Bases loaded one out. Wodach throwing the ball back to Parker throws it into center. run scores. Where is the infielder back up. Parker walks the hitter. Pop out.
Bases loaded for Tulsa, two out. Two Sooner errors in the inning.
Parker went 3-0 on the seventh and eighth hitter.
Mendes strikes out on a change up.
Clifton grounds out to pitcher Watson.
Knighten grounds to 3rd.
1-0 Tulsa, after 1.
Bases loaded one out. Wodach throwing the ball back to Parker throws it into center. run scores. Where is the infielder back up. Parker walks the hitter. Pop out.
Bases loaded for Tulsa, two out. Two Sooner errors in the inning.
Parker went 3-0 on the seventh and eighth hitter.
Mendes strikes out on a change up.
Clifton grounds out to pitcher Watson.
Knighten grounds to 3rd.
1-0 Tulsa, after 1.
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