Yawn; another gubment shutdown and the military suffers first...


Sooner starter
Nov 13, 2002
Frozen tundra Merica, dammit
The vast quantity of peeps at the Pentagon you may ask ? Of course not: the grunts in harms way in far off lands across the world fighting for the oppressed poppy farmer in Afghanistan or the beleaguered folks in SoKo prepping to present a 'Winter Olympics' with their nutty brethren hand in hand from 20 miles North. What a fun time to be alive !
I was in 2nd grade when Kennedy was killed. I suspected the Texan's complicity from that point forward and my parents for the most part have always voted blue, not that it matters in OK in any fashion.
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I was in the 8th grade in New Jersey....cold November day, cloudy....spent that sad weekend watching the news.
Texans (which I am) were not popular at the time.
When I look back at that time in history, I see that date as the start of so much turbulence that's happened since then: A president is killed, an illegal, costly, divisive undeclared war started in Vietnam lasting over a decade.....the drug culture and the glorification of drugs hijacked my generation helping to make such crap as Woodstock a great "cultural" event.....Watergate.....American hostages are taken....and on and on.
I think regardless of how anyone feels about JFK, his death changed how we view our world and our own government. This country has never been the same.
I was in 2nd grade when Kennedy was killed. I suspected the Texan's complicity from that point forward and my parents for the most part have always voted blue, not that it matters in OK in any fashion.

Wait, you're saying that you suspected back in 2nd grade, as a 7 or 8 year old, that the Vice President was involved in the assassination of the President? Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
Wait, you're saying that you suspected back in 2nd grade, as a 7 or 8 year old, that the Vice President was involved in the assassination of the President? Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

No I seriously didn't like the looks or sounds emanating from LBJ's piehole ever. I was very politically advanced & annoyed as the JFK/Nixon debates interrupted my Lone Ranger episodes when I was 4...
Four Republicans voted for shut down as well.
Flake, AZ, on his way out not and hates Trump
Graham, SC, another one that is anti-Trump so he voted against Trump, not against policy.

There are others but this government is stagnant. But I have faith that Trump will eventually expose them.
I hate politicians and vow to vote from this past election going forward, anyone that is NOT a politician. This includes Republicans as well. If everybody on both sides of the aisle voted this way, we'd clean up the shitstorm. We have nothing to lose and all to gain. Today's career politicians are simply failing the people. Eff'em.
Don't disagree with you totally, but was Hillary really a better option ?
If so, how ?

No. She was only slightly a better option, but not by much. The experiment with unqualified celebs (Oprah, Kid Rock, The Rock, etc.), has proven to be a failure and needs to stop.
A politician thinks of the next election.
A statesman thinks of the next generation.
Unfortunately, there are no statesmen anymore. We are left with narcissistic sociopaths governing the country trying only to get reelected by pandering to special interests.
No. She was only slightly a better option, but not by much. The experiment with unqualified celebs (Oprah, Kid Rock, The Rock, etc.), has proven to be a failure and needs to stop.

Why? What qualifications are needed to eff up?

Bottomline... government is being run by political parties that are determined at all costs to cheat & deceive. This shutdown is only a news/media sensation to cover up the release of documents that contain info that can put people in prison. We the people are so blind and gullible and the politicians know it.
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Anyone with any sense of the economy & "skin in the game" has viable reason to Love what "this administration" has done compared to anything in the last 25 years. (unfortunately I don't). Any indication to the contrary is disingenuous unless ALL your assets are tied to the "ACA"

I mean just look at Apple and Steve Jobs bringing over 300 Billion with a B of $$$ and hundreds of thousands jobs back to the States as well as many other companies; what's not to Love about all this Winning ?
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Congress is the 1st ones to not get paid! They are non accentual employees our
government is a cluster F--k because of them. Term limits is the only answer, and
that's never going to happen.
Like Ralph Nadar or his type ? No thanks
Libertarians: free minds, free markets....dismantling the warfare-welfare state....small government....non-intervention abroad....against corporate welfare and crony capitalism...for ending the corrupt Federal Reserve which has caused the dollar to lose 95% of its value since its 1913 creation and inflation that is an insidious tax...a roll back of the military budget to levels commensurate with defending the US, not nation-building and empire....and for the freedom to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without forking over almost half our incomes in taxes of all kinds and without regulations that drive up the cost of everything.
A politician thinks of the next election.
A statesman thinks of the next generation.
Unfortunately, there are no statesmen anymore. We are left with narcissistic sociopaths governing the country trying only to get reelected by pandering to special interests.

Agreed. I'd say the last "statesman" we had was GWH Bush. Can't say the same for Clinton, W Bush and Obama. IMHO, I also feel the best, most accomplished statesmen in my lifetime were Nixon and Reagan.
My favorite president in my lifetime was Eisenhower, 1952-1960.

I'm reading biographies on all the President's in my lifetime. So far, I've ready books on JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Carter and GHW Bush. Probably should have gone in order, starting with Ike, who was POTUS the year I was born (1956). Still need to read up on Gerald Ford, W Bush, Clinton and Obama. I've read a couple of books on Lincoln, but want to also read about Teddy Roosevelt and Harry Truman,
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Trump is my 13th President. Too early to rank but he is moving up on my list. My list of Best to Worst Presidents is as follows: Reagan, JFK, Truman, Eisenhower, Ford, Bush 2, Bush 1, LBJ, Clinton, Carter, Nixon, Obama.
No. She was only slightly a better option, but not by much. The experiment with unqualified celebs (Oprah, Kid Rock, The Rock, etc.), has proven to be a failure and needs to stop.
My IRAs beg to differ. Trump is not an unqualified celebrity. He's a a right-of-center leader with balls.

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