Quoteboard (Hall, Whitter, Bonitto, Davis, Swenson)


Sooner starter
Nov 20, 2017
Sorta feels like the guys truly believe once Redmond and DTY and Graham get back, all will be fixed.

Jeremiah Hall

Uh, KU, WTF?

Yea, you know I think Kennedy touched on it some in his meeting. I didn't really feel like talking about it then, but Kennedy mentioned playing down to our opponents. No disrespect to Kansas or anything like that, but this week -- or so far this week -- we've been emphasizing competition. Just straight out there, going to compete, trying to bring back that fall camp mindset, as if we're 0-0 again. I think we've done a good job of that, especially today. We'll get some more of that competition tomorrow and we're looking to make sure that carries over into Saturday, that we make sure we play to our standard of football.

I always call you the pulse of the team?
You know, I always like to keep things in perspective. I've never been 8-0. I said that last week. I can smile. I can keep my head up about that. Like Alex and Coach Riley said, we don't have much time to continue to say that we have time. That we're gonna be able to fix these things, so it's not that I'm pressuring my guys to hurry up and act right and be perfect, but at the same time, we do have a little more urgency, especially from the older guys. Because the older guys can understand. The younger guys are still figuring stuff out. Caleb, he's figuring his own world out, so it's not like I'm out there on Caleb every day, but I'm looking at guys like Marquis Hayes, guys like Tyrese, guys like Brayden. They understand the urgency that I'm talking about because they've been through it with me and so those are the older guys that i'm talking to about making sure that we lead and get everybody to have that same urgency. I'm a little bit in the middle. I'm not changing anything drastically. I'm not making excuses for anybody or anything like that, but I do understand that we have to play better.

Fumble, then scored TD?
It actually had more impact than I thought, especially on the younger guys. Actually had a good amount of my teammates say, wow, we've never seen that from JHall. That was my first career fumble in high school or college. They did also mention the touchdown at the end. I think that it showed resilience. I'm not saying that it's good to go out there and fumble every game, but I think it was good for the young guys to see, like, hey, he made a mistake. Coach still had faith in him to stay in the game and then he goes out there and scores a touchdown. I didn't think about that until after the game but I know it did impact some of our young guys and I'm glad I could be an example to keep my head up and keep playing good football.


Shane Whitter

I ask about adjusting to role? COVID season?

Last year going through the COVID season, well, I came early. So that was fun and everything. Then when COVID came in and took everything away, that was really different. I was starting to get used to the defense and everything. Then right when we got sent back home, then it was hard to understand everything, really. Then when we came back, the coaches already knew because we had been on Zoom all summer, knew It was a struggle during that. We just came in ready to work last year. And the guys, especially in the linebacker room, they really helped me since I was the youngest in the room. They helped me a lot and catching me up and stuff in knowing the defense. They really did a great job in that.

Grinch called you out earlier?
I did take that personally as a challenge to myself about how much better I could be and how much I could contribute to the team. Really, I’ve just been trying to get into my bag and getting extra lift, study, even academics. Trying to get myself together to be able to produce on and off the field. I really thought I had a – was finally developing, in a way. I’m starting to more and more every day. Now you can see the results from it.


Nik Bonitto

Slow starts?

No, I just think it goes back to practice. When you don't practice at the speed that we're supposed to on game days and we just go and be lackadaisical through practice and aren't taking game reps during practice then of course when you first go out in the game it's going to be much faster to you. That's what's been happening and teams have been hitting us in the mouth because of the way we've been preparing. So I think it all just starts on the practice field. It starts with game reps on the practice field so that way when those first drives come in the game we won't be surprised by anything.

Bad games show how important practice is?
You can definitely feel it in the moment. And when it happens in the game it's almost like we're surprised when we've been showing signs of this all week, that we've been playing slow during the week. So what makes us think that that's gonna change on game day? If anything, it's going to be worse. So just making sure that we're playing at the speed we need to during the week is definitely going to help us. We just haven't been doing a good job at it and it's been hurting us over the last couple of weeks.


Jaden Davis

Confidence level?

