Best and worst Sooner message boards?

What are your favorites or non favorites and why?

I could see this post being deleted. I can't see this site stand for a post that praises it's competition. Now if it goes as I expect, everyone will choose this site, so I'll chime in.

#1 This board. We have the best mix of posters, comedians, off topic subjects, breaking info and historians from the Bud and Barry generation. Also we have the ignore button.
#2 Scout. They are a pretty good bunch, but I like ours better. ZachGivens is the treasure of that board. I wish we could steal him.
#3 Football Brainaics. I like the daily updates and recruiting info. I very rarely read the comment section.
#4 Landthieves. Seems to be a younger, even college age, site. I enjoy some of the funny comments, but not much subject matter.
#5 OU Insider. Slow download due to ads. The content is okay, but they mix the free board questions with insider only comments.

These all are free boards, so I have no privy to paid sites. Just my 2 cents...........
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1. Ou insider


3. Soonerscoop

It's all in what you like and someone else might have them in a completely different order. All have their own style and good posters. I've heard the scoop pay site is really good
Probably right KC. I was looking for more of a "you should check out so and so, they have the most updated information!" or "I don't like so and so because half of it's post require you to be a pay subscriber!" I'll understand if it's deleted. Got told to go to burn in hell on another board for the same question. Lol!
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Ha-ha lost. Man it's all just an opinion. Each board is good in its own way. Alot of good posters here. Plaino, ctokie, Billy, ftworth and gotrings just to name a few
Seems like OU Insider has more people than here. Not nearly as clickish from what I can tell.

To me, a message board is like talking about college sports with the guys at work. I'd rather talk to a group of guys I'm familiar with than a room full of 200 people, each talking and nobody listening. "More people there" doesn't equate to "better" for me. It's a casual chat. Not a joint session of congress.
I've never been on another board. Hell it took years of lurking here before I got up enough courage to begin posting a couple years back. I'm actually a bit bashful so I'll just hang here. I've been treated well and feel I can say what's on my mind. I agree with everyone at one time or another, and most posts more times than not because there are really good OU fans that post regularly. I don't like the constant fussing among groups so I just quit following threads that get too crazy for my taste. I try very hard never to make a big deal out what I think and be respectful to everyone. I always recognize when I fail sooner or later, and then just step back, stay away, and come back later. It's hard sometimes not to get too into myself so, for me, additional message boards would just further agitate my life. Bottom line, I know nothing about other boards and I think there is something special right here.
Scout is my favorite for reading the latest Sooner info. Zach is great with his Scoops. The Bobby guy has good stories. I don't post there just read. This board is a damn henhouse with to many roosters who think they are cock of the walk. Just my opinion amigos. Screw a board that bans medic and other posters because of a sissy running to Josh. Josh lets a poster antagonize good posters because they stay within the rules. We lost a lot of good posters because of a Whiner. Keep your ego's high and Boomer Sooner.
I've been a lurker since 98 and 99 on the various boards. Seen a lot off good and bad posters come and go. I don't post too much, but I can say I know my stuff the majority of the time. The worst thing about all boards is when folks thinking they are right and you are not, no matter what the situation. I can tell you guys that I'm in the bathroom and I have pretty bad IBS and someone would say that they need a link or that I'm lying. lol! For years I've stayed in the shadows and occasionally come out to offer comic relief. I'm good with that. I've met a few great folks from the various boards and I appreciate their real life friendships now. I agree that more isn't always better. Sooner Times has about 10 people in it and it's one of my faves. haha! I like this one too of course. :)
Me too Billy. I check this one occasionally but usually post on insider. They all definitely have different styles
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I posted on Roadhouse / before I came here. Fark Central was the greatest entertainment in the world. I don't know why it was pulled. I haven't been back since.
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I don't post there anymore. Not since they dropped the Farks forum. That was LSU-Freek on steroids. But I still log in now and then. It's been awhile. My name is North_End_Zone.
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I read all of them, usually Sooner Scoop first then this one. I like all of them, more or less, but can't seem to keep my sign-up active on Land Thieves for some reason. Brainiacs is my least favorite because it has very little content.

Scout has a format I don't care for ... i.e., when you post something in a string, you have to backpedal (hit the back arrow) numerous times to get back to the list of topics. Clearly I'm doing something wrong, as there has to be a quicker way to get back to ground zero.

