"It was like Woodstock except they were wearing clothes"

Eccentric? That's a pretty mild prejorative. A mad genius is more descriptive.


I was trying to be politically correct as to not offend any Pirates. :)
I was trying to be politically correct as to not offend any Pirates. :)
Good try but your post IS offensive for 2 reasons:

1. Perceived dreadlocks on a pirate. Shameful, racist and shocking! Bob Marley fans and wannabes everywhere are offended. PC would have him bald.

2. Looks too much like a Dr. Seuss character. Librarians are offended at this blatant insensitivity.;)
Mike Leach's very first comment when asked how it felt to beat USC.

The Pirate is still bat crazy. But he is a great head coach

I agree that Leach is a bit esoteric, but he was responding to the question, "what does it feel like to experience all of this tonight?", I believe. He looked around at all of the WASU fans all over the field and said his now famous comment. Makes a little more sense but still very, very funny! And I totally agree that he is a great head coach.