Chat Recap: September 1st


Sooner starter
Oct 8, 2008
I wasn’t in the chat last night but I organized the Q&A’s like I did last week by logical section that probably only makes sense to me. I lightly edited some of information. For example, I took out who asked the questions or made the comments because I don't think that's important. Josh was the only Scooper in the chat last night; Carey and Eddie were unavailable.

Recruiting questions/comments:

Questions about Obi Eboh (CB):
What's your gut tell you on Obi now? Doesn't sound like Robert Barnes is as much of a lock to OU as some perceive.
Josh_M: I think we're all guessing a little bit now but hard to argue with UT's track record at SLC.

About Texas getting involved..... What are your thoughts on that situation right now?
Josh_M: I think it's too early to be sure but I hear a lot of whispers that it could change things pretty dramatically.

Josh, do you know why exactly Eboh didnt commit? You mentioned he was going to call the OU coaches? Is OU slowing playing?
Josh_M: I didn't mention anything about him calling the coaches. ;) And no, OU would have taken him if he tried to commit.

Sorry Josh, not accusing...just thought you said him and his family was going to call the OU coaches at some point over this last weekend...
Josh_M: Oh I didn't take it that way, just explaining!
Josh_M: I know he was considering a commitment, no doubt about that.

Josh please elaborate on eboh didn't understand the storm comment
Josh_M: storm comment?

Other recruiting:

So I will ask the question next commit
Josh_M: Boy I'm just not sure. OU doesn't usually get more than MAYBE 1-2 during the season so it could be none until December - and that is SO tricky to guess.

More interested in 2016... who commits on their official visit?
Josh_M: Marvin Terry to me is the most likely.

Where does OU finish in the 2016 Rivals recruiting rankings?
Josh_M: I'm guessing somewhere between 15-20.

Do we have a real shot with Oliver and Tyrie (DT Ed Oliver and WR Tyrie Cleveland from Houston Westfield)
Josh_M: IMO? No.

Josh, any early predictions for 2017 Oklahoma kids?
Josh_M: Sure, but in what way do you mean?

OU will have 7 safeties on scholarship for what I'm calling 3 spots (nickelback included) in 2016. Is that number where you would like it
Josh_M: That's not bad, I'd have to sit down and really break down the numbers. Some of it is tricky because you DON'T know what Oklahoma really wants to align as. The issue is more how young most of the safeties are.

What needs to happen for S Shurrod Thompson to get re-visit
Josh_M: Sylvie would have to back out, I just don't see how OU can take THAT many safeties.

Does a transfer from Stanvon or Dakota open up a spot for shurrod even though they are different spots
Josh_M: I kind of doubt it, think they'd just have another spot - be it for another CB or otherwise.

Do you know of any 2016 DT's that are being recruited as OL?
Josh_M: None that I've heard, I get the impression that's not Bedenbaugh's favorite method of operation.

If you could get a highly rated juco at one position for this class, what spot do you go on offense and defense
Josh_M: Offense - receiver, defense - DE. To me there might be greater needs for OU but from the JUCO ranks I rarely see OL, QB, DT, LB, etc. really star.

Josh, any rumblings on potential flips to ou?
Josh_M: Oh plenty of them, but nothing that I think is that realistic right this moment.

Adrian Hardy stick? Or is he too tough to read.
Josh_M: He is REALLY tough to read, doesn't talk to anyone. But good news is I'm going to see him on Thursday night.

Thoughts on Hardy playing defense? I like when high school quarterbacks move to the other side of the ball.
Josh_M: I like that it shows him doing some different things.

Josh, 2017 Oklahoma kids that end up at ou?
Josh_M: Hmm, I'd go with Tre Brown, Evan Fields, Adrian Wolford would be my early guesses. A few guys I like but need to see more as juniors whether they are truly OU level guys.

Josh, why aren't we looking at NEO LB Chris Baccus?
Josh_M: OU is looking at him, I think they don't have a ton of spots for more LBs. I mean would you rather Baccus or Terry/Kelly?
Reply: Say no more definitely terry/Kelly

Does OU recruit Louisiana or California better?
Josh_M: Good question, but I'd go with California. Louisiana has been too spotty and the last really elite guy they got from LA was Rufus Alexander in 2002.

When is the WR Owens from Fresno visiting?
Josh_M: Not sure on that, won't shock me if he comes with Caleb on Nov. 20 for TCU.

OU still recruiting Rowdy the OL from BA?
Josh_M: There is still some contact but it's clearly a secondary situation right now.

Camron Williams a backup plan at this point? (WR from Dallas)
Josh_M: That's pretty much where I'm at with it.

