Sad Day for us Philly and Sooner folks.
A very sad day. I grew up in Oklahoma City. Tommy McDonal was my boyhood hero. In my backyard I would pretend to be Tommy. I had a white shirt that I put over my shoulder pads and a cheap old white helmet. I would be Jimmy Harris taking an snap and pitching the ball up in the air to myself (Tommy McDonald) and running for touchdowns. That backfield of QB Jimmy Harris, FB Billy Pricer, and HB’s Clemson Thomas and Tommy McDonald was one of the greatest backfields in OU history. Tommy played with such great energy and enthusiasm. No matter how hard he was hit he would jump up and run back to where the huddle was to be formed. He should have won the 1956 Heisman. Instead it went to a 1-9 Notre Dame’s Paul Hornug.Sad Day for us Philly and Sooner folks.
Do you know Ray Didinger?This one hits hard...He was one of MY Guys...He and his Beautiful Wife, Ann, Miss Oklahoma, 1955, lived beneath us @ Parkview Apartments. We all had 'Sunday Night Suppers' together. We grilled 'burgers, and everyone brought their own Beef Patties...We were all too broke to 'Treat' the others...Tommy was such a Huge Part of those 'Best of Times' Memories...
Rest Well, #25...
Ray Didinger is an NFL hall of fame sports writer who was friends with Tommy from his playing days in Philadelphia.Not that I remember, RTLH...
Probably the most popular player at OU during the Wilkinson era.Sad Day for us Philly and Sooner folks.
Thank You, kc...Tommy was a BIG Part of 'Life in the Magic Circle...Sorry to hear this news, and the loss of a friend Senior Sooner.
You're not alone.I’m hurting. Tommy is my all time favorite Sooner. I met him when I was in high school. He worked in the off season with one of my classmate’s dad. It was the greatest time of my young life, and no other Sooner great I’ve had the pleasure of knowing ever topped that afternoon with Tommy. Of course, I know he never gave another thought after that, but for about 45 minutes he made us all feel like we were friends. I’m crying, and not ashamed to admit it. RIP, Tommy. Always a REAL SOONER!