This post Is not meant as protest or a complaint...I've been fortunate, lucky and thankful that I'm able to do what I can support the University...and help recruit and educate Oklahoma's student athletes.
But It's obvious that just a little Inflation has taken place since I was born, In 1944.
You could have bought this 1944 game ticket, Oklahoma vs.Oklahoma A&M, for $1.00...which Includes administration fees, federal tax and state taxes...that was played In Taft Stadium In Oklahoma City.
A little reality set In as to what It costs to support a team that I love.
I receive my packet from the Sooner Club this week, ("2016 Priority Seating Plan")...and two of my tickets...that I donate $1K per seat each year....and that doesn't Include the price of the donor contribution will go up 75% In '16...150% In '17 and 400% '18.....gulp.
But It's obvious that just a little Inflation has taken place since I was born, In 1944.
You could have bought this 1944 game ticket, Oklahoma vs.Oklahoma A&M, for $1.00...which Includes administration fees, federal tax and state taxes...that was played In Taft Stadium In Oklahoma City.
A little reality set In as to what It costs to support a team that I love.
I receive my packet from the Sooner Club this week, ("2016 Priority Seating Plan")...and two of my tickets...that I donate $1K per seat each year....and that doesn't Include the price of the donor contribution will go up 75% In '16...150% In '17 and 400% '18.....gulp.
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