F fortworth4ou2 Sooner signee Jun 22, 2015 1,552 1,379 113 Dec 16, 2017 #1 is the first female political casualty of the Me Too movement. She's a Dem who was running against the Rep in the Kansas congressional race until her past allegation of sexual harassment (2005) caught up with her. Goodness, the sky is falling. Reactions: iasooner1
is the first female political casualty of the Me Too movement. She's a Dem who was running against the Rep in the Kansas congressional race until her past allegation of sexual harassment (2005) caught up with her. Goodness, the sky is falling.
kcstorm06 Sooner starter Aug 31, 2006 6,546 5,398 113 60 Overland Park KS Dec 17, 2017 #2 I would say it's a pretty high percentage of Congress that has shady pasts involving sexual exploits and hookers. Drain the swamp is the solution...and cut their pay (and kick backs). Reactions: iasooner1
I would say it's a pretty high percentage of Congress that has shady pasts involving sexual exploits and hookers. Drain the swamp is the solution...and cut their pay (and kick backs).