Triple Take:
70 to 100% chance of rain Saturday. This could actually help the sooners withe their power run game and WVU small RB's.
Heisman Ballots BETTER not be cast before this or the following weekend. Alabama is finally facing some good teams. Kyler could win a shootout against a top 20 team and then get his revenge on his rival to close out the year for a pair of top 25 wins. Auburn could give Tua trouble.
I predict at least one random onside kick at a weird time (like middle 2nd quarter). From which team? who knows.
70 to 100% chance of rain Saturday. This could actually help the sooners withe their power run game and WVU small RB's.
Heisman Ballots BETTER not be cast before this or the following weekend. Alabama is finally facing some good teams. Kyler could win a shootout against a top 20 team and then get his revenge on his rival to close out the year for a pair of top 25 wins. Auburn could give Tua trouble.
I predict at least one random onside kick at a weird time (like middle 2nd quarter). From which team? who knows.