Get to practice what I preach


Sooner commitment
Oct 11, 2017
Broken Arrow
I debated whether to write this but here goes.In November 2013 I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocitic Leukemia,after a battery of tests they finally figured it out.They call it the good cancer haha.All I have had to do is blood work every 3 or 4 months and they monitor my platelet and neutrophil count.The only thing is it can make you susceptible to other cancers.Well after diagnosis I wrote a message to all about keeping things in perspective right before we played Alabama in the Sugar Bowl.
Fast forward to last Friday when I was leaning on a pipe rail I had a sharp pain in my rib area,not thinking much about it,it did not get better.I went and got an x-ray Thursday thinking maybe I cracked a rib well. it turns out to be some kind of mass that I have to get a CT scan for on Wednesday.It could be nothing or might not be I don't know.Once again I am having my feet held to the fire.I know God is with me but it strains the whole family not just me.
Once again lets enjoy the game tonight and next Friday and accept the outcomes and remember its just a game.
I know there are others with much bigger issues than I have and lets just take time to think of them.

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I don't know you on a personal basis. But I don't know a single Coach, staff member or player at OU either. I hope going forward that your wins are infinite equal to or even better than OUs. May God shine his blessings on you and your family.
Stay strong brother. Just lost my sister to breast cancer in June. She was diagnosed in 2010 and fought as only she could. It started to spread eveywhere and she was treated for that as well. A few months ago it spread to her brain and that was it. Left behind 3 kids, one a senior in HS, another in the 9th grade and another in the 5th grade. She stayed strong and fought to watch her kids grow up, only thing that kept her going for 8 yrs and 3 months was her kids. She was only 46 and the youngest of 6 of us kids and the first one we have lost.
I learned a long time ago a lot of the things we complain about in life are minuscule compared to what someone else may be facing and that could be a fight for life. Whats more important than that?
My youngest daughter just finished the Route 66 half marathon!!!! A lot better runner than I ever was.I only liked to run while playing something,LOL
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