now believed universally in science. It didn't used to be.

But this is an apology, and I'll keep my mouth shut. Seek the truth humbly, fairly and unselfishly, and don't be surprised that God shows it to you. It takes more faith to believe than that there was nothing, and then it exploded, than to believe that God created you, and loves you.

God's blessings.

Uh, there is zero scientific theory that suggests a beginning to everything much less a scientific universally held belief. Nor is there any truth to "there was nothing than it exploded".

Humility in the way of apology to Jcon is awesome. Don't see much of that these days. Civility is all you'll receive from me going forward, but I couldn't help but point out those enormous obfuscations of scientific theory.
Gotta love all these scientific braniacs spouting off scientific info as they sack groceries at wal mart. Come on fellas nobody here is intelligent enough or that well informed to be giving advice on the beginning of the universe.
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Man sits down with son and tells him that there will be three men coming by the house tonight.

The first one will be a Jewish rabbi. When he gets here make sure you round up all the money and lock it in the safe. Son says okay.

The second one will be a Catholic priest. When he gets here make sure you round up all the alcohol and lock it in the liquor cabinet. Son says okay.

The last one is going to be a Baptist preacher. The father pauses for a moment. The son asks what he should he do when the preacher arrives? The father finally responds. I want you to sit in your mothers lap.
Man sits down with son and tells him that there will be three men coming by the house tonight.

The first one will be a Jewish rabbi. When he gets here make sure you round up all the money and lock it in the safe. Son says okay.

The second one will be a Catholic priest. When he gets here make sure you round up all the alcohol and lock it in the liquor cabinet. Son says okay.

The last one is going to be a Baptist preacher. The father pauses for a moment. The son asks what he should he do when the preacher arrives? The father finally responds. I want you to sit in your mothers lap.

I heard that one in 1963 at Falls Creek.
Uh, there is zero scientific theory that suggests a beginning to everything much less a scientific universally held belief. Nor is there any truth to "there was nothing than it exploded".

Humility in the way of apology to Jcon is awesome. Don't see much of that these days. Civility is all you'll receive from me going forward, but I couldn't help but point out those enormous obfuscations of scientific theory.
So as a non believer you think that big bang didn't happen? If you think it has always been, you are in a huge minority amongst atheist scientists. It used to be thought 100 years ago, but not so much any more. I'm definitely with DS73 on this one.
Man sits down with son and tells him that there will be three men coming by the house tonight.

The first one will be a Jewish rabbi. When he gets here make sure you round up all the money and lock it in the safe. Son says okay.

The second one will be a Catholic priest. When he gets here make sure you round up all the alcohol and lock it in the liquor cabinet. Son says okay.

The last one is going to be a Baptist preacher. The father pauses for a moment. The son asks what he should he do when the preacher arrives? The father finally responds. I want you to sit in your mothers lap.
Actually things that were wrong 2000 years ago are still wrong today. Its our current society that tries to redefine morality and right vs wrong. I'm not too impressed with todays standards.
Yeah, in this day and age, you see Bruce Jenner, who was once an idol for young men across the nation as a man for his athletic prowess, is now a celebrated tranny? Who buys that? Today's standards are ****ed up. Am I wrong?