Fellow Sooners, last week I was exposed to COVID.


Sooner starter
Oct 20, 2002
Plano, TX
I have no symptoms and took one of Biden's home tests last night which was five days after the exposure, and it was negative.

Last Wednesday, I had a customer who had some nasal congestion and a little sore throat, and tested twice for COVID and it was negative. But a day after I treated her house, she texted me and told me she tested positive. Two hours after I treated her house, I saw my youngest, who was leaving for Lubbock for his final year of grad school. We had two or three good hugs on his way out of town. These days, when he's here, he lives with his mom. He was home for two weeks, making some money.

When I called him the next day, to tell him of my exposure, he told me his mom had just told him that she had tested positive. So I have gone 38 months without a COVID exposure, and then I had two in one day. So far, he's not seen symptoms either.

I'm just wondering if anybody had experience with the 2022 versions of COVID and what should I expect over the next week. I've avoided contact with anybody, except going to a few drive through windows with a mask on. I'd really appreciate any informed opinions.
I have no symptoms and took one of Biden's home tests last night which was five days after the exposure, and it was negative.

Last Wednesday, I had a customer who had some nasal congestion and a little sore throat, and tested twice for COVID and it was negative. But a day after I treated her house, she texted me and told me she tested positive. Two hours after I treated her house, I saw my youngest, who was leaving for Lubbock for his final year of grad school. We had two or three good hugs on his way out of town. These days, when he's here, he lives with his mom. He was home for two weeks, making some money.

When I called him the next day, to tell him of my exposure, he told me his mom had just told him that she had tested positive. So I have gone 38 months without a COVID exposure, and then I had two in one day. So far, he's not seen symptoms either.

I'm just wondering if anybody had experience with the 2022 versions of COVID and what should I expect over the next week. I've avoided contact with anybody, except going to a few drive through windows with a mask on. I'd really appreciate any informed opinions.
You fell into that trap? Smh. Good luck brother.
I have no symptoms and took one of Biden's home tests last night which was five days after the exposure, and it was negative.

Last Wednesday, I had a customer who had some nasal congestion and a little sore throat, and tested twice for COVID and it was negative. But a day after I treated her house, she texted me and told me she tested positive. Two hours after I treated her house, I saw my youngest, who was leaving for Lubbock for his final year of grad school. We had two or three good hugs on his way out of town. These days, when he's here, he lives with his mom. He was home for two weeks, making some money.

When I called him the next day, to tell him of my exposure, he told me his mom had just told him that she had tested positive. So I have gone 38 months without a COVID exposure, and then I had two in one day. So far, he's not seen symptoms either.

I'm just wondering if anybody had experience with the 2022 versions of COVID and what should I expect over the next week. I've avoided contact with anybody, except going to a few drive through windows with a mask on. I'd really appreciate any informed opinions.
I had two couples that are friends go to Vegas within two weeks from each other last month and all four of them came back with Covid. They all took the same med that Biden took for his virus. Paxlovid. They all were pretty much over it within a week or so. They all say it was like a really bad cold. They were all double boosted. Hope this helps and get well soon, Plaino.
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I had a pretty major bout of the boogie man ie CoVid. I had a severe sore throat, constant drainage, the sporadic bad cough, real bad body aches, but not a major fever. Lost sense of taste while I had the most severe symptoms. They lasted 7 days and finally eased up by day 12. I took the prescription Plaxovid which did lessen the worst part of it. Being Type II I needed that help. Stayed out of hospital.
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So, a month or so ago I started having drainage, straight to my lungs, head cold symptoms and some chills on day. Now, I get sinus infections a couple of times a year and I keep a stash of z-packs at my house for those occasions and it knocks it right out.

So, I figured I was getting a sinus infection because the symptoms were identical, so I started a Z-pack on the 2nd day of feeling bad. Now, my daughter had one of those at home Covid tests that I guess her work provides for her and she told me to take it. I did and it came back positive.

Now, as usual, a day after I start a z-pack I can tell a huge difference and by the 3rd day, pretty much getting closer to normal. But I was told that a z-pack would have zero effect on Covid? So was the Covid test wrong? If Covid test was right then I’ve had Covid my whole life and treated like a sinus infection everytime lol
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I was hospitalized in January for a few days (no Covid). Then again in early March (both of these visits were for rotten kidney infections). The 2nd trip I was told I was C19 positive even though I had NO symptoms. I was not given any meds for wu flu. I took one Moderna vax in 21 but will not be taking any more boosters period
I was hospitalized in January for a few days (no Covid). Then again in early March (both of these visits were for rotten kidney infections). The 2nd trip I was told I was C19 positive even though I had NO symptoms. I was not given any meds for wu flu. I took one Moderna vax in 21 but will not be taking any more boosters period

My PCP was kind of a failure when I tested positive. He said just get some OTC flu medicine. I said F that and got a Rx to help me get symptoms to get steadily better. Cannot take it lightly if you have any underlying health problems. I am glad I took control...
My PCP was kind of a failure when I tested positive. He said just get some OTC flu medicine. I said F that and got a Rx to help me get symptoms to get steadily better. Cannot take it lightly if you have any underlying health problems. I am glad I took control...
Totally agree. “Cannot take it lightly”. I have lost 7 good friends to this virus. My wife and I lost our golf partners. He got it and ended up in the hospital then his wife got it and died 3 days later never seeing her husband after he was hospitalized. He died a day after his wife without ever knowing his wife had died. That was in 2021. BTW, 3 of the 7 were under 50 years old.
I have no doubt that the virus was/is real and deadly for the more compromised folks.

