Would Boren fire Briles?


Sooner commitment
Oct 22, 2002
If Art Briles was the head coach at OU and all that has happened at Baylor had happened at OU, would Boren fire him?

My guess would be yes...
Given what happened to Frank Shannon, for pretty much nothing proven in a he said -she said, I believe Briles would be gone. A more interesting question might be to ask if Boren was President of OU in 1988, would Barry have been gone?

We aren't Baylor where the only real top level success is due to one person. Everything they've built is centered around Briles - that wizard floats away in his balloon and those schmucks are standing around looking at each other saying: now what? That's about to happen in 5-4-3....

Meanwhile, its been a real pleasure to watch amateur hour in Waco. They can't even control the Starr news - it was broke by a Horns site, which is going to force their hand now because every media outlet is now outraged that it doesn't include Briles.
If Art Briles was the head coach at OU and all that has happened at Baylor had happened at OU, would Boren fire him?

My guess would be yes...
If OU had such a dormant football program like Baylor for most of its existence, then had a taste of success in recent years as Baylor has had, who knows what Boren would do. Baylor is so starved for success, that it seems to overlook or ignore the behavior of its athletes.
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Absolutely. Athletics aren't #1 to Boren.
I actually agree and disagree.
I think he would dismiss him and I think it would be because athletics are #1 (or at least near the top).
One of the most important parts of the University (financially), needs to be above reproach and firing AB would be a step in achieving this goal.
Baylor did fire him today. Just saw it on I also think that Boren would do the same if this happened at OU.
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I have a "what if" question too.

If Boren was the president at Baylor, would he enter the stadium and run out onto the football field with the team like Starr does?

Yes, Boren would fire him...just not so late well into Briles' tenure.

Yes, Boren would fire him...just not so late well into Briles' tenure.

Boren would not have hired Briles in the first place. Folks forget that Boren is a a very smart man, you don't graduate from Yale with honors and a Rhodes Scholarship being slow. Ken Starr now that's a different story.
Would Boren have fired Briles for these crimes? In a New York minute*!

*A New York minute is shorter by several seconds than other minutes because everybody in New York is running from muggers and street hustlers. It makes time go faster.