Pokies or Sad Cows?
That's no way to talk about the next president....unfortunately.Perhaps neither. The moniker just might be applicable to Hillary supporters. Eye of the beholder?
Boomer Sooners
Either way you spin it, the choices are pathetic.I'm surprised the Wildcat hasn't posted the same topic on Orangebloods, as he/she is known to do. But since some are making this political....
I think the stupidest fan base have proven time and time again to be the followers of the Orange-faced, Thin-skinned, Hypocritical, Xenophobic Bigot. The Pant Suit is going to crush him in November and the Repubs will have no one to blame but themselves when Hillary is the POTUS.
As for fan bases, I would say texas fans are among the most arrogant, but stupid? No one needs or deserves to be stereotyped as stupid.
I think the stupidest fan base have proven time and time again to be the followers of the Orange-faced, Thin-skinned, Hypocritical, Xenophobic Bigot. The Pant Suit is going to crush him in November and the Repubs will have no one to blame but themselves when Hillary is the POTUS.
Good for scotus.I suppose based on today's immigration ruling, you think the U.S. Supreme Court is bigoted too. lol.
This sums it up pretty well. I don't know if a Trump presidency will be a good thing or end up being a complete train wreck. But I would be willing to try 4 years of Trump over 4 more years of the Clintons being in office. Hillary Clinton is literally the epitome of political trash. What's really sad though, is a poll done not long ago and how many people said they would still vote for Hillary even if she was indicted over the email investigation. That just shows how politically brainwashed some people have become in this country.Not denying what you posted about the Repub candidate. Some might suggest, however, that the Dems alternative is the terrorist embracing, gender manipulative, hypocritical, faith loathing, slow thinking, treasonous, coattail grabbing, narcissistic, money grubbing, incompetent, morally bankrupt, socialist, and media supported lying bigot. In other words, politics as usual? Lesser of the two evils kinda thing?
I agree it's the longhorns, they live in the past, deny the present
and hoping things get better in the future. Last but not least
they SUCK !!!!!!
Presidential election 2016: the republican candidate should be in a looney bin and the democrat should be in jail.
No need to read then. It may just be too over the top for you. JK!Wow FtWorth. Reading is hard.
BBR, I have not posted on OB in over two months, nor will I post on
OB ever again. It came to the point I could no longer disagree with the other
OB posters without getting reamed because I was a Sooner fan.
So you horns can have your love fest all you want.
Oh I know iasooner1, I have the utmost respect for 22 and he's a good guy. As you post, he's a man usually of few words. I've never met him in person but I would imagine that he could silently, but intensely, stare one down to the point of them soiling their britches.Trust me Ft Worth, 22 could lay out a plan, affect positive change in as little one sentence if he dared to name names and/or take prisoners, all before 6am if he so chose...
Oh I know iasooner1, I have the utmost respect for 22 and he's a good guy. As you post, he's a man usually of few words. I've never met him in person but I would imagine that he could silently, but intensely, stare one down to the point of them soiling their britches.
He's as smart as it comes along with JCon (both engineers, I believe), Sybarite, WP76, CTOkie, fitty, Medic and many, many others who currently post here.
One doesn't routinely mess with someone who is armed to the teeth (both in knowledge and weaponry), has an itchy trigger finger if provoked, and is a crack shot. Even Chuck Norris runs away when conflict between the two appears inevitable.
Boomer Sooner
I'm surprised the Wildcat hasn't posted the same topic on Orangebloods, as he/she is known to do. But since some are making this political....
I think the stupidest fan base have proven time and time again to be the followers of the Orange-faced, Thin-skinned, Hypocritical, Xenophobic Bigot. The Pant Suit is going to crush him in November and the Repubs will have no one to blame but themselves when Hillary is the POTUS.
As for fan bases, I would say texas fans are among the most arrogant, but stupid? No one needs or deserves to be stereotyped as stupid.
It's Arkansas fans...hands down!!! They are the most delusional as well. You can't really understand it until you've lived in an area that is overrun with Arky fans. I would have never believed just how bad they are until I experienced it myself.