Why is everyone stopping at Briles? The priggish Ken Starr never showed any initiative to do jack squat about something whose buck stops with him. He strikes me as the kind of dweeb who can't look at his naked wife with the lights on...much less say the word r-a-p-e. His cowardice is what has allowed what has happened in Waco, to happen. But judge for yourself on his dealings with one of the rape victims, in her words:
"A year ago Saturday, I sat in the audience and watched as my rapist walked across the stage, shook Ken Starr's hand, and received his diploma. I felt sick, but I still had faith....I then met in person with Ken Starr, not to bicker with him about my case, but to explain how it was indicative of a system-wide failure. He told me he "believe[d] there to have been a mis-adjudication of justice in [my] case," and would look into it and get back to me. He never did. I waited for months. In February, when the Elliott case hit ESPN, I wrote a blog post explaining Baylor Title IX's systematic failure (
"I Was Raped At Baylor and This is My Story.")
The next day, Ken Starr emailed me and told me that there was nothing he could do about my case according to "University policy", but that he greatly admired my courage in telling him my story. Well, for him to believe I have courage, it means he believes my story is true. And him telling me he couldn't help me was a lie - Title IX policy specifically states that the President has final say over all cases. So he believed me, and then lied to avoid helping me.....
My University is now learning what rape survivors know so well - stay silent, lest you be damned. The only difference is that they deserve it, and we don't."
From the ending of her original rape post:
"When I asked Ken Starr in our meeting if he had seen "The Hunting Ground," a documentary on rape on college campuses (Baylor is featured), and explained that I felt it adequately expressed student victims' struggle, he said 'No, I can't stomach those sorts of things.'"