Calling DrewCristo...


Sooner starter
Dec 8, 2002
Drew, I saw that you created a new login. I'm curious to know if the "new" drewcristo is really you or some poser.

Yep, Count of monte Drew Cristo...great book, the
There's another poster who apparently copied my login going by 'bcssooner'.

I've yet to see him post though.
You have to pick up the shrubery. At my house, you can have your choice of up to a dozen boxwood plants. You only have to dig them up.
Nope I haven't done anything different, and Fitty Drew is my middle name and Cristo comes from the Dumas novel Count of Monte Cristo! Greatest story of revenge ever published.
Originally posted by Drewcristo78:
Wow, I posted that. I don't know why that happened.
Now the poser has hacked Drew's account. This isn't the real Drew. Everybody beware. This new Drew will probably have 12.8 million dollars that he needs to move out of the country and will give you your 40% share for the simple act of giving him your personal financial details. Easy money.
This thread makes my nose bleed. I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue.

Welcome to the board lower-case-drewcristo. So, whats the story behind your name?