Someone please post the link to GoFundMe

I've met him a couple of times. If I thought his antics were not sincere, I would want him muffled.
But, from the times i have been fortunate enough to meet and visit with him, his enthusiasm is genuine.
As long as it is genuine, then I will be the Soonah to his every Boomah, even if it is during the Heisman presentation.
Boomah, Billy.
Billy has a Permanent Pass on that one...It's Expected, and might even be missed, in some quarters, if he didn't deliver...I'm not wishing more people would give The Shout Out, but I do wish everyone ENJOYED Life as much as it seems that Silly Bims does...That's what my sons called him when we first started taking them to games and they were just learning to talk...It stuck!

He has earned the right to Represent however he wants, when and where he wants, and will always be a Fan Favorite!
that keeps Billy Sims away from the Heisman ceremony. Thank you.

Leave Billy alone.

Billy Sims is, well, BILLY SIMS! One of the greatest SOONER running backs in OUr history, oh, he belongs there and it WILL make the night for the espin network and will be exciting for me to see him and BAKE making the highlight reels. I'm looking forward to it, imo.
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I had the pleasure of delivering an item to Billy from one of my Miama connections when he was opening one of his bbq spots in Sand Springs a few summers back. Cool man, Sooner Legend and Heisman

Hmm , delivering an item and a Miami connection? What exactly was that item?

Just kidding with you Ia. He can shout Boomer as loud as he wants as far as Im concerned.
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Hell to the no on the u ! Miama or miamuh, OK. My Owens connection 'native American' artist that works for my Dad still (HS chum of the Owens fam) sent a hat with me that BS wanted or some such

My wife worked with an individual who was a friend of his and high school mate. He got me an autographed picture of Steve for me. I met Steve once in Waco at a Baylor -OU game ( in the mid 90s) and I was very impressed with him. Very cordial and treated us all with respect and talked with us about 15 minutes like he had known us his entire life.

Its not everyday you get to meet and talk to a person you grew up watching.
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