Yeah, for those who were in denial and saying it was no worse than the flu, I can't recall anytime during my lifetime that the flu caused the morgues to be filled to capacity, and having to use refrigeration trucks to store the corpses, and set up ICU tents in hospital parking lots.
Yeah, for those who were in denial and saying it was no worse than the flu, I can't recall anytime during my lifetime that the flu caused the morgues to be filled to capacity, and having to use refrigeration trucks to store the corpses, and set up ICU tents in hospital parking lots.

I lost a good friend to it in Tulsa. Blood clots and pneumonia complications. A horrible way to pass away with not getting oxygen.
I lost a good friend to it in Tulsa. Blood clots and pneumonia complications. A horrible way to pass away with not getting oxygen.
The bizarre thing about Covid is how it effects folks different. I had a friend of mine come down with it, I think he had a few underlying conditions but seemed fairly healthy from just looking at him. Anyway, he gets it, he goes in the hospital, is in there for about a week and appears to be making progress, just breathing oxygen, is sitting up in bed talking to his wife when out of nowhere his lung collapsed and that's the last time he was coherent, died a couple of days later on a ventilator.
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Yeah, for those who were in denial and saying it was no worse than the flu, I can't recall anytime during my lifetime that the flu caused the morgues to be filled to capacity, and having to use refrigeration trucks to store the corpses, and set up ICU tents in hospital parking lots.
I'll give you that. But the latest strain seems less a threat to health by more than a little. I've had four couples of customers who postponed because they were positive. And all said that very thing. That is was like a bad head cold for a week.
Totally agree. “Cannot take it lightly”. I have lost 7 good friends to this virus. My wife and I lost our golf partners. He got it and ended up in the hospital then his wife got it and died 3 days later never seeing her husband after he was hospitalized. He died a day after his wife without ever knowing his wife had died. That was in 2021. BTW, 3 of the 7 were under 50 years old.
Weirdest thing, I live in a major city, my brother is a fireman, I know lots of people and noone that died of Covid. My brothers fire house, one of the oldest slowest firehouse in the city with everyone above 50. 40 + firemen above 50 all got Covid no problems. I’ve had Covid twice, no problems. Everyone of my family has had Covid, no problems. By no problems, I mean flu like symptoms with short-term loss of smell and taste for some. Not myself. Just flu like symptoms. How this virus randomly affects people and the sphere of people they know so differently is crazy. Sorry for your losses. 😢
The daughter & I went to the Alamo Dome for the Bowl game this past Dec. We both got Covid within hours of each other. Heavy chills, big time headache, fever. Was sick for two days. As quick as it hit me, it left the same way. By day 5, I was like nothing had happened. I think every body has different reactions and every strain is different.

BTW, I was vaxed and boosted twice. IMO, that stuff only worked to make some peeps a lot of money.
BTW, I was vaxed and boosted twice. IMO, that stuff only worked to make some peeps a lot of money.
My father was vaxed and boosted twice and got a moderate case of COVID. His doctor explained that the vaccination is about 90% effective in preventing COVID, but typically lessens the severity of it for the people who do get it. In my father's case, it could have very well made the difference between life and death.
My father was vaxed and boosted twice and got a moderate case of COVID. His doctor explained that the vaccination is about 90% effective in preventing COVID, but typically lessens the severity of it for the people who do get it. In my father's case, it could have very well made the difference between life and death.

I'm convinced that the 2nd strain that went through was milder and the vax didn't do anything to change it. The first stain/wave was the killer, the 2nd strain/wave was much milder. The current strain/wave is so mild that people don't even talk about it anymore.
Having said this, I'm glad your Father was/is ok.
Mixed bag for me; Covid killed my dad (& it was just Covid, no underlying conditions), the vaccine killed my mom 3 weeks after dad passed.

As for myself, I’ve had it twice. The first time was the initial strain (back in January of ‘21) & it was by far the worst. You know that occasional deep breath that you take after a minute or two of just normal breaths that you take while you’re just sitting there? I had to work like an absolute dog to get that deep one. Sleep was the best thing for me, but getting to sleep was beyond difficult.

Me & my wife both got omicron this past January, & we’re pretty much in the consensus on that one, it was for the most part just like a bad cold.
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Sorry to hear that your family has been so impacted by the virus. Your story isn’t new to me. I’m not questioning that your mom died as a result of the vaccine but how did you come to that conclusion?

I’ve heard the same story about Omicron from two or three friends. Glad that you’re well again.
Sorry to hear that your family has been so impacted by the virus. Your story isn’t new to me. I’m not questioning that your mom died as a result of the vaccine but how did you come to that conclusion?

