Section 22's Last Stand...

Sunburnt Indian

Sooner starter
Gold Member
Nov 7, 2001
Edge of the Comancheria
Section 22 made a valiant last stand in an effort to revive a soft and vanilla forum. nail, poliforum

A list of former fierce warriors was attached. Many I had forgotten.

Section22 would probably qualify for a visitor's seat at the Kiowa Medicine Lodge, as would Chairman Pacheco.
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You've smoked way too much peyote in your day, Sunburnt.

Nah, you just have to learn the art of communicating in "Smoke Signals".

Here's your first lesson.............

Never eaten the ayahuasca myself, but I have smoked DMT once and had a breakthrough. It was amazing. It made my interest pique for a longer version.
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Yeah, I'm forgetting my pharmacology, is it the mescaline that gets you 'off'?

DMT - dimethyltryptamine - is a chemical your brain produces and saves in large quantities for a rainy day, your death. It's all released at once.

The hallucinogenic effect is so strong, this chemical is commonly explained as the reason for near death experiences. Some say that's all it is, others say that the chemical is just the transition catalyst for your soul to the next plane.

It's hallucinogenic effects are stronger than acid, peyote, mescaline, shrooms, etc... It's incomparable.

Smoking it gives you an intense, 5-15 minute trip. No hangover, no after effects.

Native Americans, mostly South Americans I believe, discovered the natural production of it in a root or something that needs to be combined with a special oil to extract it from the root. Don't quote me on that, this is old memory. The mixture makes a tea that is commonly drank for either medicinal purposes or ritualistic by shamans, ayahuasca (why-uh-ha-skuh). You hallucinate and puke for hours on end instead of minutes.

I've read of heroin rehab facilities in Mexico that treat their patients with ayahuasca and they are cured of their physical addiction in a day. It's like the trip is so dramatic that it resets the brain instantly. Normal rehab methods require weeks of painful withdrawals.