Trump says some of the damnest things & he said something yesterday that pissed off many people


Sooner signee
May 29, 2001
Otto Warmbier a young American college student had false charges brought against him by North Korea and Kim. Otto was serverely tortured and sent back to the US unconscious, brain dead, blind, and deaf,and he died shortly after arriving back home.
Trump in his talks with Kim said he asked Kim if he knew anything about Otto Warmbier's torture and Kim denied it. Trump said Kim was telling the truth.
Here is what Trump said about Kim and Otto Warmber's death.

Otto's parents were horrified and said yesterday Kim and North Korea killed their son. Trump always seem to take the words of the despots like Putin the leader of Saudi Arabia and Kim (Trump's bro-lover) despite the truth which Trump knew..

America had delegates who were talking with the North Korean leaders for a long period of time to get Otto Warmbier safely released.

Otto Warmbier's parents said today after the shock of what Trump said yesterday
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Not saying its the students fault but thats exactly why I don't travel to Countries like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, etc. Pretty much why I never leave the States because of incidents like his.
If you are selling a $million dollar financial plan to someone you probably don't mention the client's bad breath or bits of food in their teeth, right ?

Trump making his love Bro Kim of North Korea innocent in the murder of Otto Warmbier
disgusted me and millions of others. It should disgust you also iasooner. Kim has killed millions of innocent people he tortured including Otto. Warmbier came back to the U.S. unconscious, brain dead and near death after enduring horrible torture.
Trump seems to love the bad guys who are despots in the world. Its not normal iasooner.
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Trump making his love Bro Kim of North Korea innocent in the murder of Otto Warmbier
disgusted me and millions of others. It should disgust you also iasooner. Kim has killed millions of innocent people he tortured including Otto. He came back to the U.S. unconscious, brain dead and near death.
Pull your dress down bull. Your Democrat panties are showing for all to see. Glad you've never uttered anything inappropriately before.
Bull please stop you are making yourself look bad
It makes America look bad that a guy who has murdered and tortured millions owns Trump, and the leader of Saudi Arabia and Putin also own Trump. Trump's own CIA and Defense department said they have 100% proof the Saudi leader ordered the murder of the American journalist and Trump said they were wrong.

Trump loves Despots.
I'm a Republican and what Trump did yesterday disgusted me. It should disgust you also.
I may not know much but you're not a Republican. And, you definitely suffer from TDS.

Trump says a lot of careless things but his record of fulfilling his campaign promises should excite you if you're a Republican. He's fulfilling more campaign promises than any other President in my lifetime and that's precisely what he was elected to do. It's all about action for him. Guess you didn't vote for him.

Trump is a pragmatist so when negotiating history with another world leader (even one who is despised), he might use a little more honey than most would like when making his sales pitch.
It's the Art of the Deal.

I bet you loved it when Obama negotiated and gave the farm away to the Ayatollah and Castro and sucked up to Comrade Putin and Chairman Xi. He got nothing in return except capitulation.
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I’ve been on the board for a while and bull is definitely no republican.

Take the politics elsewhere, my personal opinion.

Nice seeing you Jobea. I have been a registered Republican since Ronald Reagan first ran. I strongly supported him in his eight years as President.
He is opposite in many ways from Trump who for many years was a Dem.
Trump does many things that disgust me including his immorality & Narcissism. . What he did yesterday involving the college student who was murdered by North Korea & Kim angered me with Trump supporting & believing Kim I can only imagine what pain the parents of Otto the murdered college students parents must feel after Trump's words believing Kim. They did write a message with their disgust.
I have no plans to change my registration, I am staying a Republican as most primaries in my state of Oklahoma of importance are the GOP primaries.

Jobea, I hope all is going well for you on the Golf Course
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Otto Warmbier a young American college student had false charges brought against him by North Korea and Kim. Otto was serverely tortured and sent back to the US unconscious, brain dead, blind, and deaf,and he died shortly after arriving back home.
Trump in his talks with Kim said he asked Kim if he knew anything about Otto Warmbier's torture and Kim denied it. Trump said Kim was telling the truth.
Here is what Trump said about Kim and Otto Warmber's death.