I’ve heard the same story about Omicron from two or three friends. Glad that you’re well again.
From beginning to end (he passed 7-14-21) dad had Covid for approximately 3 weeks-ish. About a week into that, mom came up hot. About a week after dad passed, mom went back in to get tested, & she comes up negative. She beat Covid. The doctor tells her that he wants her to wait a couple weeks to let things settle down, then go get vaccinated. She waits 2 weeks & gets the jab @ 3:30 PM on August 6th. On the morning of August 8th @ approximately 8 AM (my dad’s fishing buddy, a licensed EMT’s best guess as he said rigor mortis had set in very well when he found her that evening) she falls over dead in the driveway & rolls halfway down the hill beside it.

The coroner does his investigation, after which he calls me to inform me that she passed due to a “cardiac event.” I replied, “so, you mean heart attack?” He replied “she died of a cardiac event.” I said, “so you mean heart attack.” He then reiterated his previous reply, word for word a third time. So, she died of a “cardiac event” that he refused to call a heart attack, less than 2 full days after being pumped with a drug that has been proven to screw with people’s hearts on occasion. I’m never going to call myself Einstein, but from where I’m standing, that one doesn’t take a rocket scientist.
From beginning to end (he passed 7-14-21) dad had Covid for approximately 3 weeks-ish. About a week into that, mom came up hot. About a week after dad passed, mom went back in to get tested, & she comes up negative. She beat Covid. The doctor tells her that he wants her to wait a couple weeks to let things settle down, then go get vaccinated. She waits 2 weeks & gets the jab @ 3:30 PM on August 6th. On the morning of August 8th @ approximately 8 AM (my dad’s fishing buddy, a licensed EMT’s best guess as he said rigor mortis had set in very well when he found her that evening) she falls over dead in the driveway & rolls halfway down the hill beside it.

The coroner does his investigation, after which he calls me to inform me that she passed due to a “cardiac event.” I replied, “so, you mean heart attack?” He replied “she died of a cardiac event.” I said, “so you mean heart attack.” He then reiterated his previous reply, word for word a third time. So, she died of a “cardiac event” that he refused to call a heart attack, less than 2 full days after being pumped with a drug that has been proven to screw with people’s hearts on occasion. I’m never going to call myself Einstein, but from where I’m standing, that one doesn’t take a rocket scientist.

What a rough time for you. So sorry to know that you had to experience the loss of both parents in such a short period of time. I'm curious to know if this coroner identify all heart attacks as cardiac events? Meaning does he identify heart attacks differently from one another.
From beginning to end (he passed 7-14-21) dad had Covid for approximately 3 weeks-ish. About a week into that, mom came up hot. About a week after dad passed, mom went back in to get tested, & she comes up negative. She beat Covid. The doctor tells her that he wants her to wait a couple weeks to let things settle down, then go get vaccinated. She waits 2 weeks & gets the jab @ 3:30 PM on August 6th. On the morning of August 8th @ approximately 8 AM (my dad’s fishing buddy, a licensed EMT’s best guess as he said rigor mortis had set in very well when he found her that evening) she falls over dead in the driveway & rolls halfway down the hill beside it.

The coroner does his investigation, after which he calls me to inform me that she passed due to a “cardiac event.” I replied, “so, you mean heart attack?” He replied “she died of a cardiac event.” I said, “so you mean heart attack.” He then reiterated his previous reply, word for word a third time. So, she died of a “cardiac event” that he refused to call a heart attack, less than 2 full days after being pumped with a drug that has been proven to screw with people’s hearts on occasion. I’m never going to call myself Einstein, but from where I’m standing, that one doesn’t take a rocket scientist.
I understand completely. January 10, 2001 after watching the OU national championship game together a week earlier, my son died suddenly. After all the typical testing including toxicology and everything, all we got was “cause of death: apparent cardiac arrhythmia”. He talked with me 30 minutes before his attack. He was diabetic but very fit. He was 31 years old. Sometimes there just aren’t any logical answers. I hope you find peace soon, my friend.
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The medical community was very anxious to call anything COVID that they could, because they got paid extra for it. But they never wanted to call anything related to vax problems a vax problem. There was more than a little snake oil being sold in 2020-21.
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Pfizer, Moderna along with their pitchman fauci are no different from Purdue and the Sacklers.
I caught it 8 days ago. I am A symptomatic and only took the test because I was around my brother and he got sick as hell. My test was positive but how? I had a couple days it was hard to sleep but had no pain, just a sniffle or two. Now I have no idea if I gave it to my brother or he gave it to me? It's a hell of a guilt trip.
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What a rough time for you. So sorry to know that you had to experience the loss of both parents in such a short period of time. I'm curious to know if this coroner identify all heart attacks as cardiac events? Meaning does he identify heart attacks differently from one another.
Sorry I’m late getting back to you on this. The above conversation that I had with the coroner was the only time I talked to him, so I can’t answer that question. I did however, tell 3 other doctors that I know about said scenario & convo, & they all said that if it had been their patient & it had been a heart attack, they’d have called it such without beating around the bush.