blh your revolution on OB grows

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Speaking of being creepy and following someone, doesn't this thread have BLH on it. So how am I follwing anyone? Wouldn't that mean 2Names is stalking me. Uh Oh, I outed him for being a hypocrite I about to get the since73 treatement, for outing 2Names, once again? Stop stalking me.
im controlling you and im not even trying. Dont worry one day you will grow up and not be obsessed with people on sports message boards. You actually wanted to FIGHT someone from a sports message board. Im sorry, thats one of the pathetic things i had ever witnessed in my lifetime. I STILL get a chuckle out of it. You obviously have some major issues and probably need therapy. Run along
Is that why you posted in a thread with my name in it, because you control me? Use that brain of yours and think about that for a sec...I know that's going to be a task, but just think about that. Thanks for all the unwanted attention.

And did you pee your pants when I said I wanted to stomp you out? since73 would be so proud.
Whatever happened to since73 by the way? Did he get
banned for outing someone with 2Names and a trailer. Then 2Names and a
trailer went to OB crying about the mods and this board. Just curious.

I realize you arent the smartest guy in the world, however you seem to have a problem following rules(atleast on sports message boards)

1. You brought up my name in a topic i had no posted in nor had I been mentioned

2. You are bringing up banned posters (although its not a message board rule, we have been told in the past thats a no-no on here)

Im not going to go back and forth with you here on the Scoop and let you attempt to bring down another board. As i stated, you obviously have some major issues and perhaps counseling will be in your future. If guys on a message board are making you this mad, I would be concerned how you must act in real life. You are definitely in my prayers. Change your ways and be a good addition to this board, thats my advice.
Originally posted by Yankees03:
Whatever happened to since73 by the way? Did he get
banned for outing someone with 2Names and a trailer. Then 2Names and a
trailer went to OB crying about the mods and this board. Just curious.

I realize you arent the smartest guy in the world, however you seem to have a problem following rules(atleast on sports message boards)

1. You brought up my name in a topic i had no posted in nor had I been mentioned

Where is your name at in that sentence? What are you trying to tell us that we don't already know?

Why would you click on a thread with my name in it, espceially when you claimed to have me on ignore? Why did you lie about having me on ignore? So many questions, LIAR!
I like watching them show their true colors Fitty.

I'm not sure there's anything funnier than a poster regularly claiming to "own" another poster, continue to argue with that poster, and polish off that bowl of poo soup by claiming that other poster is "pathetic and has issues".

I can count the IQ on one hand.
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