Wanna see a XII team getting screwed


Sooner starter
Oct 20, 2002
Plano, TX
No big shock that it's a Longhorn opponent. Breathing by Cyclones is a foul. Hacking by Texas, only a foul if a guy hits the floor or draws blood. ISU is hanging in there. They are way better. But hard to win when the other team can play agressively and you can't without the whistle blowing.
Hoyberg would be reallly peeved if his team needed this for the NCAA's. The way UT's games are being called in the men's tourney, reminds me of, well, how they were called in the women's tournament.

Like old Yankee strike zones.
I'll fess up... I ponied up $2,000 to the officiating team to keep this game fair.

I'm very much looking forward to our debriefing meeting!!
Interesting, all they could talk about last night was what a good job the officials were doing. I guess the guys calling the game are idiots.

Whiners. Geez.
Go back and look at the tape. For more than the first 30 minutes of the game, there were more than a dozen calls and another close to dozen non calls where the ISU player involved is looking at officials with a look of, "What the hell?!" Doesn't happen at all to the horns.

I guess the Cyclone players were the only ones who were whiners. That seems to happen to UT opponents a lot.
I played basketball throughout high school. I wasn't that good, but I actually got to play a lot. I can tell you to this day that I've never legitimately committed a foul. Our coaches also made it very clear for us to NEVER complain to the refs about fouls called on us. They NEVER change their mind, and you look like a loser doing it.