Guess who is out of money, and went through UTenn pro day, trying to return to the NFL


Sooner starter
Oct 20, 2002
Plano, TX
Yes, it's the wide receiver from BTW, whose name is not to be typed here, though I'll link the story that does. For those who weren't recruiting fans 14 years ago, he silently committed to OU several months before signing day, then surprising OU coaches and his mother, announced for the Vols on the first Wednesday morning in February at his school. Never gave Sooner coaches a hint that he might go elsewhere.

Karma can be so annoying. He's been out of the NFL since 2014.
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Delighting in someone elses hardship for something that I'm pretty sure didn't impact your life in the slightest. Come on.

It did in at least the slightest. He intentionally screwed our receiver recruiting that year, which had mpact on two OU NC appearances. It didn't wreck my life, but it did affect my favorite team in an important time in Sooner history. So it most certainly slightly impacted my life. If he chose to go elsewhere, that's a reasonable decision.

But they way he did it was intentional, intended to hurt OU football. No reason was ever provided.
It did in at least the slightest. He intentionally screwed our receiver recruiting that year, which had mpact on two OU NC appearances. It didn't wreck my life, but it did affect my favorite team in an important time in Sooner history. So it most certainly slightly impacted my life. If he chose to go elsewhere, that's a reasonable decision.

But they way he did it was intentional, intended to hurt OU football. No reason was ever provided.

I have some inside info on what happened at that time. I will not share it on the board. Plaino, you can PM me....
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He intentionally screwed our receiver recruiting that year, which had mpact on two OU NC appearances.

But they way he did it was intentional, intended to hurt OU football. No reason was ever provided.

I was surprised and disappointed when he chose Tennessee as well, but I have never read anything that would suggest his decision was a mean spirited intentional act to screw OU. I researched the background, and what he said and how he explained his decision seemed perfectly reasonable. He never indicated, at least from I've read, that OU was anything but a great place. He simply felt UT was a "better fit" for him and that he would have more balls thrown to him in Knoxville. What have you heard or read that indicates he wanted to "intentionally" hurt OU? I'd really like to know.
Recruiting can often play out the way Meachem's recruitment did.
11th hour changes are a part of recruiting and OU has had it work both ways. Last time I checked, commitments are non-binding.....and they should be.
Recruiting 17-18 year old high school boys who have been put on pedestals and have been given a feeling of entitlement since the 8th grade.....and have the loyalty of a bar room hooker to any school pursuing them....can be swayed easily and often.
When OU loses a commitment, I write it off as a byproduct of recruiting, the same way I factor in injuries, felonies/misdemeanors, "academic fraud" and bogus jobs in building and maintaining a football program.
Through all of this, I do not lose a minute of sleep.....especially when something like this happened 13 years ago.
Plano is right. I don't mind saying his name -- Robert Meachem. This kid did it on purpose. For some reason not known by me there was some hard feelings with a couple of BTW coaches towards OU and/or OU coaches. In this particular case it was very clear that this kid intentionally lied to the OU coaches. OU held a scholarship for this kid. They could have given the scholarship to some other deserving kid.

Bottom line is that it didn't really hurt OU as Meachem didn't really amount to all that much. And, back in those days OU didn't really miss him. Still, this was a couple of BTW coaches or administration that helped use a kid to get back at OU for some slight or otherwise. Either that or the kid just didn't like OU for some reason. I can forgive kids who change their minds for some reason or whatever. Just like the Phillips kid who bolted on OU this past year. I think this was a case where some LSU booster got involved and put pressure or money on the family and got Phillips to change his commitment. I don't think Phillips intentionally did this. Meachem did.
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I've never known that the BTW coaches had a hard on for the OU program or coaches. I guess I missed it when it was reported. I certainly could have. Meachem said he prayed about it and came to a decision that UT was the best place for him. So if he actually did set up OU, it wasn't very Christian-like. I've come to the conclusion that using "prayer" as the reason for a decision where to attend college is many times just an excuse for letting down other coaches that have invested much into a recruit. So you and Plaino may have something here. But as CT and others have stated, losing him wasn't all that devastating. Meachem had one great season all things considered.
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Recruiting can often play out the way Meachem's recruitment did.
11th hour changes are a part of recruiting and OU has had it work both ways. Last time I checked, commitments are non-binding.....and they should be.
Recruiting 17-18 year old high school boys who have been put on pedestals and have been given a feeling of entitlement since the 8th grade.....and have the loyalty of a bar room hooker to any school pursuing them....can be swayed easily and often.
When OU loses a commitment, I write it off as a byproduct of recruiting, the same way I factor in injuries, felonies/misdemeanors, "academic fraud" and bogus jobs in building and maintaining a football program.
Through all of this, I do not lose a minute of sleep.....especially when something like this happened 13 years ago.

I agree.
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I was surprised and disappointed when he chose Tennessee as well, but I have never read anything that would suggest his decision was a mean spirited intentional act to screw OU. I researched the background, and what he said and how he explained his decision seemed perfectly reasonable. He never indicated, at least from I've read, that OU was anything but a great place. He simply felt UT was a "better fit" for him and that he would have more balls thrown to him in Knoxville. What have you heard or read that indicates he wanted to "intentionally" hurt OU? I'd really like to know.
He told OU coaches that he would be a Sooner. He apparently changed his mind. He obviously has a right to do that. But he told no one, including his mother, in a effort to conceal it from OU until it was too late to look elsewhere.

They were not told they were among those he was considering. They were told he was coming. Then left them hanging and angry on signing day.

