Taking The Points


Sooner starter
Aug 16, 2009
Once again a coaches gamble would cost his team a game. In the Miami - Va Tech game with the Hokies up by 10 (27-17) they faced a 4th and 3 inside the Miami 20. Instead of kicking the field goal they attempted to fake it and turned the ball over on downs. At that point had they taken the points they go up 30-17 ( High pct FG ). Miami later in the game would come back to take the lead 38-34 and Tech drove down for one last try from like the Miami 30 for the hail mary. It would be a controversal ruling as it appeard the VTU player caught the ball in the end zone but replay overturned the call on the field that was ruled a TD. (tough call to make even on the replay) The point is had VTU taken the points in the 3rd QTR a FG wins this game for them and the hail mary wouldn't have been needed if the score had been 38-37 at that point.

This has been a trend this season from many games I have watched in which the coaches are going against the grain of taking the points ( of course they are never given when you talk about FG ) and it ends up costing them the game at the end. I really hope come Saturday vs Auburn the Sooner coaches have noticed this trend and go with the grain of taking the points and not against it. With the current situation for OU those 3 points are vital vs coming away with 0.

What are your thoughts on this as a fan?