Winning - Schwinning, it's all about the color of your blood...


Sooner signee
Gold Member
Oct 15, 2003
When do we accept that Texas is not a college football blue blood? (Thread Title)

(Thinking about the image & radio call of the Hindenburg crashing & burning on old b&w newsreel)

“Oh, the humanity" – no longer a “blue blood” program” or are they?

In the following you will witness extreme narcissism and self-loathing over the prospect of UT losing their “blue blood” status. You see, they believe that this is a tenured event-once, owned-forever owned. Most astute fans realize it is really a tiara that can be dispatched due to “circumstances”. (Consistent winning, maybe?) Get a good bottle of red and a paper towel for this one. Unfortunately, the UT self-loathing is endless-but my time is not. These take a lot of time especially when you are under a DDOS attack by Google. Enjoy (or not)

There is a PhD in football fan psychosis in the following. Drink responsibly while indulging.


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.


899 wins and reputation/brand say otherwise


I say shut your dirty whore mouth!


We are the most overrated program in the country. Us and Michigan


Never. Texas is a blue blood program which makes this recent run of poor to mediocre teams even more unacceptable.

You saying Texas is a blue blood does not make it true. This "recent run of poor to mediocre teams" is the historic norm for Texas over the last 40 years or so.


899 wins and reputation/brand say otherwise

But do those wins really count when you look at the competition? A lot of the SWC was crap for a lot of years.


Then why does every team in the country play us like it's the Superbowl like CTH keeps telling us?


Also, what makes a blue blood a blue blood?


We are the most overrated program in the country. Us and Michigan

I'd add Tennessee to that list. It's the Holy Trinity of blue blood posers.


Texas has been a CFB also ran for nearly a decade. Crazy given where we were a decade ago.


The Big 8 was shit for awhile too. Does that negate OU or Nebraska's wins?


We are the most overrated program in the country. Us and Michigan

And ND.


This "recent run of poor to mediocre teams" is the historic norm for Texas over the last 40 years or so.

He’s right about this, not sure that puts you out of blue blood status.


Nope. We're a former blue blood. You can't make a blue blood case with Texas' resume over the last 40-plus years.


Will you STHU, CS. We all know we have an Aggy on the mod staff. We all know this CS account is a mod account. You saying Texas isn’t a blue blood is pretty transparent.

ESPN showed all the Blue Bloods and tried to see if what was happening at Texas was unprecedented. Every single one of them had times as bad most had worse periods except for tOSU. OU’s ( in the 90s) was much worse than ours is now. It’s hard to believe but it is. Anyone saying Texas isn’t a blue blood is just trying to troll us and we know all about CS. You need to back off.

No one in any Blue Blood list has left Texas off of it. That is just crazy talk CS.


I'd add Tennessee to that list. It's the Holy Trinity of blue blood posers.

Tennessee has not been on any of the blue blood lists I’ve seen.


Ha, who cares about blue blood status right now. We are just trying to get to 6 wins and make the kumquat bowl...

Outside of the Mack Browm run, this team was irrelevant for decades. Sad.


Our program is on life support - Herman is getting destroyed in recruiting and he can’t figure out how to score more than 28 pts per game - not sure how this gets fixed


The Big 8 was shit for awhile too. Does that negate OU or Nebraska's wins?

No, but in OU's case they kept winning.


we're just one year away!


We are the most overrated program in the country. Us and Michigan

Currently, yes. Those are also the 2 winningest programs of all time. That is why they (and large parts of the country) expect to be among the elite. It's somewhat comforting to know that we aren't the only traditional power who is tripping over themselves as they (we) struggle mightily to get back to respectability.


We are the most overrated program in the country. Us and Michigan

My undergrad is from UT and Masters from UM.

Sigh. It’s beyond frustrating to watch two such similarly arrogant programs with so little to show over the past 40 years.


No, but in OU's case they kept winning.

No they didn’t. Their 90s decade was worse than our current one. Read my post above.


I said this last week. We are exactly what Tennessee is. Overhyped and bad every year. A good past, but nothing recent.

They have never been a blue blood and We are a decade more of terrible from being close to what Tennessee is now.


Michigan has three losing seasons in the last 40 years.

We have nine.


Are the Cowboys not America's Team anymore?


Is Michigan a blue blood? Don't they have like a 30 game road losing streak against ranked opponents? What makes a blue blood isn't only on the field play, it is the support of the fans and university. CDC showed that we are still a blue blood PROGRAM looking for a blue blood TEAM. I agree that if we don't fix the on the field issues within the next 3 seasons or so, it could most certainly flip.