List of officials for the weekend?
Josh_M: Right now it's Chandler, Horton, and Valentin - still think Price and another guy or two are possible.
Josh, is there a working visitor list for this weekend?
Josh_M: I need to hammer one out, I know Evan Fields is a 2017 guy who may be there.
Comment: Sounds like OG JohnCarlo Valentin is visiting this weekend for sure.

Does Parker B take an official? (ND commit Parker Boudreaux, OG from Florida)
Josh_M: I'd bet he does.

Any rumblings with Devornay?
Josh_M: Nothing really.

What's the story on the 2018 john Marshall running back? Heard he was the star of the scrimmage Edward covered so diligently.
Josh_M: He is a big guy that we need to see a lot more of. I see a guy that still could shift possessions.

Current lineup/player questions/comments:

Chances Mixon over takes Perine by the end of the season?
Josh_M: Almost none.
Comment: Didn't think so, but a lot of raving about him. I'm excited for Samaje to follow up last season.
Josh_M: Samaje is just way, way too steady to be benched IMO. Mixon, he is young and there will be ups and downs. Think it would be upsetting the apple cart for no real reason - by the end of the year think Mixon might be getting more touches though (via passing & rushing).

The more you hear of Mixon, the higher your expectations get?
Josh_M: Yeah, I knew I was a huge fan, but what I've heard is pretty other worldly.

First question to Mixon asked post game about the punch?
Josh_M: It'll be tied in something like 'with all that you've gone through, the incident at Pickelman's, etc. what does it feel like to be here now?'

Miciah Quick more likely to transfer before he moves to defense?
Josh_M: I think it's something you'd have to wonder about. Guys switching spots so far from home, doesn't always go well.
Comment: Quick is really close to Mixon.... if Mixon blows up....?

Is Frison in Norman?
Josh_M: He is.
Josh I know Frison is there when is he out of the doghouse? When do you expect him to be back on the team?
Josh_M: I'm betting he is practicing before the end of the month. But again that assumes that he can stay on the straight and narrow.
Comment: Carey just posted a Frison update on the board

Josh, what are your thoughts on the depth chart that was released? Brown and Alvarez on the same side? Baxter starting receiver? Ross not even listed on 3 deep at RB? Anything else surprised you?
Josh_M: Alvarez might be OU's best interior OL by Texas, if there is one inexperienced ugly I'd bet on, he's my guy. Baxter starting knocks my socks off, I can't think of ANY comparable story.

Josh, you think Cody Thomas thinks about quitting and starts focusing on baseball this year?
Josh_M: No, Thomas isn't that caliber of baseball player from what I've been told.

Am I off in thinking that durron Neal doesn't move the needle for me like he should.
Josh_M: I think that's fair, he is a solid possession WR - not much more at this point.

Surprised at Alex Daltons name not getting mentioned? Is he to light? He was deemed as Bedenbaughs first target and get
Josh_M: I think he seems likely to be Kasiati's replacement so that's a good sign but you're right he isn't, apparently, making waves.

Ahmad Thomas not a great player or put in a bad positions/coaching?
Josh_M: He didn't get a lot of help last year and I think he'll improve but by the end of the year think Sunderland may be pushing him.

You pick one OU player in a cage match, who are you throwing in there?
Josh_M: I could make a real case for Alvarez...that dude is nasty.

If Frison doesn't make it, is he the biggest bust of the guys you've had a serious man crush on that wound up in Norman?
Josh_M: You could make a case for John Williams, but his knees failed him - not his ability.
Comment: Daniel Tabon
Josh_M: Another VERY strong nominee.

Mark Bradley similar to Baxter?
Josh_M: He is but he didn't arrive and hit the starting lineup, he ran scout team QB impersonating Seneca Wallace - that was how he really became a known name.

Levonte David a similar comparison to striker? (Tampa Bay LB out of Nebraska)
Josh_M: In size maybe, but David was a much better player, more complete IMO.

State of the program questions/comments:

Josh, as it gets closer to season, do you still fill the same about this team or has your opinion changed at all. Better or worse

Josh_M: I'm still about where I have been. I'm not sold on QB, I'm not sold on OL, and it's been six years since OU had a truly dominating defense.

What do you think about OU admitting they will run a 3-3-5/4-2-5 with striker at end? Color me not impressed with changing schemes 4 years in a row.
Josh_M: I REALLY like it if they can be flexible and use him in various ways. If he is lining up more often than not over a TE...I don't like it at all.

How do you feel about the move of Mike to the box? Is its anticipated effect a little overstated or spot on?
Josh_M: Overstated. I feel like it's a change to just try something new. But there is no question that with the fast pace of things today it's easy to get caught up in the minutia so I can see the case for it...I just don't expect much from it.

