Hotel booking off Baronne St. in NOLA


OU scholarship offer
Feb 1, 2007
Hey guys,

I'm a UCF fan and I have booked an evidently nonrefundable hotel room for the night of January 2nd and obviously my school will not be going to the Sugar Bowl. I found a reselling site for nonrefundable hotel rooms and thought I'd share the link with anyone who is needing a reduced cost place to stay for the one night. Hopefully someone can use it since I've now got a much further trip to Phoenix to consider.

Tiemaster, check your Cancel On account or email. my buddy just made an offer. Are both those rooms yours?
I only see one for that hotel on there and it is my booking and they just called me and said I will get an email with directions soon. I will fill it out as soon as I get it . Thanks!