*Edit* Only 17 but still.


899 wins and reputation/brand say otherwise

Did someone tell Demas and Hornsby that? Cuz if they knew that then there’s no way they commit to aggy after taking Clemson toe to toe like that.


Are the Cowboys not America's Team anymore?

That's a popularity label, not a proficiency one. Dallas is still America's Team because people still watch them more than any other team. Dallas is no longer an elite NFL franchise.


They have never been a blue blood and We are a decade more of terrible from being close to what Tennessee is now.

Why does Tennessee get mentioned consistently? I get trying to make a comparison, but their history isn't even in the same neighborhood as Texas. Nebraska? Now that's a different story. At least Texas may be good again someday. Not sure about a school in the middle of nowhere that is so butt-ass cold people can't move away from there fast enough.


But do those wins really count when you look at the competition? A lot of the SWC was crap for a lot of years.

The SWC was one of the best conferences for years. Why do you think that Texas v Arkansas was called the Game of the Century? Four Nattys in 8 years for the SWC in the 60’s and 70’s. Aggy was good when academies were good. TCU with Sammy Baugh, SMU with Doak Walker. Baylor with Mike Singletary. Houston during the Run and Shoot Days. Rice when Jess McNealy was their coach. Tech with Donnie Anderson.


Texas slowly slipping to irrelevancy.

Blue bloods have down turns , but this stretch for Texas is bad. And it’s happened at least twice in the last 30 years.


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

Hate it, but this the truth. Hard as it is to admit.


It’s hard to feel good about the direction of our program. We saw one year of recruiting bump with new staff and then ags lowered boom by hiring jumbo. Recruiting momentum gone. I’m not sure it’s as much about the coach although they are running wind sprints in and out of our staffs arses...the product on the field isn’t showing progress. Honestly Herman’s teams don’t look any better than Stong’s did. In fact they might actually look worse in some areas. Recruits want to win and what they see by our team doesn’t instill confidence. And just canning Beck isn’t gonna fix anything. Head coach is involved and we still aren’t fixing anything.


Is Kentucky not a blueblood in basketball? They didn't win a national title between 1978 and 1996.

DKR-3rings said:

No they didn’t. Their 90s decade was worse than our current one. Read my post above.

From '92 to '99, OU was 44-45.
'92 5-4
'93 9-3
'94 6-6
'95 5-5
'96 3-8
'97 4-8
'98 5-6
'99 7-5
They broke out of this 8 year cycle of losing with a 13-0 national championship season in 2000 (Stoops 2nd season). All great programs experience years of being down. The blue bloods eventually rise again.


Why would you bring that up?


Anecdotal evidence doesn’t change the fact that we are a blue blood and Aggy isn’t. Kids are fickle.

Those Fickle kids shape the future of your program.... wish we could’ve had some of those fickle kids that said no.


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

you go right ahead. If A&M thought like that then they would have lost by 50 last night.
I have seen the highs and lows. We will be back.


The Longhorn logo is the most recognizable logo/brand in all of college sports. If we weren't a Blue Blood, that wouldn't be the case.
Winning football games at Texas should not be as hard as we've made it look for 8 years running. It's beyond frustrating for all of us. I'm sick and tired of paying a couple grand a year to watch mediocre football. I can't be alone in this sentiment. That doesn't mean we aren't a Blue Blood. It just means that we are in an 8 year spiral of suckage.

The offseason mantra still applies: We suck until we don't.


Who the hell really cares if we were/are a blue blood. We continue to suck donkey cranks and have a coaching staff who thinks we are Ohio St with mild anxiety issues. We are the Italian army dreaming of glory and getting routed by Ethiopians with pea shooters.

We whored out for the miserable LHN and this is our revenge.

Ok your last line you might as well have said, I’m an Aggy so I’m going to bring up the LHN. No Longhorn would actually say what you said. If you’re gonna troll Aggy then at least try to hide the fact.


Completely agree - that storied past is for a different time and place in Texas. With the current admissions policy in place, and demographics of Texas, UT must de-prioritize athletics, and more importantly, football will continue to be something that suckers put their money into.


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

Stupid post - you don't lose your blue blood status because of a couple of bad years. Did Michigan lose their status before Harbaugh? Did Notre Dame lose their status during their bad spells? I could go on and on. We are blue bloods - period.