Otto's parents were horrified and said yesterday Kim and North Korea killed their son. Trump always seem to take the words of the despots like Putin the leader of Saudi Arabia and Kim (Trump's bro-lover) despite the truth which Trump knew..

America had delegates who were talking with the North Korean leaders for a long period of time to get Otto Warmbier safely released.

Otto Warmbier's parents said today after the shock of what Trump said yesterday
You've gone from snorting the media's narrative to injecting it IV. Use your own brain, bull. Stop letting the media use you as a sock puppet. It's really not a good look.

Trump was there to negotiate the de-nuclearaztion of North Korea. There are other avenues to address their human rights record which have already been done countless times. A meeting like the one that just occurred requires tact and gaining the trust and confidence from the side you're negotiating with. Making a public spectacle of Kim in a setting like that isn't going to accomplish anything. That's just common sense.
You've gone from snorting the media's narrative to injecting it IV. Use your own brain, bull. Stop letting the media use you as a sock puppet. It's really not a good look.

Trump was there to negotiate the de-nuclearaztion of North Korea. There are other avenues to address their human rights record which have already been done countless times. A meeting like the one that just occurred requires tact and gaining the trust and confidence from the side you're negotiating with. Making a public spectacle of Kim in a setting like that isn't going to accomplish anything. That's just common sense.

All true. But the one thing that makes this a blank post to bullmarket is... it's Trump. None of this matters. All logic and reason is lost. Critical thinking, understanding and judgment, ...lost. It's a blank page. Bull can't see a thing here because it isn't CNN. He suffers TDS.
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Trump is like no president this country's ever had. No one could debate that, one way or the other. And that may be a great understatement.
While I personally believe some things Trump has done are good, I'm not touting him as a living god or the greatest president ever, even in my 70 years of living.
I won't do that to any of the 45 other presidents, either.
He's attacked as a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, an adulterer, a liar, etc. Well......Lincoln believed blacks were inferior, JFK (and little brother Bobby) was always either going to or coming from a pubic encounter, Truman hated MLK, LBJ had a scandalous legacy and escalated a war that was ill conceived and sent 58,000 Americans to their deaths, "W" gave us the Middle East quagmire that we now are deeply embedded in and will be forever, Nixon brought us Watergate, some of our first presidents were slave owners or slavery supporters.....the list goes on.
Most of these men had great moments, however, and deserve to be admired for those moments. "Times make the man"....or so it once was.
During most of my life, I always have wanted the person serving as President to be a better person than me and all Americans. No doubt that's wishful and sophomoric thinking on my part. But it seems with every changing of Presidents, we slip further away from such ideals.
All true. But the one thing that makes this a blank post to bullmarket is... it's Trump. None of this matters. All logic and reason is lost. Critical thinking, understanding and judgment, ...lost. It's a blank page. Bull can't see a thing here because it isn't CNN. He suffers TDS.
Oh I know. bull has been brainwashed and all of that likely falls on deaf ears, but I still like to attempt to reconnect people like him to reality from time to time.
Didn't you see that he walked away giving Un nada and reportedly getting encouraging signs that they are still willing to continue negotiations ? Meanwhile the dems are in tatters, eating their own and appearing to let the witch (little Miss Gulch) of the east run the store
Well said.
Trump and the GOP need to focus on the issues and do their job........while the Dems continue to drown in their own bile.
Let's go back to the topic of origin, Otto Warmbier. I have been to several countries that gave me great cause for care and caution. One does not need to be a genius to understand the delicate nature of visiting these countries. There is far more to this story than what we know. What is unknown to us may be insignificant but there is more. I spent over 5 years in the US Army with a high security clearance. Since there are no diplomatic ties between the USA and NK it would be difficult for the US civil service (CIA) to screen or brief anyone prior to travel. Especially since Warmbier started his trip from Hong Kong. In this case the visa was secured through a tour agency (red flag for me). Thrill seeking behind enemy lines is as stupid as it comes. Something set Warmbier apart from the other (ten or so) American held by NK at any given time. Call me cold hearted but, personally, I don't have much sympathy for the Warmbier family. Should anyone be beaten to near death under the circumstances? No, but there is a dangerous game being played in places like NK. Otto was a pawn in this game. We have a similar situation now in Moscow with a dumbass American wanting to play spy games. He was set up and walked right into the political trap set for him. I think I have mentioned here before that I arrived Damascus, Syria from Dubai on the morning of 3 July 1988 to a less than warm reception by customs and immigration officers. My passport was seized, my new waterproof Sony Walkman was smashed to pieces and ten of my favorite cassettes tapes taken away never to be seen again. Later that day I learned the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian Air commercial flight at the Straits of Hormuz killing 290 people. Nothing could have prepared Warmbier for his situation. He became a victim of his own weaknesses under immense pressure. To blame Trump for any part of this story is pure bullshit. The fact that this issue is put in front of Trump at this point is nothing more than underhanded politics. Why ask Trump to broach this subject with NK at this point? What does it achieve? Otto Warmbier had more to do with this own death than anyone else but the bleeding heart left wing media wants to put it on Trump. The Warmbiers raised an idiot as far as I'm concerned.
Otto Warmbier a young American college student had false charges brought against him by North Korea and Kim. Otto was serverely tortured and sent back to the US unconscious, brain dead, blind, and deaf,and he died shortly after arriving back home.
Trump in his talks with Kim said he asked Kim if he knew anything about Otto Warmbier's torture and Kim denied it. Trump said Kim was telling the truth.
Here is what Trump said about Kim and Otto Warmber's death.

