ADVERTISEMENT keep it vanilla now

In similar news, we did the annual emergency response training day with the OU Athletics physicians and training staff. And come October, we'll be sporting a brand new field ambulance at the games. Construction is going to suck, but what is a little challenge to a bad ass like me?

Feast your eyes on this bad boy. Ours won't have the amber light on top as we will be utilizing the latest in retina burning LED technology positioned in strategic positions.

In similar news, we did the annual emergency response training day with the OU Athletics physicians and training staff. And come October, we'll be sporting a brand new field ambulance at the games. Construction is going to suck, but what is a little challenge to a bad ass like me?

Feast your eyes on this bad boy. Ours won't have the amber light on top as we will be utilizing the latest in retina burning LED technology positioned in strategic positions.


Does that come equipped with donut dispensers and ample beverage holders?