Of course that's true but neither is Michigan,Notre Dame,Miami Usc.We're in good company but our day will come again when we snag another Vinnie or Colt. That's what we need to compete with the big boys IMO


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

I’ll bite. What makes blood blue...oxygen. Herman needs to let this team breath like a fine wine that pairs well with cheese which is our in game crowd therein lies the problem “as long as we’re winning” attitudes keeps us from dominating.


We are the college football equivalent of the Dallas Cowboys. Top brand and lousy product.


I've said it for years, but Texas and Michigan are both the flimsiest of bluebloods. Other than all time wins, our history simply does not stack up against the others. We have been mostly an afterthought for 40+ years except for the 2000's. Just check the hardware (titles, heismans, all americans, etc).

We have 7 freaking conference championships in the last 40 years, and one is a complete sham (94). 7

OU has more than that in the last decade. Texas is all hat, no cattle.


Nope. We’ve just had a shit run of coaches lately.

We’re a blue blood because we’re the flagship university in Texas and we can offer coaches as much money as any school in the country.

Yet, we almost never capitalize on that. Why is that?


See the first sentence in my post.

How well was Alabama doing before Saban?

Well, they did win a title in 92. Yes, they hit a lull, but Texas is almost always in a lull since the 60's.

We have 7 conference titles in 40 years. We have had 2 coaches in our history who have managed to capitalize on what Texas can be. That seems to be more than just bad luck.


Well, they did win a title in 92. Yes, they hit a lull, but Texas is almost always in a lull since the 60's.

We have 7 conference titles in 40 years. We have had 2 coaches in our history who have managed to capitalize on what Texas can be. That seems to be more than just bad luck.

Unfortunately when we finally found a great head coach (Mack), OU found one at the same time that was just a little better.

There is no doubt in my mind, if Texas finds a great coach they become a super power. When they get Charlie’s and Tom’s, they are average.


Why is this post a thing? It is so myopic. Are there only 2-3 blue bloods? It’s all cyclical. FSU down, Miami down, ND nothing but an NC loss recently, USC not good since we beat them. Florida just lost to KY.

I am not happy with where we are but it happens. Like from 83 to 98. Longs walks in mediocrity.

I will say CDC was not a happy camper and I think that dude is a winner. He is not going to sit around and watch football suck, and will use the actual power and money of our University to win.


Nope. We’ve just had a shit run of coaches lately.

We’re a blue blood because we’re the flagship university in Texas and we can offer coaches as much money as any school in the country.

I have faith CDC will get this fixed.

Has anybody looked as miserable on TV as CDC did last night during that LHN interview?


I'd add Tennessee to that list. It's the Holy Trinity of blue blood posers.

We should schedule Tennessee to settle which UT sucks more.


When we accept that Notre Dame, Ohio St, Michigan, Oklahoma, Alabama, USC aren’t blue bloods, we can accept that Texas isn’t. Programs go through rough spells and that’s exactly what we’re in.


Texas has been a CFB also ran for nearly a decade. Crazy given where we were a decade ago.

LHN is a big reason. If it ain’t for that Aggy doesn’t go to SEC and recruiting stays in our favor.


I've said it for years, but Texas and Michigan are both the flimsiest of bluebloods. Other than all time wins, our history simply does not stack up against the others. We have been mostly an afterthought for 40+ years except for the 2000's. Just check the hardware (titles, heismans, all americans, etc).

We have 7 freaking conference championships in the last 40 years, and one is a complete sham (94). 7

OU has more than that in the last decade. Texas is all hat, no cattle.

You’re doing the typical pick a date when it fits your agenda. This is a stupid argument. How bout you google blue bloods and see where we are one on everyone’s list. Oh, except for baconbeards list... that’s


Texas has earned the blue blood title. Can't erase history. We are currently a lighter shade of pale though. Going to be a long road back.


I like how you say 1 since 1970... yeah I love how you do that. How bout I pick my date. We’ve had 4 championships since 1963. As many as OU and more than most of the blue bloods, tOSU, mich, ND.


The only way to fix this mess is pull an Aggy and back the trucks up for the best coach out there. Offer them so much that they can't say no.
Then we need to bolt for the SEC because that and the B1G are the only two relevant divisions. Just look at our program versus Aggy since they made the Jimbo hire. They are no longer little brother we are their little
Little brother now until we become bold again we are irrelevant in college football. Right now IMO there are only a few coaches that could turn this ship around and that's Saban, Dabo, Meyer and maybe Stoops. The rest can't handle the moxie it will take to pull this off. I say back the trucks up for Dabo and pull an Aggy. They pulled off the coup of the century stealing Jimbo and look how that's turning out for them.