Josh what are your thoughts on the way recruiting is going? Are you impressed by all coaches so far? Do you see a difference?
Josh_M: I do. I think OU's issues are no longer effort on the trail - I think the bigger issue is OU needs to start winning a lot again to compete with the schools you all expect them to recruit against.

Josh, if ou wins Tennessee game, do you change your tone about them?
Josh_M: Probably, because to me that game will tell you where OU's season is going, where they are at.

Josh, any sense that if this train gets derailed early, say Tennessee loss and maybe Texas, that this could get ugly. New coaches pressing and the heat on Bob and Mike getting out of control.
Josh_M: I don't think so...Bob Stoops circles the wagons pretty well. To me that was what surprised me so much about last year - that team quit.

Josh, Eddie, or Carey...your thoughts on Herbstriet call OU and Arizona State playoff teams?
Josh_M: I don't get that at all. I've been racking my brain trying to think of the last time an OL with so little experience was a true national title contender. I'm sure there is someone that has slipped my mind but the list isn't long.

What are the national guys at ESPN missing about ou that local media seems to be down on.
Josh_M: I think Bob has a lot of credit with those guys, when he tells them 'we're going to be good' they tend to believe. They aren't familiar with these guys, they haven't watched every snap of the spring game, know these guys backgrounds, etc. And again SO much of this is Herbstreit and how much people respect him (I do too, so I get it) and he has always kind of been Bob's guy.

Carey seems to think this team lacks the attitude/yard dog attitude. Agree?
Josh_M: I think you'll have to see. I don't think them taking pictures in boas tells me anything about that. I mean James Harrison does acupuncture and is one of the biggest baddest dogs I've ever seen.

Currently watching the OU Tennessee game from last year. Herbie keeps harping on how he doesn't understand the cb bailing and playing soft on third and short.
Josh_M: That's something you all as fans have been talking about for a while. Again you all know more about this team than most national guys - you see them far more and are much more familiar with all the players than they figure to be.

Just look at the Stidham recruiting. Tells you all that you need to know. (I assume he means 5-star QB Jarrett Stidham who decommitted form TTech last December and eventually signed with Baylor).

Do you take Akron and the points this weekend?
Josh_M: I'd bet Akron covers, Oklahoma is going to be REAL vanilla and be looking forward. To forget that they have a lot of young guys cutting their teeth.

Watching the 2000 coaches show, it's shocking how much OU lined up under center. Even more shocking was how many QB draws OU ran vs fsu

First play guess: screen to Sterling in the slot

General comments and questions:

I seem to recall scoop hinting at being close to making a new hire. Any update? Time estimate?
Josh_M: Hire has been made, we just haven't announced it quite yet.

Does Baylor have OU "mind F'ed" like OU did texas in the early 2000's?
Josh_M: Ask me again in late November. I think last year, sure looked like it.

Briles in trouble at Baylor?
Josh_M: From Baylor's reaction to date, I think they could find a dead body in his home and he'd be coaching the next Saturday.

Josh, do you think Briles is a dirty/cheater coach?
Josh_M: Ahh, I try to avoid that stuff. It kind of open's Pandora's Box of 'is this guy/that guy/this guy/that guy dirty' and it never ends. Haha. I'll be honest any time a team goes from a joke for decades to a national power in a few years, I struggle with that.

Josh, you have the first overall pick in your fantasy league, who do you take?
Josh_M: I've had it twice, have taken Adrian both times. My pure draft league was serpentine though so I'd have punted because to me Peterson = Bell = Lynch...I mean you're pretty much getting the same stuff and can do it at pick 4-5 and still get another quality player quickly thereafter.

I had the first pick. Took Luck.
Josh_M: He was taken two picks before me in one of my drafts, broke my heart.

Josh, not sold on TCU this year? Should I be?
Josh_M: I think the obvious question with them is defense and if there is ANY Guy I think can turn water into wine in the Big 12, it's Patterson.

Patterson made an interesting comment earlier about how he has 3 attacking groups on defense. Also noted that the front 6's play call has nothing to do with the secondary call

Josh, any thoughts on Euless Trinity beating the Cali over-rateds? Daniels?
Josh_M: I was impressed and surprised. A lot of teams I'd say 'it's hard to prepare for Trinity's physicality' but DLS isn't going to struggle with that sort of play.

Anyone know the PPV price?
$ 39.99

Wow, be excited guys, there are people 'breaking news' from this chat. ;)
Comment: Hating on the TFB?
Comment: Clown Show
Comment: The lack of responsibility makes some things hard to trust. No one to answer to if wrong.
Comment: Buddy says, "it's all FREE!"
Comment: Would you rather quit or hire Esco at scoop?
Comment: Great question.

Josh_M: Alright guys, going to call it. Enjoyed it as always!

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