What are your favorites or non favorites and why?
Seems like OU Insider has more people than here. Not nearly as clickish from what I can tell.
I think there is something special right here.
This place feels like an old comfortable boot.
Yes there is! Senior Sooner.
I read all of them, usually Sooner Scoop first then this one. I like all of them, more or less, but can't seem to keep my sign-up active on Land Thieves for some reason. Brainiacs is my least favorite because it has very little content.
Scout has a format I don't care for ... i.e., when you post something in a string, you have to backpedal (hit the back arrow) numerous times to get back to the list of topics. Clearly I'm doing something wrong, as there has to be a quicker way to get back to ground zero.
Plus, with this board people seem relaxed enough to share things in their personal 'book'.
Hemeroids are a pain in the butt.
Did any of you boys ever post on SoonerBait? I know iasooner01 did. That place was beyond disgusting. I was banned for being good.
I went over there and lurked once...after the thread about bestiality, and the one about blow up dolls, and the disgusting one about necrophilia, I decided that wasn't the place for me.
Word has it that it was eventually shut down via some lawyers getting involved. I have no details though.
I went over there and lurked once...after the thread about bestiality, and the one about blow up dolls, and the disgusting one about necrophilia, I decided that wasn't the place for me.