Guess what, Texas....


Sooner starter
Gold Member
Sep 18, 2008
That game you won? The only bright spot in your season? Doesn't mean squat anymore! I don't even care! You thought you'd ruined our season, only to see Bob's boys use that performance as motivation to rise to a playoff spot. No matter what happens in Stillwater, your win is meaningless. How's that taste?
That game you won? The only bright spot in your season? Doesn't mean squat anymore! I don't even care! You thought you'd ruined our season, only to see Bob's boys use that performance as motivation to rise to a playoff spot. No matter what happens in Stillwater, your win is meaningless. How's that taste?
Bob's boys use that performance as motivation to rise to a playoff spot. No matter what happens in Stillwater, your win is meaningless.

Well then, that would make it quite meaningful. BTW - OU doesn't have a playoff spot yet. If you think that, you're prone to having your pumping heart ripped out of your chest, arteries and all. But, back to your point, I heard one local OKC sports guy call it "possibly the best loss in Sooner history". And that was 3 weeks ago. We'll know in two weeks if that is true.
That game you won? The only bright spot in your season? Doesn't mean squat anymore! I don't even care! You thought you'd ruined our season, only to see Bob's boys use that performance as motivation to rise to a playoff spot. No matter what happens in Stillwater, your win is meaningless. How's that taste?
LOL. You still have to live with it for year.:(
The thing we, as Sooner fans have to live with is this.... OU has gotten
much, much better and the horns suck worse now than they did when
they played OU. But if that seven point win makes you feel better good
for you. What's that record now, 4-6 ? Ya'll are a hoot I'll say that.
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The thing we, as Sooner fans have to live with is this.... OU has gotten
much, much better and the horns suck worse now than they did when
they played OU. But if that seven point win makes you feel better good
for you. What's that record now, 4-6 ? Ya'll are a hoot I'll say that.
You all can't get pass the TEXAS loss.
Texas fans this year literally are the reincarnation of what Poke fans use to be. They base their entire season on one win. Poke fans did that on rare occasions they beat OU...and to a certain extent, they still do. Using that lone win to somehow drown out the rest of the miserable year.
Ya'll keep braggin' about the win, which I see as a diversion from your
poor , poor season and six losses. How's that workin' for ya'll ?
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Ya'll keep braggin' about the win, which I see as a diversion from your
poor , poor season and six losses. How's that workin' for ya'll ?
You can never justifies
Ya'll keep braggin' about the win, which I see as a diversion from your
poor , poor season and six losses. How's that workin' for ya'll ?
We still beat you. I will take it.
They're probably selling their souls faster than the Pokes over the game Saturday.
Well Gramps OU improved greatly after that game. Charlie's team started circling the toilet bowl since the game. OU whether we win Saturday or not proved one thing. Texas is insignificant at this time. Rhodes got fired for shutting down juice and his boys. Heck we thought Texas needed to be good for the big 12. Since the launch of LHN The Jones's are a sterling 37 - 27. So now you LHN hounds have 37 replays from 5 yrs to watch. You may ad Tech I don't know. Thanks for dropping by with something I think is hilarious. Shit I'm hungry now gramps.
Medic come back we need you for this run.
Well then, that would make it quite meaningful. BTW - OU doesn't have a playoff spot yet. If you think that, you're prone to having your pumping heart ripped out of your chest, arteries and all. But, back to your point, I heard one local OKC sports guy call it "possibly the best loss in Sooner history". And that was 3 weeks ago. We'll know in two weeks if that is true.
Whereas that is true, it won't be because of the Texas loss. At this point it is in our mirror and meaningless. oSu is the team that can keep us out, not Texas. And you know they were all just drooling at the thought of us getting left out for Notre Dame and taking credit for it. Sorry Chawlie... not gonna happen.
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Whereas that is true, it won't be because of the Texas loss. At this point it is in our mirror and meaningless. oSu is the team that can keep us out, not Texas. And you know they were all just drooling at the thought of us getting left out for Notre Dame and taking credit for it. Sorry Chawlie... not gonna happen.

Like barkingyank, Texas fans are dead to me. They aren't significant, they don't matter, they provide no redeeming value to humanity. As Mike has said, if we just ignore them, they will lose interest and go away. Can you imagine how much work would be accomplished on the Texas Highway System if the Texas Boards ceased to exist?? Something to think about.
The ESPN broadcast Sunday morning, I think OU was in the top 4 with most of them. I think the strangest part is Notre Dame whips Texas bad, then we lose to Texas. No respect for Texas in either game. That shows they do cut you slack for early losses. I don't know why Notre Dame gets no credit for beating them. YeeHaw this is going to be the biggest game for OU in years
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We still beat you. I will take it.

You don't have any choice but to take it, Pops. It's all you've got to hang your pathetic season on.

Will you be cheering for us in the NC game? Don't forget, we represent you losers as Big XII champs.
Gramps you limp wrist sissy you take that win and we will take a Big 12 Championship and National Title run!!!