Don't know the truth of the following, but I was told his mother wore OU gear to the BTW ceremony, then had to cover it up.
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He told OU coaches that he would be a Sooner. He apparently changed his mind. He obviously has a right to do that. But he told no one, including his mother, in a effort to conceal it from OU until it was too late to look elsewhere.

They were not told they were among those he was considering. They were told he was coming. Then left them hanging and angry on signing day.

Don't know the truth of the following, but I was told his mother wore OU gear to the BTW ceremony, then had to cover it up.

Well, if so, I would say that was intentional. Weird that Carlson didn't ask Meachem about that when she interviewed him after he signed with UT. Well, maybe it wasn't so weird for her. Thanks!
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In Meachem's absence in 2003,(Meachem's first year at Tennessee), OU had at WR: Jejuan Rankins, Mark Clayton, Brandon Jones, Travis Wilson, Will Peoples.
In 2004: OU added transfer Mark Bradley to a receiving corps that remained intact from 2003.
In 2005: OU lost Clayton, Peoples, Jones and Bradley and added Malcolm Kelly, Jauquin Iglesius, Manuel Johnson, Quinten Chaney and retained Rankins and Travis.....with a very raw, inexperienced redshirt sophomore QB Rhett Bomar starting.
Meachem was hurt and redshirted in his first year at Tennessee, then had 25 catches in 2004, 29 in 2005 and finally broke out with 71 catches in 2006, his last year at Tennessee.
Clearly, Meachem would have been a good addition for OU, but it's hard to say he caused any problems by his defection.
In Meachem's absence in 2003,(Meachem's first year at Tennessee), OU had at WR: Jejuan Rankins, Mark Clayton, Brandon Jones, Travis Wilson, Will Peoples.
In 2004: OU added transfer Mark Bradley to a receiving corps that remained intact from 2003.
In 2005: OU lost Clayton, Peoples, Jones and Bradley and added Malcolm Kelly, Jauquin Iglesius, Manuel Johnson, Quinten Chaney and retained Rankins and Travis.....with a very raw, inexperienced redshirt sophomore QB Rhett Bomar starting.
Meachem was hurt and redshirted in his first year at Tennessee, then had 25 catches in 2004, 29 in 2005 and finally broke out with 71 catches in 2006, his last year at Tennessee.
Clearly, Meachem would have been a good addition for OU, but it's hard to say he caused any problems by his defection.

Meachem was undoubtedly a very good WR but he really had only one great season at UT as CT has pointed out. Honestly, I saw him play in high school and thought he was lazy and nothing special, but that may have been that BTW was playing a poor Bixby team. Even so, I wasn't impressed. Still I wanted him at OU since he was the #1 Oklahoma recruit. Like what did I know. When he went to UT and bombed out the first couple of years I wasn't surprised. He had a similar Pro career. Okay but not sponge worthy, IMO.
It did in at least the slightest. He intentionally screwed our receiver recruiting that year, which had mpact on two OU NC appearances. It didn't wreck my life, but it did affect my favorite team in an important time in Sooner history. So it most certainly slightly impacted my life. If he chose to go elsewhere, that's a reasonable decision.

But they way he did it was intentional, intended to hurt OU football. No reason was ever provided.

Never took you for being a snowflake.
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I really don't want to head in that direction again. But what he did was the personification of snowflake behavior.

Calling him out for that, ain't that. I don't believe in Karma in it's purist claim. But there is a certain symmetry when the intentionally deceitful, finds circumstances pretending to be that.

He fooled others. Now he seems to be fooling himself. Should I be heartbroken?
Never took you for being a snowflake.

Billy, this is unnecessary. The same could be applied to you as you don't seem to be able to deal with the fact that this kid intentionally led OU coaches down the rosy path and then stuck the knife in their collective backs.

I don't and never have understood the need of some to resort to name calling when they don't agree or like what someone else posts.
Billy, this is unnecessary. The same could be applied to you as you don't seem to be able to deal with the fact that this kid intentionally led OU coaches down the rosy path and then stuck the knife in their collective backs.

I don't and never have understood the need of some to resort to name calling when they don't agree or like what someone else posts.
I choose not to deal with the fact he misled OU coaches because I don't get so emotionally invested in recruiting and OU football that I allow something so trivial to still cause me butthurtness 14 years later.
It did in at least the slightest. He intentionally screwed our receiver recruiting that year, which had mpact on two OU NC appearances.

So are you going to take the route of thinking that this kids decision was directly responsible for OU and your beloved Bob Stoops for coming up short in those consecutive national title games?
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Meachem's defection, if intentionally aimed at harming OU, should be viewed, in my opinion, as addition by subtraction.
I want OU to have players who buy into the program 100% and who understand what it means to play at OU.
Like every program, OU has and will get its share of bad apples in some form or another, but in Meachem's case, why the hell would we want him ? Character HAS to be a higher priority than just talent.
I'm not buying Meachem's absence impacting OU losing out on two national championships. His level of talent....good but not great....could not have saved OU from losing to LSU with an injured Jason White and getting mauled by USC 55-19 a year later in OU's most embarrassing defeat ever.
Name a loss more heartbreaking, disappointing, and embarrassing than the national championship game against USC. That was the beginning of the downward spiral. Hopefully, 2017 will be the beginning of the return of Sooner domination.
OU's meltdown in the 1978 Orange Bowl vs Arkansas pales in comparison to the loss vs USC....but both games eliminated OU from gaining national championships.
OU's meltdown in the 1978 Orange Bowl vs Arkansas pales in comparison to the loss vs USC....but both games eliminated OU from gaining national championships.

Yeah, that was a really bad one. Only thing that helped was I distinctly remember being shitfaced during that game. But I digress.
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