Great coordinator job is better than a bad head coaching job...


Sooner commitment
Oct 22, 2002
Bob gave this advice to Mangino several years ago...given that, odds Lincoln sticks around for next year?
Actually, I think Bob gave MM the opposite advice.
The story is KU offered the job to Mangino and he turned it down.
Rumor is, when Bob heard that, he told Mangino he better call them back and see if the offer was still good.
A bad head coaching job was better than being unemployed.
Brent Venables is the the first who comes to mind. He's still pretty young and may want a HC job someday, but right now, he's pure gold at Clemson. Not saying Dabo's a bad HC, but his career path took off once BV arrived.
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I'll tell you, being a coordinator sure looks to be a MUCH easier position than a HC. There is so much that the HC has responsibility for (everything soup to nuts) and a coordinator "only" has to recruit and put half a game plan together.
HC makes $5 mil.
Coordinator makes $0.5 - $1.0 Million.
But after about 5 years, it isn't about the money any more.

I'm not afraid of a challenge, but through my life (on a much, much smaller scale), I have declined top positions (little league, etc) for one reason.
I would need another "me" to be responsible for the small stuff.
I prefer to do the work behind the scenes and let someone else coordinate to overall project.
All you have to do is decide what needs to be done and I will make sure it gets done.

And, yes, we did pay our little league president $5 Million. ;)
Lane Kiffin is another good example. Solid offensive coordinator, but his shots as a head coach didn't pan out too well. But hey, credit Saban for immediately hiring him as his OC at Alabama. Saban recognized his abilities as an OC and brought him on before some other program got him. Alabama has been rolling ever since.
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Of course the downside to being a Coordinator is that your career is tied closely to the HC and the rest of the staff. If the season tanks, you might be looking for a new job unless you are very, very good at what you do and the new coach realizes you are a keeper instead of looking for a new guy. Certainly there is less job security than the HC because when things go south, the Coordinators and assistants are the first to go.

To me, the most obvious example of a bad HC and good Coordinator would be Sterlin Gilbert and Charlie Strong at texas. Outside of a terrible first half against ISU, Gilert's done a pretty good job with the horn offense, especially compared to the previous season. I'll be curious to see if he is asked to stay on at texas once the Charlie Strong era is over.

You can thank me for being Mr. Obvious. You're welcome.
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