In past years the captains were named around August 20...but several of those had a returning starting QB that would be named as a captain.
It's my understanding that the team votes on the captains...with Bob Stoops having final say.
It doesn't sound like, to me, that the QB situation has been I was just wondering If they will hold off In naming captains for awhile.
I'm not saying that one of the QBs has to be a captain...but If they name one a would think he would be the starter.
It's my understanding that the team votes on the captains...with Bob Stoops having final say.
It doesn't sound like, to me, that the QB situation has been I was just wondering If they will hold off In naming captains for awhile.
I'm not saying that one of the QBs has to be a captain...but If they name one a would think he would be the starter.