Otto's parents were horrified and said yesterday Kim and North Korea killed their son. Trump always seem to take the words of the despots like Putin the leader of Saudi Arabia and Kim (Trump's bro-lover) despite the truth which Trump knew..

America had delegates who were talking with the North Korean leaders for a long period of time to get Otto Warmbier safely released.

Otto Warmbier's parents said today after the shock of what Trump said yesterday
Bull, for some reason I am not shocked by your lack of depth in this matter. Trump has an objective/mission in NK. It is high stakes negotiations. There is an art to getting what one wants from people one doesn't like or respect. Toss principles out the window. The end justifies the means. For you to put Trump's statements of believing Kim on the same table with denuclearization of North Korea says more about you than Trump. If Obama would have said this it would not have been newsworthy. You bite right into the double standard of the liberal press.
Not saying its the students fault but thats exactly why I don't travel to Countries like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, etc. Pretty much why I never leave the States because of incidents like his.
I've been to all but two of these countries. From where I stand it was the student's fault. He was absent from his travel group for two hours prior to his arrest. As Forrest says: stupid is as stupid does.
Let's go back to the topic of origin, Otto Warmbier. I have been to several countries that gave me great cause for care and caution. One does not need to be a genius to understand the delicate nature of visiting these countries. There is far more to this story than what we know. What is unknown to us may be insignificant but there is more. I spent over 5 years in the US Army with a high security clearance. Since there are no diplomatic ties between the USA and NK it would be difficult for the US civil service (CIA) to screen or brief anyone prior to travel. Especially since Warmbier started his trip from Hong Kong. In this case the visa was secured through a tour agency (red flag for me). Thrill seeking behind enemy lines is as stupid as it comes. Something set Warmbier apart from the other (ten or so) American held by NK at any given time. Call me cold hearted but, personally, I don't have much sympathy for the Warmbier family. Should anyone be beaten to near death under the circumstances? No, but there is a dangerous game being played in places like NK. Otto was a pawn in this game. We have a similar situation now in Moscow with a dumbass American wanting to play spy games. He was set up and walked right into the political trap set for him. I think I have mentioned here before that I arrived Damascus, Syria from Dubai on the morning of 3 July 1988 to a less than warm reception by customs and immigration officers. My passport was seized, my new waterproof Sony Walkman was smashed to pieces and ten of my favorite cassettes tapes taken away never to be seen again. Later that day I learned the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian Air commercial flight at the Straits of Hormuz killing 290 people. Nothing could have prepared Warmbier for his situation. He became a victim of his own weaknesses under immense pressure. To blame Trump for any part of this story is pure bullshit. The fact that this issue is put in front of Trump at this point is nothing more than underhanded politics. Why ask Trump to broach this subject with NK at this point? What does it achieve? Otto Warmbier had more to do with this own death than anyone else but the bleeding heart left wing media wants to put it on Trump. The Warmbiers raised an idiot as far as I'm concerned.