When you can go anywhere on the planet at people throw up the hand sign at your burnt orange t-shirt... Yup. . Texas is a blue blood.


You’re doing the typical pick a date when it fits your agenda. This is a stupid argument. How bout you google blue bloods and see where we are one on everyone’s list. Oh, except for baconbeards list... that’s

You constantly want to ignore facts. Is 40 years not a good sample size?

Outside of 2001-2009, we have been irrelevant nationally for 40 freaking years save for a few random seasons.

We’ve basically had two strong decades in 100+ years. Texas is good at talk, but doesn’t have the hardware to back it up.


Has anybody looked as miserable on TV as CDC did last night during that LHN interview?

That is the one positive from yesterday's fiasco. If there wasn't a CDC/Herman meeting last night, you've got to figure there will be one today.


I'd add Tennessee to that list. It's the Holy Trinity of blue blood posers.

Most of the so called blue bloods have endured down stretches. It is a challenging process to get a team to dominant status. A bunch of examples abound. Tennessee is a great one. I believe they won the MNC when Peyton Manning was a rookie in the NFL. They have not been very good in about 20 years.


I think CS is spot on.

I love UT athletics. The 3rd best day of my life, only behind the birth of my 2 children, was January 4th, 2006. One of my worst memories was of seeing Barry effing Switzer with a crap eating grin on his face announcing that OU had finished ahead of Texas in the 2008 BCS balloting. Like many of you I've irrationally allowed the outcome of UT sporting events to affect my mood, and like many of you I have noticed, and even consciously allowed, a certain amount of apathy to gradually seep in over the past several years - it is just less painful that way.

I drank exactly ZERO burnt orange Kool-Aid during the offseason. The only preconceived notion I had going into the first game of the season was that any decent D1 school should be able to handle a Maryland team that appeared to be in complete disarray. I went to HEB early in the morning on opening day to pick up food and drink for a watch party at my home. I was adorned in my burnt orange Saturday best consisting of a now well worn 2005 National Championship commemorative T-shirt. I remember thinking to myself: "How long ago that has now been", and then I looked down and saw how faded this treasured relic of a bygone era had become, and the unfortunate reality of how its appearance coincides with the state of our football program. The checker asked me what I thought would happen with the game. I told him that I did not know, but that if we were unable to win a game against a perennial also-ran that had its head coach fired shortly before the season, that we were in major trouble. For me, this is what being a Texas fan has become. There is no swagger and no longer even any guarded optimism. My only consolation is making wagers with myself on how badly OBs is melting down and which posters will be saying what and about whom.

We've all been burned by scouting reports and promises that "this year will be better" that now there is almost no kindling left with which to start the fire. In the past such rumors and bits of positive information being leaked from behind the closed doors of practices, summer workouts and strength training sessions would have been a panacea, even if only a temporary one. The high associated with even a small dose of hope was enough to entice us to convince ourselves that it was worthwhile to ignore the reality of what many of us intrinsically knew - that the eventual and inevitable "down" would be far worse for having dared to hope in the first place. And therefore many of us have become quintessential skeptics, a jaded gathering brought together to remember what once was and to mourn what now is, but less and less to hope for what could yet be.

There is being down, and then there is being what you've become. Whether we like it or not, the Mack Brown era is the outlier of sustained success in the past 40 years of Texas football, and outside of it we have been mostly unremarkable and mediocre. We were repeatedly dominated by A&M (cheaters, I know) in the 80s, the 90s were mostly a crap show under McWilliams and Mackovic, and we all know what is happening post Mack. Even with Mack, while we won a lot of games, and the 2005 season and team were among the greatest of all time (maybe even THE greatest of all time) the body of work still suggest that we only won 2 conference championships during Mack's tenure. What makes this all the more glaring is how many Big XII championships were won by OU during that same stretch. Bob Stoops had more conference championships with OU than Texas has had total conference championships since DKR left in '76. Alabama, LSU, USC, Ohio State, Florida State and Florida all have as many or more national championships over the past 20 years as Texas has conference championships in the same time period.

The entire Texas philosophy and culture needs to be rethought. We are an entitled fanbase with the unreasonable and unrealistic expectation that any halfway competent coach will be able to win multiple conference and national titles, which is simply no longer the case. I believe we have enough data points to reasonably discern that it has not been the case for some time. To win championships will require the right person, and that person will have to be exceptional. As it stands right now, the only thing at which Texas is truly exceptional is generating revenue from a fan base that has a delusional superiority complex and is perpetually whipped into a frenzy over firing some coach or another within the program.

