All hands on deck, it's that week again

Should all bans be lifted on this board ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%

  • Total voters
I can't understand why ban anyone. Except for continual foul language. If you don't like a particular poster just ignore them.

One of the best posters on the premium side got banned for a month for saying unflattering things about a Rivals administrator from the "home office." So it's not just foul language that gets one in trouble.

I push the envelope of board rules about politics and faith issues occasionally, and complaints come about that. I agree with the ignore stuff. But there is a lot of past the line insulting that goes on here. Some of that deserves a ban, IMO.

I think I've been banned three times. One for for PC reasons.

The other two were for getting after posters whose insults about OUr football staff I thought were out of line. I won't ever quite understand why somebody can get away with that, but then get their feelings hurt when you say less hurtful things about them.
That's the think the OU football staff is beyond reproach to the point that anyone who questions any of the coaches deserves what comes to them.

Not true. I get after them occasionally myself, but fairly. Most of the Stoops bashing is from the clueless. Some of it is incredibly stupid, questioning Bob's integrity. The latter deserves a no holds barred response.

I've criticized Bob dozens of times. But not for player mistakes. Most problems in any sport are about players. There are those here, who think that is a coach problem too, because they should have had better players. And conference titles aren't worthy of honor. Such stupidity deserves a little negativity in the response, even if it's a minority position.
Not true. I get after them occasionally myself, but fairly. Most of the Stoops bashing is from the clueless. Some of it is incredibly stupid, questioning Bob's integrity. The latter deserves a no holds barred response.

I've criticized Bob dozens of times. But not for player mistakes. Most problems in any sport are about players. There are those here, who think that is a coach problem too, because they should have had better players. And conference titles aren't worthy of honor. Such stupidity deserves a little negativity in the response, even if it's a minority position.
Who are you to label what opinions are clueless or stupid?? May I remind you that you were the one about 5 years ago labeling the OU staff as the best staff in the country and anyone who questioned them were clueless and stupid. Fast forward to today, and nearly all of those coaches have since been fired. So you may need to revisit your process for determining what opinions are clueless and stupid.
Who are you to label what opinions are clueless or stupid?? May I remind you that you were the one about 5 years ago labeling the OU staff as the best staff in the country and anyone who questioned them were clueless and stupid. Fast forward to today, and nearly all of those coaches have since been fired. So you may need to revisit your process for determining what opinions are clueless and stupid.

Billy, Plaino's overall body of work speaks for itself. He has gone ape shit-stupid on the premium board, lately. Everything from the Women's gymnastics being inferior to the SEC, athletically, to posting articles discussed hours ago to anointing Pete Hughes as a coaching God.

The dude sucks.
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Billy, Plaino's overall body of work speaks for itself. He has gone ape shit-stupid on the premium board, lately. Everything from the Women's gymnastics being inferior to the SEC, athletically, to posting articles discussed hours ago to anointing Pete Hughes as a coaching God.

The dude sucks.
Man I've been slacking on reading the pay board lately. Sounds like I need to get over there and catch-up on all this greatness you mention!!! Lol
Questioning Bob's integrity is beyond stupid and clueless, no matter who I am.
Billy, Plaino's overall body of work speaks for itself. He has gone ape shit-stupid on the premium board, lately. Everything from the Women's gymnastics being inferior to the SEC, athletically, to posting articles discussed hours ago to anointing Pete Hughes as a coaching God.

The dude sucks.

This, from the moron that criticizes any post about women's gymnastics, because it's not manly enough. Duplicity isn't strong enough to describe the moronic nature of this classless jerk.
Questioning Bob's integrity is beyond stupid and clueless, no matter who I am.

This, from the moron that criticizes any post about women's gymnastics, because it's not manly enough. Duplicity isn't strong enough to describe the moronic nature of this classless jerk.

Seriously, Plaino. Since you have the IQ of a turnip, I'll go easy on you. Bodies of work speak for themselves. You are respected on this board, for some reason. You are a complete joke on the premium board. No worries, though! I'll keep reading your drivel. It's entertaining.
Man I've been slacking on reading the pay board lately. Sounds like I need to get over there and catch-up on all this greatness you mention!!! Lol

Seriously, man. Do it. Just search for Plaino's posts. The entire board is destroying him.

This one is awesome. Long, but golden.

This one is pure comedy.
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LMAO... and I'm the moron!
What is truly epic is how Plaino hit the eject button on that thread once the season went against his OP. What a slam dunk OP to really show everyone on the pay board that questioned Pete. The baseball team loses 8 of their next 9 games after he makes that thread. Dungeon Master Bug Lord!!! That was the post of the thread!! LOL
What is truly epic is how Plaino hit the eject button on that thread once the season went against his OP. What a slam dunk OP to really show everyone on the pay board that questioned Pete. The baseball team loses 8 of their next 9 games after he makes that thread. Dungeon Master Bug Lord!!! That was the post of the thread!! LOL

LMAO. There are all kinds of comedy drop-ins in that thread. I loved this meme:


That beautifully captures the essence of Plainosooner. That one post pulled in more likes than Plaino has received on the premium board this month.

Oh, and you are right about him bailing on the thread! It's hilarious when he posts shit that is so blatantly absurd that everyone has a field day. He was crucified more in that thread than I have seen someone crucified in a long time. All deserved.
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