Scottsdale Sooner. I too having served, and with the highest of security clearances, I was always aware and concerned when I traveled. I have never been to NK, nor would I want to do so under any circumstances with the current regime. Individuals who travel to USA un-friendly countries are just setting themselves up for more difficulty than they understand. Look at the two Holland girls who traveled to Libya (?) and were subsequently murdered or all these ISIS brides who now want to come home. It's the same mentally as Warmbier, "hey I am a westerner and will be safe". Completely delusional. I was a civilian contractor during Desert Storm and Shield, and worked for and with Saudi high ranking officials. Traveled extensively in the Middle East. But never, and I mean never, was I not keenly aware of my surroundings and the dangers about me. Your statement is well thought out and hits to the heart of the matter. This was a negotiation for nuclear disarmament of a rogue nation not some press conference where journalists/commentators can broach any subject beyond the negotiation. Four journalist were excluded from the luncheon session because they interrupted the joint public session with Trump and Kim with questions about Michael Cohen. To me completely inappropriate. The so called journalists/commentators of today are children. Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkites, and their ilk would have never done that, IMO, with such an important summit at hand.
It makes America look bad that a guy who has murdered and tortured millions owns Trump, and the leader of Saudi Arabia and Putin also own Trump. Trump's own CIA and Defense department said they have 100% proof the Saudi leader ordered the murder of the American journalist and Trump said they were wrong.

Trump loves Despots.

lol you have been watching too much cnn. I guess you probably also think he colluded with Russia to win the election. Group think Bull...its a terrible thing
You've gone from snorting the media's narrative to injecting it IV. Use your own brain, bull. Stop letting the media use you as a sock puppet. It's really not a good look.

Trump was there to negotiate the de-nuclearaztion of North Korea. There are other avenues to address their human rights record which have already been done countless times. A meeting like the one that just occurred requires tact and gaining the trust and confidence from the side you're negotiating with. Making a public spectacle of Kim in a setting like that isn't going to accomplish anything. That's just common sense.

BS my friend. Trump loves Autocrats.

1, So when Trump said that with Putin Trump said he believed him not our CIA or our Defense Department

2. And with the Saudi king our CIA & Defense Department said they were 100% sure Saudi King had the American Journalist killed Trump said no he believed the Saudi King.

3. Now with Kim Trump said Kim knew nothing about the murder & torture of the US's 22 year old College Student. Kim has ONLY killed & tortured Millions of people & tortures his own people in Concentration Camps.

Medic do you notice Trump's pattern with the world's worse leaders? They all know nothing
according to Trump.
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BS my friend. Trump loves Autocrats.

1, So when Trump said that with Putin Trump said he believed him not our CIA or our Defense Department

2. And with the Saudi king our CIA & Defense Department said they were 100% sure Saudi King had the American Journalist killed Trump said no he believed the Saudi King.

3. Now with Kim Trump said Kim knew nothing about the murder & torture of the US 22 year old College Student. Kim has ONLY killed & tortured Millions of people & tortures his own people in Concentration Camps.

Medic do you notice Trump's pattern with the world's worse leaders?
BS my friend. Trump loves Autocrats.

1, So when Trump said that with Putin Trump said he believed him not our CIA or our Defense Department

2. And with the Saudi king our CIA & Defense Department said they were 100% sure Saudi King had the American Journalist killed Trump said no he believed the Saudi King.

3. Now with Kim Trump said Kim knew nothing about the murder & torture of the US's 22 year old College Student. Kim has ONLY killed & tortured Millions of people & tortures his own people in Concentration Camps.

Medic do you notice Trump's pattern with the world's worse leaders? They all know nothing
according to Trump.
You're very child-like with your emotions based reasoning skills. They "Trump", in your mind, all critical thinking and objective reasoning abilities.
BS my friend. Trump loves Autocrats.

1, So when Trump said that with Putin Trump said he believed him not our CIA or our Defense Department

2. And with the Saudi king our CIA & Defense Department said they were 100% sure Saudi King had the American Journalist killed Trump said no he believed the Saudi King.

3. Now with Kim Trump said Kim knew nothing about the murder & torture of the US's 22 year old College Student. Kim has ONLY killed & tortured Millions of people & tortures his own people in Concentration Camps.