Yes, I'm retired. But not expired.
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I read all of them, usually Sooner Scoop first then this one. I like all of them, more or less, but can't seem to keep my sign-up active on Land Thieves for some reason. Brainiacs is my least favorite because it has very little content.

Scout has a format I don't care for ... i.e., when you post something in a string, you have to backpedal (hit the back arrow) numerous times to get back to the list of topics. Clearly I'm doing something wrong, as there has to be a quicker way to get back to ground zero.

I don't like that "back arrow" thing either. I just remember where I am then after I read a string of posts I will go back to the home page and begin again.

This is the only one for me. I don't have the time. In fact, I already spend too much time here. I have to work for a living.
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The best two I have posted on are private boards. Both were started by people who posted here for a while and then started inviting individuals from here and I suspect elsewhere. Very high quality of posters, many of whom have insider info. More than a few still post here or on the premium side, but most have departed.

I suspect there are a lot of private boards with a similar M.O. But I have only been invited to two. OU Insider used to be a lot better, but the format got really bad after they switched their affiliation.

The premium side here has upped their game substantially over the last few years. The affiliation with Yahoo changed here for the better due to resources. This is the best public board that I have visited in the last couple of years.

Get rid of the hockey penalty poster, and it would improve substantially.
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Yeah, this is the best one.
The most diversity of old and young.

Plus, with this board people seem relaxed enough to share things in their personal 'book'.
Not the whole book, just snippets here and there that validate them as abundantly human. I like that.

Have I read things here I'd have soon not known?
Sure, but then I wouldn't have read the other stuff they said that made me feel like I knew them a little better.
Those other boards seem stifled and mundane in that regard.

Just my take anyway.:rolleyes:
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As with any board, no one is always right or always wrong. As long as their is an acceptance of opinion most boards flow freely. Well as long as its done in a respectable way ....this one is no different.
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Did any of you boys ever post on SoonerBait? I know iasooner01 did. That place was beyond disgusting. I was banned for being good.

I went over there and lurked once...after the thread about bestiality, and the one about blow up dolls, and the disgusting one about necrophilia, I decided that wasn't the place for me.:eek:
I went over there and lurked once...after the thread about bestiality, and the one about blow up dolls, and the disgusting one about necrophilia, I decided that wasn't the place for me.:eek:

In their defense, someone had an observation that is just hard to forget...He said something like, "A dead chick will never complain about your performance".
Mmm, pretty disturbing really.:eek:
Word has it that it was eventually shut down via some lawyers getting involved. I have no details though.

That is good to know. I really held back here on what I wanted to say about what was posted over there. I told the admin (someone who was known around here for a long time) he needed to be doing hard time in the pen if the things he said were true. That is when I got banned. It was no loss whatsoever in my life.
Gary & I actually had a pretty good time over there. We trolled the crap out of them. They trolled the pay board pretty hard so we trolled them. They closed ranks and eventually closed the board and you had to be invited to join. Somebody or somebodies started reporting their comments and soon thereafter, the board was shut down. There was a couple of pretty vile posters, but the rest were harmless.
I went over there and lurked once...after the thread about bestiality, and the one about blow up dolls, and the disgusting one about necrophilia, I decided that wasn't the place for me.:eek:

Ditto. Plaino nailed it earlier. I actually DO miss the days when Texas was relevant and Horn fans posted here more. Bitchslapping is a lost art since Rice passed them by.
Now, ST. Texas handled Rice pretty solidly early this year. It was their only win until... uh.... never mind. Only Baylor and TCU have passed them by, at least so far. Of course,, they can always be proud of having their own national network paid for by ESPN. While some of us wonder how many other networks would survive repeated the same four hour programs every week, like the 2005 NC game, or reprising their glowing moment of the last three weeks, 12 times in the subsequent month. Can you imagine if CBS show the best NCIS episode of the season a dozen times before Thanksgiving. LHN does that with virtually every win of the season.

They have about as much good material to use as the old UPN, which I think disappeared in the last century.

I have a little different view of what makes for a good message board. I believe the best message board isn't about everybody having an unfettered opportunity to speak their opinion. A great message board has solid information. And the opinions are based more on good info, rather than tantrums because somebody can spew their venom about those whose performance they view as insufficient.

I could second guess just about anything, even if I know nothing about it. That is the opposite of valuable.