I don't know, but I suspect that in these circumstances, they use a lot of local guys to work the games. People don't know this, but a large part of what officials get paid is their travel expenses. So using Hawaiian officials save a lot of money in an event that doesn't make much.
The tech they called on an OU backup in the first half was ridiculous. You wouldn't call that in a high school game and surely not in a college game. Two of those officials looked like they were in their 20s. No way they had the experience necessary to work a quality college basketball game.
That was just nasty looking. And we had calls on us on one end that weren't seen in the other half court. I don't know what the final foul shot totals were, but when I got mad and quit watching at half time, we'd shot three free throws and they were in double digits. I also think that with the jet lag, that it showed up a lot more on the second night (afternoon?), when we tipped off less than 24 hours later. Even shorter for them, but they weren't dealing with six hours of jet lag.
I'm still trying to figure out why we made one trip to Hawaii two weeks ago, and another for the last two days and one more. Over 16,000 miles just on those two round trip flights.