Medic do you notice Trump's pattern with the world's worse leaders? They all know nothing
according to Trump.
And what does any of that have to do with negotiations on North Korea's nukes? Get control of your brain back, bull.
BS my friend. Trump loves Autocrats.

1, So when Trump said that with Putin Trump said he believed him not our CIA or our Defense Department

2. And with the Saudi king our CIA & Defense Department said they were 100% sure Saudi King had the American Journalist killed Trump said no he believed the Saudi King.

3. Now with Kim Trump said Kim knew nothing about the murder & torture of the US's 22 year old College Student. Kim has ONLY killed & tortured Millions of people & tortures his own people in Concentration Camps.

Medic do you notice Trump's pattern with the world's worse leaders? They all know nothing
according to Trump.

What American journalist was killed by Saudi King? Are you talking about Khashoggi? Please stop calling him an "American" journalist, He was a Saudi Arabian dissident, author, columnist for The Washington Post. He was born in Medina. Just because he was working for the Washington Post does not make him an American.
BS my friend. Trump loves Autocrats.

1, So when Trump said that with Putin Trump said he believed him not our CIA or our Defense Department

2. And with the Saudi king our CIA & Defense Department said they were 100% sure Saudi King had the American Journalist killed Trump said no he believed the Saudi King.

3. Now with Kim Trump said Kim knew nothing about the murder & torture of the US's 22 year old College Student. Kim has ONLY killed & tortured Millions of people & tortures his own people in Concentration Camps.

Medic do you notice Trump's pattern with the world's worse leaders? They all know nothing
according to Trump.
God almighty really need to get out more often instead of continuing to be brainwashed by CNN and MSNBC......
What American journalist was killed by Saudi King? Are you talking about Khashoggi? Please stop calling him an "American" journalist, He was a Saudi Arabian dissident, author, columnist for The Washington Post. He was born in Medina. Just because he was working for the Washington Post does not make him an American.
Correcto, and the Khashoggi family has been in conflict with the Al-Saud's for many years. A Saudi goes into the Saudi Embassy in Turkey and does not come out. This story died a natural death.

While I'm at it: I assume Bull is addressing Putin's denial of knowing anything about the poisoning of Sergey Skripal in the UK. For the record Skripal was a double agent. To date, no one has been identified or charged for this incident. At the time there were 14 Russian GRU (national intelligence) agents in the UK. Russia later admitted this to be true. None of them were reported to be in the Salisbury area (locale of the crime). The head of the GRU openly stated that they don't use this nerve agent (Ukrainian) and that the job was shabby and unprofessional. A few weeks later a similar incident happened that got no press. A guy came in possession of a spray perfume. He sprayed some on the wrist of his girlfriend. She died about a week later. He survived. It was exactly the same nerve agent. Putin came out on Russian TV and said he knew nothing of this incident as well. The western media never ran this story because it didn't fit the "Putin did it" narrative.

Have any of you heard of Paul Tatum? He was an American that landed in Russia in the late 80s to develop business. This was when Moscow was like the wild west without exaggeration. Organized crime (OC) was rampant and out of control. Tatum was involved with Yeltsin and Clinton in the 90s. He was reported to be in business with Chechens in Moscow. He was assassinated in Moscow. Clinton was asked about his relationship with Tatum and he denied knowing him until pictures of the two of them in Moscow surfaced. Then Clinton claimed that it was just a photo-op and that was later proved to be a lie. OC said they didn't do it. Tatum was shot 11 times at 5 in the afternoon at Kievskaya metro station. It was widely suspected that the CIA killed Tatum. When the USA media attempted to do some investigative reporting they were told (in the USA) to let the story die. It is customary for leaders to lie about their personal knowledge of their intelligence community's killing program. Tatum was buried in Moscow.
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Any fool that thinks that North Korea can be trusted to enter any kind of treaty
committment and keep there end of the agreement is just that, a fool.
Any fool that thinks that North Korea can be trusted to enter any kind of treaty
committment and keep there end of the agreement is just that, a fool.
I was wondering when our expert on international affairs would be excused from playground activities to make a statement. Randle Patrick McMurphy called to say you forgot to sign out.
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