Softball: Sooners walk it off in B10 3-2 on Aviu's two run double.


Sooner starter
Oct 20, 2002
Plano, TX
Through four, no hits for the Sooners. Bunt single to lead of the game for Baylor, none since.

Parker has retired ten straight.

Selman's only baserunner allowed was Parker in B3.
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Sooners get first and third with two outs on a walk and an error, but Pendley fouls out to deep left. Still no hits for OU through four.
Baylor gets a two out walk, but nobody to scoring position. OU has been anemic at the plate so far. We're better defensively, but Baylor has swung a little better. Still no score Mendes leading off in B5.


OU gets their first hit on Arnold's two out single, but Hatfield pops to third.
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Bunt single to lead off for Baylor, but after a strikeout, Wodach throws her out stealing. Parker gets another K. No score after five and a half.


Best swing of the game is a one out single for Knighten, but three easy in the air she doesn't move up.

Heading to T7.
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Lowary replaces Parker in the 7th

This weekend gonna be a dog fight
0-0 Top 7
Patty's line up and early change has put her in a lineup bind, because Parker was in the batting order.. Lowary replaces Parker after a one out hit. Lowary gets a strike out of a right hand batter without the shift on. Still no score. Runner on first, now two out .

Soft liner to short and we'll head to B7, 0-0


Sooners go in order on a fly out and two K's. Parker re-entered to hit for Lowary, we assume. Apparently not. Lowary is back in the circle.
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Baylor gets a run in T9 on Arnold's error at short. a stolen base, and their best hitters' bloop to right.

The Sooners tied it in B9 on Romero's single, and sacrifice. THen Mendes doubled off the wall in center. She got doubled off on a bad base running error.

Baylor regained in T10 on a lead single, stolen base and two out single to center.
Arnold led of B10 with her third hit. She was forced by Dalton for the first out. Then after a high pitch on 2-0 was called a strike, Clifton took 3-2 closer but called ball four. Knighten's soft liner to right was the second out. But Aviu sliced a liner past the Bears' left field and Clifton followed Dalton and beat the tag with a strong slide and OU wins game one of the most important series of the season so far. Sooners 3, Bears 2.

Baylor is riding one pitcher, and LSU transfer who was excellent until her pitch count got up in the 120s in extra innings. Her name is Selman.

Great win. Sooners gave up a run in the top of the ninth and tenth, but came back to tie it and then win it.

Double header tomorrow. Hard to imagine Kelsee Selman can pitch both in tomorrow.
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Plaino, great reporting! When Gasso replaced the ace pitcher I thought what the heck's going on? I never could figure out OU's outfield shifting around. Clue me in.

Rare at my house. My spouse sat glued to the TV for the extra innings. Heck, I got a feeling she may be watching again with me tomorrow. I think she really enjoyed watching.
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You asked. The details are involved and complicated.

Patti inadvertantly got herself in a bind. Usually, the DP hits and the pitcher only does that. But the DP, unlike the DH can hit for anybody. Wodach is nursing still some wrist/hand issues with her throwing hand, and she threw okay today, but I think they want to be careful having her swing the bat and messing with her throwing hand. So they DP'd for her at catcher. So they hit Parker, which is fine, though Paige clogs up the bases. We have most of the team who could outrun Paige going two bases than Paige can, one. She might have trouble scoring from second on some doubles, especially with two outs. She is painfully slow.

Patty needs Wodach in the lineup, because Dalton is not going to throw out many true base stealers, and Baylor has a bunch of them.

I thought Patty got impulsive today, and I believe it unnerved her team a little. First, after Dalton, batting leadoff, took called strike three in her first two at bats, Patty who is trying to get her batters to be more agressive pulled her from the game to start the fourth inning. She went to Hatifled, her only senior and removed Dalton.. That messed with the pre game switch plan, if she changed pitchers. Lowary doesn't hit.

So, to have the DP hit for Lowary, she had to swap pitcher and catcher at the same time, when she decided, with just the third base runner Parker had given up, in the sixth, to bring in Lowary, she had to bring in back up catcher Hannah Sparks, who isn't hitting a buck fifty, I don't think. She couldn't bring Dalton in, because she couldn't replace Wodach in the lineup. She could only return Dalton by removing Hatfield. That's the way the re-entry rule works.

And when Hannah was due up, with a runner on late, she replaced her, with Parker, whom she'd replaced in the batting order.. That meant Wodach could only return by replacing Lowary. She didn't want to go there, so her only available catcher was re-entering Dalton, but that meant that Hatfield had to leave. Hatfield is kind of the key to the shift, because she can play infield and outfield reasonably well. But Dalton had to catch. It meant that the only real outfielder she had available was playing Aviu, her starting DP.

I'm a rulesnik. But I've never totallly understood all the nuances of the college DP rule. Still not sure how Aviu could play the field, and Lowary not have to hit. And how Paige could keep hitting as the DP, and Lowary still pitch.

And I still contend that it would all work better if they left Arnold and short and Clifton at second on the shirt, and bring the outfielder in to play in the 3-4 hole.

I understand why they'd hit for Wodach, rather than the pitcher. But if they're going to do that, it's a bad idea to pull Dalton before the game is half over. I don't think they'd thought through all of the scenarios.

It's funny in retrospect, but I wondered if they'd use the shift against Friudenberg or not. She surely has a bat quick enough to pull the ball, which would be a disaster. with a runner at second and two outs, no score, they threw the first pitch with the shift, then figured they'd go back to normal. She pulled an inside pitch foul for the first strike, confirming the decision to no-shift her. The irony is that the little flair she hit that scored the first run, would have been a ball you or I could have caught if we were playing where the extra infielder is in the shift. Which is why they play it. But the shift was off, allowing her to tie it.

The back and forth shifting during the game, is because they were concerned about a couple of things. I suspect they understood there'd be times when Aviu played shift shortstop. She did early in the year when they first used it. But she also has a lot more experience playing right, rather than left. And it's not a small thing, especially in this kind of game. So they originally had Aviu in left, because when Dalton went behind the plate, Aviu was replacing Hatfield defensively. And she'd been playing left, then shifting up to short. But Mendes can play both corner outfield spots equally well. And if they're shifting, she's going to be in center. And when they're not shifting, then leftie hitters are much more likely to hit to leftfield, so her speed over there makes a lot more sense.

Besides. Screwing with Michelle Smith's scorecard is a worthwhile thing.