I feel like we’re getting closer and closer every day. We’re out there and we’re emphasizing making plays. Coach Riley and Coach Grinch and Coach Manning, everybody on the defensive side is just ‘playmakers wanted.’ That’s been the emphasis especially since we’re not playing up to our standard. We haven’t been playing up to our standard but we know it’s very much possible. We’ve seen it and Speed D has been on full display before. We’re going to continue to work every single day and keep working and keep working. We’ll eventually get back to where we need to be.

Advice for Mr. Bowman?
I told Billy, as soon as he got to the sideline, I was more smiling and I know he was upset. Everybody gets that moment. I had that moment against Baylor in my freshman year. We were down 21-3 and I got beat by Denzel Mims. That was a moment for me – this is college football. I was just telling Billy that ‘you have to stay in it and you have to work through it.’ You can’t let one play or one game affect your whole outlook of football and take the fun out of it. Just have fun. And he listened. I feel like Billy is going to do better every day. With him being at the cornerback position, it’s an asset. He’s a great player. He’s always been an asset from the first day he stepped on campus. That one play or one game isn’t going to affect Billy from reaching his full potential.

Woodi Washington?
Woodi’s one of my best friends. Woodi’s real positive — always been a real positive guy even when he was injured, he’s positive. He helps me more than anything. You guys wouldn’t imagine how much he helped me — freshman year, sophomore year. He helps me a lot and he’s been there for the whole unit. Still comes to every meeting on time, five minutes early he’s there. He’s doing everything he can to get back on the field because it’s what he loves to do. Woodi, he’s a great person. He’s a great player. And the way that he’s progressing, it’s crazy. When you come in with someone, you have more of an emotional tie to how they play or how they’re doing. Woodi being one of the corners, we’re talking all the time you know. I just can’t wait to see what he’s going to do. He’s a great player and he’s a difference maker.


Erik Swenson

An honest answer about who is Caleb Williams?

"He's just a competitor, a natural competitor. He's a great kid. He's a freshman, so he's kind of a kid to me, but I've really enjoyed him. I love all of our quarterbacks, every single one even down to Ben Harris. Every guy is a great guy. Caleb specifically is kind of a jokester in the locker room. He always wants to have fun, but when he gets out on the field it's just all business. You've gotta respect that. Having that mindset of not taking things too seriously all the time as a freshman is definitely very mature of him, and I think he's going to have a lot of great success as the years come here."

Is he like any of the other 4,059 QBs Swenson has seen during 5,238 yrs at OU?
"Gosh, over the years every quarterback kind of has their own personality and kind of their own stigma to them. I'd say he's maybe similar to Baker (Mayfield), just always trying to have a good time on the field when we're on the sidelines or not during a competitive period. (Williams) is just trying to make a joke and make people laugh, so I'd say he's probably maybe a little similar to Baker in that aspect. Playing-wise, I'm watching in front of him and not behind him, so I'm not really sure what he's doing playing-wise. But I'd say personality-wise I'd compare him to Baker the most."

I ask about Tyrese moving to RT?
He's just a natural athlete. He's always been athletic, just in any drill that we've done. He's got a good kick set. That's really helped him out at tackle. He struggled a little bit, I think, at first when he first .... I think Kansas two years ago, when he first tried it, it was a little bit new to him, but definitely over the years, as the weeks have gone on, he's really gotten good at right tackle. His set, good hands and also being an older guy, he knows the majority of each role all around. That's really helped him evolve his game throughout the weeks.

Playing four positions?
"I'd say the biggest challenge is just the whole mental aspect of it. (I'm) trying to remember the responsibilities of four positions in four and a half days, so just trying to mentally know all of that. Just the different kind of footwork needed, the different kind of sets and the different kind of roles and responsibilities. Coach (Bill) Bedenbaugh is a great coach, obviously. He's helped me with that, just learning everything. And then we have Clayton Woods, our new (grad assistant). He's a former player, he's a good friend of mine and he was actually my old roommate in college. So, he's helped me a lot with responsibilities. And I'd probably say that's the hardest part, just knowing everything and the whole mental side on top of knowing their defense. What blitzes they run and all that kind of stuff. It's a lot of information every week, but I have some good coaches who help me manage it."
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