This message board is Longhorn-free for the first time ever.

What happened? Is the end of the world upon us?

They know their program has went to the dogs.................

I just have to post this. clob94 on Menstrualbloods posted that jet planes don't have rear view mirrors in response to their fans continuing to cry about the OSU game. He does make an excellent point. Jet planes do not have rear view mirrors, but they are loaded up with helpless folks watching the nose dive to crash and burn from the cabin windows.

This tool is the guy that wanted to fight soonermike over a message board post. This level of stupid cannot be made up.
I just have to post this. clob94 on Menstrualbloods posted that jet planes don't have rear view mirrors in response to their fans continuing to cry about the OSU game. He does make an excellent point. Jet planes do not have rear view mirrors, but they are loaded up with helpless folks watching the nose dive to crash and burn from the cabin windows.

This tool is the guy that wanted to fight soonermike over a message board post. This level of stupid cannot be made up.
I just have to post this. clob94 on Menstrualbloods posted that jet planes don't have rear view mirrors in response to their fans continuing to cry about the OSU game. He does make an excellent point. Jet planes do not have rear view mirrors, but they are loaded up with helpless folks watching the nose dive to crash and burn from the cabin windows.

This tool is the guy that wanted to fight soonermike over a message board post. This level of stupid cannot be made up.

That is a great analogy...and that this knob, clob94 published his real address is the height of stupidity.
I don't wish it on him, (as far as you all know) but if he gets burgled, or has a violent home invasion, well, he had it coming. Total dumb ass.
I don't get it.
Even when we went 3-8 under the idiot Blake, I didn't surrender all common sense to make a point.
That's just well, we're right back to stupidity.
Although the whorns from OrangeBloods no longer take their comedy revue on the road, you can still catch the all-clowns-all-the-time act on their free board.

I especially recommend this one:
Crazy People Bark at the Moon, in which the same non-football-knowin' eejits who lectured the world on how they were going to beat Notre Dame now explain how they are going to defeat TCU. The key elements in TCU's upcoming loss are the strange beliefs that the whorns' offense is better than Texas Tech's (because, you know, No. 111 is just better than No. 5) and that the tea sippers' defense is also better than TCU's. The logic they employ to arrive at these conclusions is too subtle and complex -- and incomprehensible -- for me to grasp, so you'll have to decipher it on your own.
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Medic, you forgot that Mr Jaggedhorninok called you out as well. He said and I quote.... I can hold my own in a fight. And this guy says he's a grown Man? This is the same guy that makes a comfy 6 figure income and his wife is a model. Self promotion on a sports message board tells the entire story of what ones posting intentions are for so called sports topics.
I stop by every few days to see what's up but taking a new role at work has occupied a lot of my time. As for my Horns, beat them while you can. There is a lot of talent that is having to grow up fast and they are getting better every game. I have said all along we are still one good class away. The majority of the best players on this team are freshman and sophomores, and they are the foundation for the future.

Nine days to Dallas!
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As for my Horns, beat them while you can. There is a lot of talent that is having to grow up fast and they are getting better every game. I have said all along we are still one good class away. The majority of the best players on this team are freshman and sophomores, and they are the foundation for the future.

The beauty of this is that someday, we'll be able to say that your new head coach [insert name here] won with Charlie Strong's players. And you'll hear it over and over and over -- even fifteen years later. ;)
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OB = Excuse factory. And the excuses change by the week. I hope they don't win another game all season. In fact, I'm convinced the incessant whining and complaining will inherently open a sink hole under Austin and swallow them whole. :p
We need them over here. You guys will get bored as hell without them lol

No way do we "need them over here" nor will "You guys get board without them...."

Actually, I've enjoyed their absence the last few weeks and could stand some more of it. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. F texass. Stay gone. The board is better off without 'em.

Besides, there is enough animosity on this board between Sooners, so why do we need horn a-holes coming over? They add nothing to the conversation except to remind us of their core values and superiority. I find most, if not all of them as arrogant, hyporcritical and a general waste of time.
The quality of a sports board, like the quality of coeds at OU, goes up and down.

It's a natural law that quality rises as Bongwhorns recede.