I sincerely hope that CDC can change the culture and bring reality in line with expectation. However, it is not something that will happen overnight. I think we are in for a long, cold winter of discontent. I pray that I am wrong.


I actually can’t find an article without Texas on one... but hey don’t let the facts get in your way. You keep blowing your horn though...

Click to expand...

I’ve never said we weren’t a blueblood. I’ve always said we were one of the weakest and haven’t done much in the modern era to support such a claim.

We’ve been an also run for most of 40 years. The 60’s were a long time ago,


most importantly RESOURCES. Not every school can be a blue blood. No matter how much TCU might want to become one, they don't have all the necessary requirements. Blue bloods who have lost their way can become full fledged blue bloods once again by just FLEXING THEIR MUSCLE and using their RESOURCES. Lets quit whining and TAKE BACK what is rightfully ours.


I’ve never said we weren’t a blueblood. I’ve always said we were one of the weakest and haven’t done much in the modern era to support such a claim.

We’ve been an also run for most of 40 years. The 60’s were a long time ago,

Dude we won a title in 2005 and played for another in 2009. 1998 to 2009 we didn’t lose less than 9 games. The only program like that was FSU in the 90s. Yes we have been down these last 8 years but it will change again soon. In modern football ( which is considered 1960 until today) we have as many titles as anybody save Bama and Miami (Who has 5). Who cares who’s weak and who’s not at any given time. Look, ND and Nebraska and Michigan have been down of late as well. This is a stupid argument. We are and always will be a blue blood. We will get back soon. Yes, these last 8 years have sucked but it will turn soon.


Texas has earned the blue blood title. Can't erase history. We are currently a lighter shade of pale though. Going to be a long road back.

Texas is like an old blue blood noble family that is going through a generation of mediocrity. The family name is still strong and carries influence, there is history of success, the estate and lands are still there, but it has been mismanaged for years. The castle and lands are in disrepair and the current generation is incompetent. Just need some good leadership to bring it back up to par.


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

You forgot 2001-2009 and a natty and playing for another and getting screwed out of another. But OK.


You lost me at us being aggys little brother. That's not even possible.

The dominoe effect is already started in the state of Texas recruiting, last night Aggy getting to five star recruits is just the beginning. They are going to steal our recruits as well. I think most people can see this happening already.
We are losing in coaching and stadium and now recruiting and that is why we will e Aggy little brother if we don't make the big time coaching hire after this year. It's looking like this year is going to be possibly worst than last year. Kids want to go with the hot program and coaches and we just don't offer that right now.


We are not putting a great product on the field right now but the brand is strong.

Yeah so is Walmart but Amazon is killing them. We can no longer rest on who we used to be. We haven't been relevant in 10 years almost now.
Our worst mistake so far is not going to the SEC where all the great football is played. We need to quit the thought process that we want to be the Stanford of the southwest and realize this is about football and getting people and athletes to come here and not Collie station. They seem to get it right now and we don't, stubbornness and not willing to see that times have changed and if we want to be # 1 again we have to hire the very best and build the very best facilities, if not we will fade into the night.


I won't argue any of that. But that doesn't make us their little brother.

I think some on here think we're headed that direction quickly.
We have started becoming the Rodney Dangerfield of college football.
We can't get any respect!


We def don't deserve any right now.


We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

Outside of the state of Texas no one has ever considered UT a blue blood. 95% don’t even know what blue blood even means.



We have a storied past, but that past is more like ancient history. We've won exactly one national championship since 1970, which was almost half a century ago. That last championship was 13 years ago. We've won two conference championships since Bill Clinton was president. We haven't finished a season ranked in the top 10 in almost a decade.

Blue blood status is not permanent. If it were, Army would be a blue blood. Texas is simply not part of college football's royalty in the year 2018 and frankly, we're not even close to that level. Maybe it's time to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly.

Who are the blue blood programs? Bama?


if Texas Tech wind 2 MNC's in the next 5 years are they a blue blood? If Texas wins 2 in the next 5 years would that cement it's blueblood status?


Could care less about blue blood status or how much money we make or any of that stuff. No one cares. No one is looking at Texas with fear. Many teams in our schedule now look at it as a possible win. I’m so tired of the entitlement. I thing I since is CDC will not tolerate ineptitude


ND? They have one national championship in the last 40 years.

I’m with you. They shouldn’t be on that list. What they did in the 30s and 40s should not be what keeps them on that list. The simple fact is unfortunately is they are the most iconic program in college football. They will probably always be on that list even if they haven’t earned it on the field.

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